Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Today is the day that the pack learns my brother is the official Alpha of the pack and my bestfriend becomes their Luna. Two ceremonies in one afternoon.

Everything was ready and absolutely perfect. Not a single thing was out of place.

The evening went smoothly and the pack seemed to embrace their new Alpha and Luna. Whispers broke out when Michael told them of the activities Ryder was a part of. I smiled and made small talk among the pack members, many apologizing for any wrong doings or not stepping in. All was forgiven, even though I did believe in protecting the weak.

Claire was a prime example of that and I knew the pack would flourish under her command.

Everest walked to me and the evening was winding down. The wolves I happened to be chatting with bowed their head out of respect. His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me to him. “Would my beautiful mate care to dance?” .

I smiled up to him “I would love to. Excuse me everyone.”

He led me out to the dance floor and put his hand in mine and another around my waist. We slowly danced in the middle of the dance floor. Others who were dancing seemed to naturally move out of our way.

“We have decided to let Alex back in the pack, as long as he completes his year long probation of community service helping those who need it. Then once the year of community service is up the next two years he will be under the watchful eye of Josh and whoever. Josh chooses as his Beta. He will be doing three training sessions daily and teaching the younger pups who are starting out.” His voice was lowered and with the sound of the music if anyone had heard him, it would of been difficult.

“Do basically he is going to be extremely busy.” I said.

“Absolutely, our hope is that he will enjoy training new pups and take that on for the rest of his career.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my mouth and I smiled against his lips. “Thank you for helping me and your brother see a better solution. We will be leaving in the morning to go back home. We have so much work that needs to be done.” He sighed.

“Let us just enjoy this moment, this song, this dance together before tonight ends.” | told him and he pulled me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest as we slowly danced around the room together.

Back home

The plane touched down with a few bumps and went to the direction of our SUVs. Security was thicker than ever. His mother, April, went in her own Suv. She had other vehicles surrounding her and two in front then two behind. Ours followed the two behind her and we had four behind us. All of the SUVs matched in style and color. If anything was to happen it would be hard to tell who was in what.

When we arrived home, our door was opened up and people were all around. Security ushered us inside to where a letter was passed to us. Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

King Everest,

I write this to inform you that if you do not free my daughter Sarah from her prison cell, I will be pulling my men and women from your territory to merge with your enemy. You will then be holding her captive and we will act accordingky. For you to break a spoken bond with my daughter is distasteful and will be your absolute downfall. The w***e, thay you claim to be your mate, should really be properly disposed of at once. You know deep dow she is no Queen, no true Quee. My daughter should be and will be the Queen of her people. Dexter has written me offering Sarah just that.

So it is just the matter of who will be her King? Do not waste time in your decision as you don’t have that much time left. If you choose wrong I will pray that the Moon Goddess have mercy on your soul.

-Sir Brennon”

I watched Everest hand clench the letter and a deadly growl rumbled deep inside him. He passed the note to me as I read it. When I finished it left a frown on my face “Is he that stupid? Sarah was never promised to you?” I looked over to him and Everest hung his head. “Was she?”

“Well not really. We fooled around with one another and she went to functions with me. I never really truly loved her though. It was more lust than anything. We did have an agreement that if neither of us found our fated mate that we would consider the option of marriage. Many, many years from now of course.” He shook his head “This is why she hated you and probably done what she did. She thought if she got rid of you I would just be with her. She thought Dexter wanted you dead, not have you as his mate.”

I rolled my eyes and walked off to my study. I was angry, spitting fore angry. Everest was hot on my heels as I sat down, contemplating on writing him a letter in return. I glared at the sheet of paper in front of me and finally sighed. I laid the pen down and put the paper back up, refusing to stoop to his pathetic level, no matter how angry I was.

“I would hate to be on the other side of that letter. I imagine it would have been pretty nasty.” He chuckled and had an amused look on his face.

“It so would have been the worst F-You note I would have ever written to anyone.” I laughed with him “I just decided to be the bigger person and not stoop to his level.” || sighed.

He sat across from me and crossed his arms “So babe, speaking of, what would you like to do with Sarah?” I honestly think she should die for her roll in the murdering of the King but she may just rot in her cell, never experience outside life again. I would strip her of her titles. Who knows what our people

will decide what is fair, I hope they give her the justice she deserves.” I looked across from him and leaned back in my chair.

