Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The room was absolutely more than I could ever imagine. It had been completely transformed and beautifully decorated. The tables

had been moved and all chairs lined and it was absolutely packed with all members in attendance. The color theme was a navy and soft

pink with trims of glitter. Everyone who accomplished this went above and beyond my expectations.

We stood in the opened double doorway as Everest allowed me to take in my surroundings for a breif moment. I looked at all of the

people who were standing but their heads bowed out of respect as we passed by. We made our way up to our traditional thrones as they

sat on the raised stage. Members of the high council sat on either side of the thrones. As we walked up on the stage, they stood and

walked over to us. One of them motioned as a case with a very expensive and elaborate looking crown sat in a case. Another brought out

a deep red antique cloak that had white trim along it and held onto it. Another brought a thick dark red pillow and placed it a few feet

away from me.

The highest council member, Sebastion, began reading scriptures from a very old book. Some of it was based off the Territories

history about the great war that split and divided the lycans and wolves between north and south. How in this very moment history itself

was being made because of the North and South coming together in working towards the greater good with the accompany of even a

witch. I saw Miranda’s face flush in the crowd at the mention of herself. Then he turned to me and Everest let my hand go, and I stepped

forward as he had motioned me to do so.

Sebastion then motioned to the pillow and began after I had kneeled onto the pillow, “Avalynn from this day forth do you swear by

the Goddess above to protect this pack, do right by this pack, lead by example, follow the king, support the king, and do everything in

your power to be the leader you were born to be?”

“Yes, I agree.” I stated.

“In the hard times, in war, when sickness plagues the lands we call our home, do you pledge here, in front of all of the wolves, lycans,

the king, and council members to lead to the best of your capability?” He looked down to me.

“Yes, I agree.” I said again.

“When times are rough and days turn into weeks and weeks to months do you pledge to always be that glimmer of hope for the

territory to see a brighter future that is ahead by any means necessary?” He asked the final questions.

“Yes I do.” Seemed like these all needed to be updated but who am I to go off changing these to modern times.

“From this day, let it be known that she is now named Queen Avalynn of the Northern Territory. May her reign be long, fruitful, and

forever blessed by the Moon Goddess above!” His voice raised to ensure everyone could hear him. He placed the delicate crown on top of

my head. To my surprise the crown fit me perfectly. Almost as if it was made to sit there. I happened to glance up and Sebastion had a

knowing look on his face. I was sure it was nothing though.

Everest helped me up to stand as he placed the cloak around my shoulders. He led me to our thrones as we sat and then cheering

erupted throughout the great hall. Everest leaned in to kiss me as everyone bowed their head and kneeled to their new Queen.

Eyerest was still by my side as he addressed the crowd of people, my people, our people, “Ladies and gentlemen..” He paused as everyone was standing back up, allowing them a moment, “dinner, dancing, and entertainment awaits! It is a perfect evening for a crowning celebration. Eat and enjoy your evening!”

I stepped in “Because your Queen commands it.”

As we walked out to the crowd together, many people were happy and congratulated myself and Everest on how wonderful I truly

was. Some congratulated me on how well I had been handling the current situations at hand. With the kidnapping, the three brothers,

helping evacuate packs, and even forgiving the Southern Kings mated witch.

I know some did not understand but knowing how she was a Lycan Kings mate made her pretty untouchable in our world. The only

ones who can punish her would be her mate or Everest and we were already fighting one war, we didn’t need to fight two at once.

“We are going to have to explain to the pack in further detail once this is over. They will understand it eventually, even though they

don’t now.” Charlotte’s thoughts drifted through my mind.

Dinner and dancing was happening as we walked to our table. I stopped and smiled at the table. The placement was beautifully elegant topped with white roses, navy tablecloths with a silver laced trim and soft pink napkins. Our thrones must have been moved

because now here they sat.

Everest led me to my spot next to him and pushed my chair in as I sat down. He took his spot next to me and our dinner was served.

We happily ate and talked amongst ourselves. After a few minutes passed a play started up on a raised stage.

It was the entertainment. It showed, how they the people, interrupted our love story. It hit the high points and avoided anything too Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

terrible. It showed a couple who were madly and blindly in love with one another. How the Queen rose to greatness during battle and

saved her people from a horrible fate.

When it was over I clapped and cheered the actors and actresses who put on the show. I sat back and dessert was served.

“We should go on a run along the forest edge, the entire Kingdom can join in. It will be magical.” Charlotte said.

“Oh, that sounds like a marvelous idea, Charlotte. I will link to ask him. If he thinks it is a bad idea, I don’t want others to hear and get their hopes up.” I told her.

“Oh. Smart thinking. Hurry and ask, lam itching to get out and run and stretch my leg and just have so much fun!” She sounded very

excited and happy.

I smiled and linked Everest “So Charlotte and I were wondering if we could get everyone in on a run.”

He glanced over to me and smiled, linking me back “I believe that would be a fantastic idea. We can stay close to the treeline and not venture past our warriors who are doing perimeter runs. Let us go ahead and announce it. Some need to change and prep so they don’t ruin their clothes.”

