Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I didn’t really know how to answer him and I stood there with my mouth open like a fool. I only gave a small shrug before Everest cut in and saved me. “She only recently found out she was a Lycan on her birthday earlier in the week.” He began and the Kings eyes widened, darting between us both. “You see she was dropped off during a time of war amongst her people with only a note.”

“A note?” The King asked, a bit confused.

“Yes, it’s packed away with our important documents from the trip. I’ll let you look at it and you may be able to offer more detail? You’ve been around a lot longer and have seen much more than any of us or anyone in that pack.”

“Very well, after dinner we will all discuss important matters. Welcome home son and welcome to your new home, dear.” He offered a bright and warming smile and I felt more at ease.

We walked to our room and when the door was unlocked and opened I stepped inside looking


It was like a large apartment. When you walked in it was a living area with a large sectional and a TV was mounted on the wall, off the living area was a dining space that was open to the kitchen. I left my. things by the door as I walked around looking at things. The kitchen had quartz counter tops that waterfalled to the marbled floor. The cabinets were two-toned with navy and a soft grey. White tile ran along the wall for back splash.

We walked through the rest of my now new home and checked out the spacious bedrooms and the luxurious bathrooms. The tub was so large it was almost the size of a hot tub. I couldn’t wait to get in and test it out. I know Everest saw my excitement because he stood there with a lop sided smile.

“So, if you don’t like how it is decorated, please feel free to decorate it anyway you want. I believe it needs my mates feminine touch. Other than that though, how do you like it?” He pulled me into his


“Its beautiful and very elegant. I love it.” I cuddled into his arms and enjoyed this moment together.

He tilted my chin up to look at him and I gave him a small smile. He was so very handsome with his strong features. He leaned down and captured my lips in a tender kiss. Our lips moved together in one and I felt my lycan purring under his touch. She so wanted to bare his mark on her but we had to wait until it was announced for the entire Kingdom and all the Northern Territories.

It almost felt as if he was seeking approval, but this was just my anxiety talking. I knew this wasn’t true Royals did things by the book and there were protocols in place. We had to have the announcement and my crowning as an official princess then he would be able to mark me.

This would all happen within the next week. It’s unnatural for Lycans to hold back marking their

mates. We, from what I have learned so far, live much longer than wolves. When we turn eighteen our aging slows down due to our supernatural side coming out. Just as wolves live longer than humans we live longer than wolves. So, generally it takes much longer for Lycans to find their mates, rare honestly. The fact that we found one another is a blessing all on its own.

“Are you okay?” He was looking down at me and I nodded my head. “Oh yes, I was just thinking about this next week.” i nervously chewed on my bottom lip. “Oh. I see.” He chuckled before letting me go and helping me settle my things in the room.

“I don’t know what the plan will be but I am sure we will discuss this at dinner?” I raised my brow at him. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, most definitely. Which means you will have to have another formal dress to wear.” He gave me a

lopsided grin,

“Ugh, I hate dress shopping.” I rolled my eyes and hung up the last pair of pants. “Probably need to get appropriate clothing too while I am at it.”

“Sure, take the card tomorrow and get whatever you will need. But for now, let’s get washed up and go down to eat dinner. Sound good?”

“Sounds good.” I ended up getting washed up and changing from comfortable clothing to a pale blue and yellow sundress with flats. It was the nicest thing I owned and compared to his black slacks and button down shirt I felt like I didn’t belong.

I walked back into the bathroom and curled my hair, pinning it halfway back. I done my face with light makeup and I looked at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself that this would have to do, I didn’t grow up with money afterall. I walked back out and was welcomed by his handsome smile.

“Ready?” His hands slid into his pockets and I nodded.

We walked out and down the the dining hall. It was more of a private dining hall and I knew this one was more for family, his second in command and a few guests at most. It was still large but it was still half the size of the formal dining hall. It looked like it could hold hundreds of guests. I held his hand tightly as he led me into the room. Eyes immediately snapped to us and I could feel the power and strength radiating in the room.

As my eyes looked around the room I saw one woman who was smiling happily at us. She was sitting next to Jameson and I returned the smile. Another woman had an expressionless look and I saw her eyes travel down and back up before looking away uninterested.

