Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Everything seemed to move quickly after we left the council meeting. Mr. Wilde was in custody, we touched base with Sarah and told her what had happened with her distant cousin. She hung her head and sighed

“It was something I was ashamed of.I am very sorry for the headache my family including myself has caused you both.”

When we left there we went down to the training grounf where they were loading up the vehicles. I felt Charlotte stirring inside, itching to get out, ‘Soon you will be running amd let free. We will get our revenge on that bastard.’ I promised her.

After we finished helping in loading our SUV we walked to the training grounds where our warriors were waiting for us. They were instructed to bring a backpack filled with necessary items for a very long trip. When we walked in together heads were bowed and the room quickly went silent as a sign of respect towards us. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop in the far corneres of the room. You could feel everyone was anxious to know what was going on and where we were going. We did not give them much information to go off of. Jameson and Amber were already there waiting for us to arrive. I gave them both a quick smile as we walked by them and to the center stage. They followed right behind us and walked towards the stage.

The tension in the air was thick, so thick you could cut it with a knife. As we passed by the warriors I felt their eyes on us. We walked up on the stage and I looked around, a three-sixty view of our strongest, most capable, and bravest warriors. I was proud of them and I said a quick silent prayer to the Moon Goddess to keep all of us safe during our extraction mission.

I listened to Everest as he began speaking to our group, his voice booming across the crowd, “Thank you everyone for joining us on such short notice. I know that rumors have been flying around. We are

here to not only inform you of what we are doing here today but to catch you all up to speed.”

I listened as my eyes scanned the room. Several, well most were listening and paying close attention, hanging onto Everests every word. Some was looking at me curious, which was understandable considering I have not been formally introduced to the Kingdom until now.

“As you may know me and a few warriors and surrounding packs went on a mission recently to retrieve my mate and your now Queen.” Everest looked over to me for a moment before turning back to the warriors. He walked in the wide circle, including every single person in the room on his speech.

“Dexter from the Southern Territory has went Rouge and become very dangerous. He killed his own father and attempted to murder his very own brother. Dexter is responsible for the murder of my father, the two guards, helping with the escapee Ryder to be set free, the young Lycan clerk worker at the clothing store, the two male warriors in my security detail, and the kidnapping of my mate, your Queen, Avalynn. He is trying to over throw our Kingdom, our territory. When he is done with us he plans on overthrowing his brother in the south. The mission was successful in returning Avalynn but also a failure when Dexter was able to escape.”

Everest paused and looked out at the crowd as they were digesting the information they received. You could feel the anger in them. I walked up now to speak, I don’t know where it came from but I needed them to hear from me. I knew what Everest was wanting to say to them.

“Warriors today we ask you here, ready to carry out another mission with us. The road ahead may be dangerous make no mistake of that. Dexter has licked and cleaned his wounds and is back at it again. He is moving through the eastern coast of our territory. He is killing innocents who refuse to work with them and their families. He’s pushing towards the Lycan pack of Sir Brennon who is making threats, haf infiltrated the Lycan Packs Council members. He is threatening to help Dexter, over throw your King, and kill every person standing in their way. Now I ask you in this time of need to help us rescue these families who are in the direct path of their destruction to conquer what is yours what is ours. This may

be a rescue mission but we could very well clash with Sir Brennon or Dexter along the way. So stay aware, be alert, and never let your guard down.”

I stepped back and looked at the crowd in front of us. I had walked circles around the stage as I talked to the crowd. I looked now as they all discussed what was going on. They were angry, furious, and ready to fight for the cause. I was proud of them all, as they were ready to put their life on the line to help others. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Everest took my hand in his and whispered “Good job my love. You have inspired them today. They will follow you through hell fire now.” He let my hand go and stepped up to the group. He raised his hands and silence was soon brought through the crowd of people. “Warriors, during this journey we will be bringing warrior wolves and Lycans with us. As we speak now Avalynns brother Alpha Josh and Luna Claire are on their way here to help out with our people in our absence. I have already hand picked thirty or so warriors to stay behind to help protect, serve, and direct incoming fleeing families. Word is that some have already fled looking for protection. The hotels around are already aware and have open doors ready to serve. Everyone will be meeting outside in the next hour. We have a team of SUVs to carry what we need along the way. We also have another team of SUVs to carry back the weak or the elderly and children who can not shift. See you all in an hour. If you have questions please see either myself, Jameson, or Ted. Ted will be leaving with the scouting team in thirty minutes.” He stepped back and everyone started filtering out of the room one by one.

They spoke amongst theirself as they left. I had a woman approach me, she was tall with long dark hair that was pulled high up in a ponytail. “Queen?” She asked for me.