“If they don’t, I am king now and can over rule what they decide. Especially considering now her father is threatening people.” The way he was looking at me made my head tilt slightly and smile.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You just look perfect sitting behind that desk and making decisions.” He grinned. “Absolutely beautiful, too.” He sat up and moved closer to my desk before standing. “Anyway want to go visit Sarah? Show her the letter daddy dearest sent?” He grinned.

“Absolutely, I do.” I stood and walked to the door. As I walked past the desk and Everest pulled me to his chest, my back was to him.

He pushed my hair to the side and kissed his mark on my neck and I shivered. Sparks were shooting through me as his hands rested on my hips. He kissed along my collarbone softly and I closed my eyes, leaning my head back, giving him more access to my neck.

“You best stop before we can’t quit.” I turned in his arms and my arms wrapped around him, smiling as he gazed down to me.

“I love you.” He spoke softly and leaned his head down and kissed my forehead softly. He wrapped his arms tighter to me.

“l- I love you.” I stuttered out. I meant each small word and I inhaled his scent.

“Let us go see Sarah.” He let me go but quickly took my hand in his. He guided us out of the room and to the cells.

When we walked to the door that would let us in, a heavy security presence was there. I could smell the stench from here. Cells were no joke there wasn’t showers given everyday here. Hell, you would be lucky to get one every few weeks. It was barbaric really when you thought about it.

We were nothing like the humans who made sure that our criminals had three meals a day, access to activities, and amenities. You had to do something terrible to be here and you would be treated terrible if you were here.

“It is easier if you breathe through your mouth.” Everest looked down at me and I nodded my head a little in understanding.

“I am sure you get used to it after a while.” I looked at some of the guards and they shrugged.

“It gets easier with time, that’s for sure.” He bowed his head as we walked by, walking behind us for any extra protection.

We walked deep into the cell and the only lights were the small lights in between the cell walls. It was dark and damp feeling as I shuddered a little. We finally reached her cell and when I looked at her, I felt sorry for her. Going from a high ranking position to the lowest of lows has to be rough on her. She had lost weight and her clothes were dirty. I let Everest approach her and I stayed back with the guard.

“Everest? You’re here.” I heard hope in her voice as she spoke. “Please let me out.” She begged.

Everest didn’t speak as he watched her. She was on the floor and moved to standing. Her legs were covered in dirt.

“What is that..?” She pointed to his neck and I saw him smirk at her and I wanted to rub it in her face. Instead I tried to kill her with kindness.

“Your father has written you a note.” I interrupted, stepping forward from the shadows. Theld the letter that was given to us in my hand. Everest smiled as I handed it to him. “Well he wrote to us, to give us a warning message and an ultimatum.” I looked at her as I could see the anger rise in her face.

I turned to the guard “Will you please get a change of clothes, warm soapy water, a sandwich and a bottle of water for her?”

“Yes ma’am” He turned to pass along the message and one of the other guards took off quickly.

“Well, what did my father have to say?” She crossed her arms as she watched us both.

“Either I let you go to be a mate with Dexter who I will kill. Or I give up my fated mate and have you as mine.” He stated flatly and then laughed. “Like either of those options are viable options for you. After everything you have said, done, planned, and tried getting away with? Over my dead body.” He growled at her and she took a step back from the silver bars.

“I will, however, lessen whatever your sentence is and show some mercy if you give up some information on what happened in here a few days ago. I know that Ryder was in the cell across the way.”

She looked at the cell across the way and she looked back to the floor. “Yes, I know what happened. No, I don’t think I will tell you anything yet. Until I have it in writing what my stipulations are and I request to see my father.”

“Or I can just skip your trial find you guilty of being an accomplice to murder of the king and kidnapping of the future queen and drag you through the courtyard. Naked I might add, while our people throw whatever at you and tie you up in the middle of the beheading yard for a week before you are put the death.” He shrugged. “It is of course your choice.”

My eyes widened and I looked over at Sarah after hearing my mate. I didn’t think the woman could pale anymore but whatever color was in her face left her completely. I knew she didn’t have any options left.

“Please Sarah, make the right choice here. You’ve made your mistakes but let’s try to right them while we can.” I offered her and she looked at me. I could see the hatred living in her eyes.

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