“Oh, can/ announce it?” I asked excitedly and he nodded.

I stood up at the table when the music finished playing and walked around the front of our table. People were talking amongst

themselves or just finished dancing waiting for another song to play.

I cleared my throat, as I was a little nervous to address the entire room. The room went instantly silent and I smiled inside at how

they just knew something was about to happen. Maybe we can call it their instinct and ties to their leaders, possibly.

“I really hope that everyone here is enjoying this evenings activities. As I have become your Queen I would like to offer a kingdom

wide from the North and South a unified pack run. Lycan and wolves to run together under tonight’s clear bright moon lit sky. Northern

and Southern Territories to unite in a run not only to show how unified we truly are but to let our beasts out to run, stretch, and play!

know that there have been a lot, and I mean a lot of mates who have found one another since we have all come together. Let’s unite

together on this run! Be back and ready to go in one hour. We will follow our king as he will be leading the run along with Myself and King

Brent for the Southern Territory.”

Excitement was felt throughout the entire room. People stood to leave the room in a hurry and I was almost afraid that I had started

a small mob. Everests voice boomed behind me “Please everyone, do not rush the doors, you have an hour to change clothes and be

back. That is plenty of time.” Everyone slowed down and walked instead of rushing or running out the door.

Everest was standing next to me as he placed his hand on the small of my back “Want to go get changed?”

“Yes, I would like to be more comfortable.” I told him.

We waited for everyone to be pretty much cleared out when we made our way up to our room. We walked with Brent and


“So what is this?” She asked me,

“It like a pack run. But this one is much larger than a traditional run. Lycans usually just shift and run. Wolves can but they like to do

it in big youps. It makes the entire pack stronger to run together. It is also a good way to let our beasts run together, play, stretch, and just have fun.”

“Oh.” Miranda had a frown,

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Lobviously can not shift.” She blushed and she looked so sad to not be able to join.

“You may not be able to shift but you can ride.” I told her. I saw Brent look back at us with a smirk.

“Ride? Him? His Lycan beast? You mean like, like a, like a horse?” She laughed causing the guys to snicker.

“Yes, I believe so. You can grip his fur and ride with him. He would not let you fall. It would be a lot of fun.” I laughed with her.

“Oh I don’t know, that makes me very nervous. I can try guess. I just hope that I do not fall off of him” She told me as her eyes


“We will all be running together in the group that leads the whole pack. We won’t let you fall, we will be close knit.” I reassured


“Okay. Thanks. I feel a bit better, I guess.” She smiled and I returned the smile to her.

“See you guys in a bit.” I told them both as we went in the opposite direction to our wing. We walked into our room and changed clothes. Everest helped me out of my dress carefully. His fingers caressed my skin softly, following the curve of my body.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on my mouth.

Thelped him out of his suit, even though he didn’t really need the help. We both put on gym attire and I took down my hair only to

put it up in a high ponytail.

“How can someone look so sexy in a fancy gowh and still just as sexy in work out gear?” He pulled me into his arms with a playful growl, nipping at my ear.

giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t know, but I was wondering the same about you. Just, you know, in a suit and not a gown.”

He let out a good belly laugh. “Oh that would be a site to see. I am sure everyone would love to see that site. Their King in a tight fitting gown. Ahhh. No. That image, I CAN’T!” He laughed at himself before calming as he still smiled at me “Ready to go?”

“I am.” I said excitedly and I could feel Charlotte push forward watching and waiting as patiently as she could.

We took the elevator down to the first floor and joined the others. Once we were sure everyone was there that wanted to or could

attend we began. Everest gave out the rules of not wandering off too far and do not cross past the perimeter warriors for safety


We all shifted and took off to the woods. We ran as a full group for the first thirty minutes. Everyone spread out more and done their

own thing once the signal was given that you can split. Charlotte glanced over to Miranda who was clutching Brent’s lycans fur for dear

life but looked like she was having a blast. For some reason that made me very happy.

We ran and all played with one another. Our Lycans playing the child’s game of tag with the rules of not being able to go after our

mates. We were all connected and could sniff them out easily.

We ran down to the the river, splashing around and having a great time. We ran along the coastline with speed and ease before

turning around and heading back. As much fun as we were having we didn’t want to stay out too late,

Tomorrow was still coming and we still had training to do. We would be moving towards Sir Brennons pack, it was determined

earlier, Tuesday at dawn. Only a handful of days to perfect my moves. Saturday was going to be a full day off. To give everyone a day of

rest same with having Monday afternoon off.

I felt Charlotte’s sadness as we were preparing to shift back into my human form and reminded her that tomorrow and Sunday there

would be lycan traning and she perked up. She was extremely excited to be able to utilize her skills,

We shifted and returned back to bedroom. We took our showers together and washed the dirt off one another. We slid into our silk

bed sheets after we dried off and i drifted off to sleep in his arms. Tomorrow will be another busy day of preparing for the war that is to come.

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