When we sat down I was between the woman who seemed all too excited to meet me and Everest. We went through greetings and the woman I was sat next to was Amber, Jamesons mate. She was beautiful with long blonde hair, sun kissed tanned skin, green eyes, a sharp nose and she appeared to be tall and curvy. Which Jameson was tall too, appearing to stand well over six feet with Everest taller than


Everyone was happy for Everest to find his fated mate well all except for Sarah. She seemed

indifferent and couldn’t care less about meeting me. Amber and I chatted throughout dinner about where

I came from. We were on the subject of being raised in my wolf pack when Sarah decided to butt into the


“So you’re a wolf? Ha. That’s great. The most eligible Lycan Prince” she made air quotes with her hands, “is ‘mated to a wolf’ and a small one at that. He deserves better than you.” I let out a growl and she flinched away, looking at me shocked. The growl rumbled through the room.

Heads and eyes snapped to me, I never moved from my spot and did not glance around the room. I kept my eyes locked onto her “Is that a challenge?” I growled between gritted teeth.

She regained her composure and shook her head “No not at all.”

“You should learn to hold your tongue around me about my mate unless you want me to rip it from your throat.”

It was complete silence in the room and you could hear a pin drop. Suddenly a hand clapped and the Lycan King let out a laugh.

“Avalynn, dear, don’t worry about her too much. She simply has pined over someone who has never wanted her.” He glared in her direction and I looked over to her and she shrunk back into her seat with her head down.

The rest of dinner went smoothly I finished my story and Amber clung to every word. By the time! finished the story everyone was listening to me. I told them everything that had happened from my birth family leaving me to the day I met Everest and my life changed.

After dinner we went to Everests fathers office to discuss everything and pull out old books from previous wars. The last war was over seventy-five years ago. The war between the small South Eastern Territory and the Southern Territory. The Southern territory was promised the first female born from the King and Queen but when the Princess found her fated mate they allowed her to be marked by him and pulled out of their deal.

This angred the Southern King and war commenced between the two sides. It was a slow and brutal war. The Southern King slowly and surely took over their kingdom. Packs were wiped out over years. They went months in-between their attacks, always retreating. When the Queen became pregnant the attacks suddenly stopped.

When the baby of the King and Queen was only a month old a letter was sent to them.

In the letter it demanded that the king and Queen could stop the war as long as the Princess was promised to one of the Kings sons. The promise should be upheld and their daughter should be sent to the Southern Territory once in school age. Naturally the King and Queen refused and that is when the Southern Territory brought the entire force to their front door.

They killed the King but when they found the Queen she was alone and the daughter was gone. They waited until she crossed back into her Territory to capture her. No one knows if she’s alive or dead.

I had tears running down my face. I may of not known them but their love for me ran deep into my

heart and soul. They acted out of love for me and protected me at all costs. I was angry at the Southern Territory and was glad that the king was dead. He deserved it after what he put my family through.

Everest brought me back to the present when his hand brushed over my own, giving a small grasp. “Avalynn, are you okay?”

My eyes snapped to his and I could feel my mood instantly shift. My anger simmering down and I sighed softly. “It’s just a lot of information to take in.”

“It is understandable. You have been through it all in just a short amount of time. You have been bombarded by a ton of information that should of been learned over a longer period of time.” The King stood and walked over to his window. “You are strong, don’t ever doubt yourself. You may have grown up around wolves and then treated as a human these last few years but you a Lycan. A strong Lycan with endless opportunities and abilities. I hope you begin training alongside our warriors.” He turned and looked over at me.

I nodded my head at him “I would love to, when do we start?”

“Tomorrow morning. Five a.m sharp. If you’re late they’ll make you run ten miles every five minutes. Afterwards you can take a shower and go out with Amber.” Everest patted my arm.

My attention turned to him “Amber is coming?”

“Of course she will be. She knows the best shops to get all of your clothes. She is also the head event planner. She will need to pull all your ideas or your vision together.” He smiled.

“You two best get some rest. It is a busy week.” The King motioned to the door. “It was an absolute pleasure Avalynn.” He smiled at me.

“Thank you for welcoming me into your Kingdom.” I stood alongside of Everest and we made our way back to our apartment.

“Tomorrow I will have you in a lower class to see what skills you have and how well you can fight. We will move you based on your strength and abilities. But for now you’re mine.” He lifted me into his arms and his lips crashed into mine.

We spent the evening in each other’s arms and tangled between the bedsheets. Sleep evaded me at every turn I kept dreaming of a faceless monster who kept to the shadows. Giving me the feeling someone was watching me and feeding him information and details on my where abouts.

I woke just before four in a sweat. I sat up and decided to get myself ready. I was in the middle of changing when I swear I saw a pair of red eyes peering in from a branch. When I did a double take they were gone. I must be pulling what was in my dream out to real life.

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