Lock You In My Heart

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 87 Read Online

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 87 Read Online

Chapter 87 Where Did That Woman Go

Gabrielle was aware of Half Moon Bay and the lavish lifestyles of the people who stayed there. It was one of the most affluent and expensive districts to live in. Half Moon Bay boasted breathtaking villas and luxurious mansions with landscaped gardens. The residents who lived here were filthy rich and powerful. An average middle-class family would never be able to afford a house in this high-end district. That was why Gabrielle thought that it was a waste of money and a shame to see such a beautiful house sitting idle. She noticed that the insides were tastefully decorated too. She thought Westley was crazy not to live here.

“This house was purchased by Mr. Morris five years ago. No one has lived here since it was decorated. That’s all the information that I can provide, so please do not put me in an uncomfortable position, Miss Jones,” Sophie explained calmly and truthfully.

The house was purchased and decorated five years ago. But why did no one live there? Why did Westley spend so much money on the house if he had no plans to stay there? What happened? What was the reason behind letting this beautiful house go to waste? Gabrielle has several unanswered

questions going around in her mind.

But Sophie was not in the position to answer any of her questions. She had already made her intentions known to Gabrielle about that.

She realized that she would come to know more about the situation in the future, since she was going to be staying there for now. Also, she didn’t want to put Sophie in an awkward position. There was also the possibility that they would start to dislike her if she continued to ask questions..

Anyway, since being curious Wits what had gotten the cat killed, Gabrielle decided not to dwell on it for now.

“Don’t worry. Sophie. [ shall not ask any more questions,” Gabrielle replied honestly.

She was well aware of how it felt when someone invaded your privacy and TOT everyone would like their private and personal life to be exposed in public. No one would like to be treated as a laughing stock.

“Miss Jones, please do not make Mr. Morris angry. This is for your own good. Now, that I have applied the medicine, I’ll go and prepare lunch. I would suggest you rest for a while. Your clothes are in this bag here. You can go ahead and change your clothes.” Sophie

placed the tube of ointment on the table and left.

Don’t make Westley angry?!

She had completely and fully infuriated Westley, What could she do to rectify that?

Gabrielle decided not to dwell on it further. She changed her clothes and went downstairs. She was still coming to terms with the beauty of the place. She peeped into the kitchen and saw that Sophie was busy preparing lunch. So as to not disturb her, Gabrielle turned and quietly walked out of the house, alone

Gabrielle gasped when she saw that the yard Was full of waist-high weeds. It once must have been a beautiful garden, but now the weeds were choking the plants and shrubs. Now looking carefully at the house from outside the house looked forlorn, sad, and scary. She felt as if she was thrust into an abandoned and ruined villa among the Weeds.

This house must have cost Westley a fortune to buy, yet he didn’t hire anyone to look after it. He just let it sit here, letting time and Weather have a go at it. Letting wild grass tarnish the majestic view of the villa. What was he thinking to let the beautiful villa wither away? As much as she wanted, Gabrielle just couldn’t understand him at all.

when he was looking aver at the yard in dismay, her eyes lit up, on seeing a beautiful Kreenhouse in the middle of the weeds, Gabrielle couldn’t help it when she found herself carefully parting the weeds and Started walking towards the greenhouse. To Gabrielle’s delight the greenhouse wasn’t locked. She opened the door carefully and entered. It was empty, except for a white swing. The greenhouse was very clean and there was not a single werd in sight.

Gabrielle walked to the swing and sit down. It was very comfortable. She gave a slight push with her feet and sighed in pleasure when the swing swayed gently. Gabrielle leaned back and rested her head on the back and looked up through the glass roof. She could see the beautiful blue sky and the soft cottony clouds. The sunshine shone through the glass, which was warm and bright. A thought passed through her mind that made Gabrielle feel a little sad.

This greenhouse couldn’t be Westley’s idea. If she was not wrong, Gabrielle felt that this was built at the behest of a woman. She was also guessing that this villa was purchased for that woman. Maybe Westley and that woman lived together in this house. She did notice stuff in the bathroom upstairs. It was stocked for two people, the toothbrushes, towels, slippers, etc. More importantly, it was for couples

This showed that Westley and that woman had a good relationship and were going to live together as a couple. Unlike her and Westley, who were married and lived together, but were nowhere close to being a couple.

But where did that woman go in the end?

“Miss Jones! Where are you?” Sophie’s voice interrupted thoughts.


Sophie, I’mn in the greenhouse,”

Gabrielle replied. She stood up hastily and walked to the door of the greenhouse.