“Yes?” I didn’t know her name and smiled politely at her.

“I just wanted to say that we all are very thankful for your safety and that you are brave enough to face this monster of a Lycan head on.” I looked past her and several women were standing there and I smiled at them all.

“Thank you. I do believe that he deserves to be brought to justice.” I told the group.

“We agree. I am Angela, these are my close group of friends who are the female trainers. We would like to be your personal security team through this process. When we stop we will help you train and build your skills if you would like.” She bowed her head and I felt excitement run through me.

“Givr me one second to discuss this with my mate, it will have to be his final approval.” I told them. “Just wait right here one second.” I looked over to Everest and he was with Jameson answering questions. I walked over to him and the warriors moved aside as / approached, making room for me to pass.

“Excuse us for a moment please.” I took Everest by the hand and led him away from the group. “So Angela and the group of female warriors have asked, well volunteered to be my personal security team and to help train when we are able to along the way.” I told him and he smiled.

“Really? That’s impressive. Angela is hard-core and the best female warrior we have. The women trainers we have are the best around, I feel that you would be completely safe in their care. They’re hard-core and vicious, you could learn a lot in just a small amount of time. If it is what you want then do it.” He kissed my head.

“So you approve?” I looked up to him.

“I do, but do you approve of them?” He questioned and I nodded my head. “Then go tell them the good news.” — I walked off to them and Amber had join the group. I remembered seeing her when we were training and she was pretty bad ass herself. Of course she would know them I thought to myself. I approached the group and they all looked at me.

“So?” Amber said excitedly. “What did he say?”

“He said the final decision is up to me. That every single one of you are absolute ass kickers and hard- core. With that said I would be honored if you ladies assisted me as my security detail along this mission. Congratulations, ladies! You all have the promotion and title as Royal Security Detail Queens Divison.” I shook their hands and we heard the bell ringing. It was time to head outside.

We looked around and everyone was there and loading up the SUVs with their things. Twelve more SUVs pulled up behind the ones we had. Those must be the transporting team. I realized the scouting team had already slipped off ahead of us. I walked and stood next to Everest as he spoke to the crows again.

“Remember everyone this mission could be dangerous so it is imperative that you keep your eyes and ears open. Anything suspicious needs to be reported through the link immediately. If it is suspicious activity be sure to remaine calm as to not alert them that you know they’re there. A higher rank will be at your side immediately to scout the activity and take action if it is an immediate threat to our group. Make sure when we stop you eat, get your water intake, stretch, and train. Stay focused, stay safe. This mission can not happen without you. Let us shift and begin our mission.” Everest shifted and I shifted with him. We

stood together as we watched everyone shift around us.

When it was finally time and everyone was shifted we began to run to the forest. It sounded like thunder through the woods. Growling, anger, fury, and hatred was felt through our open link. Communication between my security detail had a direct link to myself and to Everest. We ran quickly and efficiently, we were faster than the SUVs who had to stay on the paved roads.

We would reach the pack that was destroyed before nightfall. The SUVs would be pushing ahead to the next pack and begin evacuation of the first pack. We would do our investigation and search for any


We could smell the burning miles out. I felt uneasy as Charlotte ran harder and faster towards the smell. We had adrenalin flowing through our veins. My security team and myself pushed ourselves faster and soon we were pulling away from the pack. As we were reached about two miles out we stumbled upon dead bodies that had clearly been murdered. It appeared to be a family as a mother, children, and a male, probably the father, had deep Claw wounds. Claw wounds to their stomach and throats to ensure they died. I closed my eyes as we squat down to them. The direction they were headed was toward the kingdom.

I felt a tear stream down our cheek as I looked at the children.

Charlotte let out a growl as Everest and his team came next to us and I linked for us to keep moving. I feared that we would not find any survivors if this was what he was doing. We began running again. We passed more dead bodies along the way, these families were fleeing to safety and I felt that we had failed them.

When we approached the gates of the pack we approached cautiously. Although Ted and his scout team has been here, they didn’t search the entire place. They deemed it safe for us to enter but that goes without saying that no one reentered the place after they left, going to the next pack.

We sat still and listened for any movements or displacement for what felt like an hour but was really only a few minutes. Only thing that could be heard was the burning and smoldering sound of the packs buildings. We pushed open the gate and I couldn’t believe what we saw. It was the absolute look of a war zone that you would see in pictures. Burned buildings and rubble were everywhere, as far as the eye could see. We had to be extra careful as we walked into the gate. We had to be on the lookout for any traps or explosives. We rounded a corner and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

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