Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18

Just Kill Her

Just Kill Her

“Don’t worry, I haven’t even started…” Harvey said with a cold smile.

His hand slid from my cheek lower to my collarbones and I sucked in a breath and held it. Slowly, his

hand traveled down my chest as his cold blue eyes held mine. What is wrong with this guy?

“Do you know what we do with women who poke their noses where it doesn’t belong?” he asked as if I

would have any clue about what he was talking about.

I bit my lower lip and refused to reply. Not knowing what he wanted to hear and not having any idea of

what he had in mind, I decided to hold my tongue and keep my peace.

“So, you don’t know. Would you like to find out?” he suggested as his eyes brightened in excitement.

I thought Hayden was twisted to a certain degree, but this man is on a league of his own. Does this run

in the family or in their genes?

His fingers traced its way down my chest to the sensitive space in between my breasts as his eyes

watched my every reaction closely. I stopped breathing in my panic as I turned my head to look away

from him in embarrassment.

“Your skin must be soft here…” he whispered seductively as his hand returned to my collarbone before

dipping down under my clothes.

I could feel the heat of his fingers directly on the skin of my chest and then the top of my breast…

“Stop…please…” I pleaded before I closed my eyes tightly and turned to look the other way.

He’s going to touch my breasts…

Hayden is going to get so angry if he finds out. He’ll end up killing me for sure…

This is so bad. How did I get myself tied up in this situation? I should’ve never come in here…

Once again, I realized that I should have listened to Hayden. Maybe Hayden knew that something like

this would happen if anyone came in here… Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

He told me so many times to stay away from this place, why didn’t I listen?

Hayden…where are you?

Please…save me…

“Enough playing around, brother…”

My eyes snapped opened at the sound of a very familiar voice. The heat on my chest disappeared and

I looked down to see Hayden pulling Harvey’s hand away from my chest. I turned to see a stone-faced

Hayden standing next to his brother with his hand gripping Harvey’s wrist. His eyes were icy cold, and I

could sense his anger although he hasn’t said anything to show his emotions.

“Shit…” Harvey cursed softly as he shook his hand away from his brother’s.

“I know you’re bored out of your mind because you’re sort of stuck here but there’s a limit to how much

you can fool around…” Hayden said coldly.

“Why did you have to get back so early?” Harvey complained before laughing softly to himself.

Now that I saw the two brothers side-by-side, I could understand how most people couldn’t tell them

apart. Everything about them looked extremely similar from their face, their hair, the color of their eyes,

their build and height, and the clothes that they had on. I wasn’t sure if it was planned but this was way

too much for a coincidence. At a glance, even the people who knew them well would probably be

confused between the two. For those who didn’t know these two brothers well, I bet they couldn’t tell

them apart at all.

I was too shocked and relieved at what had just happened to say anything. The two brothers stared at

each other as if they could communicate telepathically. For a moment, I truly wondered if that was

possible between them. After a moment, Harvey let out a resigned sigh.

“She found out about us so…should I just kill her?” he asked casually like he was just ordering some

food from a waitress.

I blinked rapidly at his words. Did I hear him right? Did he just suggest to Hayden that I should be


Wait. What?!

I turned towards Hayden who had a thoughtful look in his face. He’s actually considering it?!

At that point, I wasn’t sure what I found more shocking between Harvey’s suggestion or the fact that

Hayden seemed to be considering his idea as a feasible option. They’re not really going to kill me, are


“No one knows that I’m alive, you see, apart from Hayden that is…so, in case you haven’t figured it out,

the fact that you found out isn’t actually very ideal for us…or for you…” Harvey turned to explain to me

with a sweet smile on his face.

His words made me feel like I was as good as dead. Little Hayden rolled around on the floor without a

care. That dog is such a traitor!

My gaze shifted towards Hayden who still seemed very thoughtful as he thought about what to do. So

far, Hayden hasn’t spoken a word to me after he had entered the room and found me here with his

brother. I wondered what he was thinking about. Regardless, I felt like if I didn’t end up dying here at

Harvey’s hand, I’ll be paying for my mistake in other ways when Hayden decides to punish me. My

body shivered just at the thought of being punished by Hayden.

“What should we do?” Harvey asked his brother.

Harvey seemed very relax and he even seemed to be in a cheerful mood. He walked back to the sofa

and after sitting on it, he called over to Little Hayden. The dog obediently ran to his side before Harvey

scooped him up into his arms and placed him on his lap. I watched that scene before letting out a sigh.

Even my pet has abandoned me, so it seems…

“I’ll deal with her. Until our plan is complete, no one will find out that you’re alive,” Hayden stated

emotionlessly after he seemed to reach his conclusion.

“Oh…is that so? Great then, I can keep my hands clean...” Harvey readily agreed with a few small nods

of his head.

--To be continued…

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