“Miss Jones, what are you doing in the greenhouse? There are weeds all over the place, which haven’t been cleared up yet. Be careful not to cut your skin. Lunch is ready. I’ll come to pick you up.” Sophie was worried about the wild grass.

“Sophie, please don’t come. I’m coming These weeds don’t cut people.” Gabrielle hurried out of the greenhouse and went to the villa.

She turned to look at the yard again and felt a deep sense of wistfulness. It looked so sad.

“Miss Jones, did you get cut?” Sophie was

looking at Gabrielle’s hands and less Searching for any cuts. She had a worried look on her face.

Gabrielle smiled. “I’m fine. I’m not a delicate darling of a lady who gets hurt easily.”

“That’s good. Come inside. I’ll serve you lunch,” said Sophie in a hurry.

Gabrielle gave one last look at the yard and turned and followed Sophie inside. She sat at the dining table and took in the three simple dishes and one soup on the table. That was more than enough for her.

“Miss Jones, you have your lunch. I’ll get back to work.”

“Sophie, sit down and have lunch with me.”

“Miss Jones, the difference a master and a servant is there for a reason. I…”

“Sophie, let me make one thing very clear with you. I’m not the master of this house. There is no master-servant relationship between us. I cannot eat so many dishes by myself. Besides, I find it very lonely to eat alone. Anyway, if you have lunch with me, no one will know, unless we tell someone.” Gabrielle looked at Sophie sincerely.

Sophie was touched by Gabrielle’s words. She did realize how sad and lonely it was for anyone to eat alone.

“Fine, Miss Jones. If you could wait a minute, I’ll go get a bowl and chopsticks for myself.”

Gabrielle was relieved and looked at Sophie with a big smile on her face. When Sophie returned with the bowl and chopsticks, Gabrielle graciously said, “Sophie, please sit down. Let’s have lunch together.”

After all, in Sophie’s eyes. Gabrielle was Westley’s wife, the master of the Mornis.

“Sophie, I would like to let you know that you and I are the same here. You might know the details about my marriage with Westley. I’m not the wife he wanted, so I’m not his wife in his eyes at all. You don’t need to treat me as Westley’s wife or the mistress of this house, I’ll be more than happy if you do not differentiate amongst us and have our meals together.” Gabrielle tried her level best to dispel Sophie’s uneasiness.

“I know, Miss Jones. I will try my best to do what you suggest. By the way, I think you should eat more food. You are a lot thinner than the last time I saw you at Morris Mansion.” Sophie picked up the food to serve Gabrielle.

Gabrielle looked at Sophie curiously. “Were vou present at Morris’ Mansion, when I was there the last time?”

*Yes, but you might have not noticed, since there are so many servants working at Morris * Mansion.” Sophie wouldn’t feel sad about such a trivial matter. After all, she was a nobody. who should always stay in the background and not be noticed

“Sophie, I’m glad that you have come to take care of me.” Gabrielle said these words with a lot of sincerity and from the bottom of her heart.

“Sophie, the yard is choked with weeds and the grass also has grown a lot. It’s difficult to go in and out. Do you have any tools around here that I could use? I’ll remove the weeds after lunch. After all, I have to live here for a few days and now that I have some time on my hands, I might as well get the yard cleared.” Gabrielle asked Sophie while eating.

“There should be some tools. I’ll go to the shed and check later.” Sophie didn’t expect Gabrielle to ask for things to do. Especially, for something as menial as yard work Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

When she came to know that Westley’s wife

belonged to the Jones, Sophie thought that Gabrielle would be a spoiled young lady like Nellie. After meeting and talking with Gabrielle, Sophie realized that she was poles apart from Nellie. Gabrielle was down-to earth and easy to speak with. She did not put on airs like most of the rich people. No wonder Miley liked Gabrielle so much after meeting her.

“Okay. After lunch, let’s remove the weeds from the yard together. That is if you have no other pressing matters to attend to. The yard is in ruins and it is marring the beauty of this house.” The mere thought of seeing the yard in such a bad state brought an intense sense of sadness to Gabrielle.

“Miss Jones, have you done this type of work before? If not, then you don’t have to do it. I can arrange for workers and a gardener to deal with it.” Sophie said to Gabrielle. After all, Westley did say to Sophie over the phone that she could arrange for workers to deal with the weeds in the yard.

“It will be too expensive and anyway I have nothing to do. I’d rather do some work as an exercise and to kill time so that Mr. Morris won’t feel that I’m a burden and useless.” Gabrielle was still a bit annoyed by his words

in Vineyard Villa. He said that he didn’t raise any idlers in the villa, and she definitely did. not want to be an idler.

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