Lock You In My Heart

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 177 Read Online

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 177 Read Online

Chapter 177 A Friendly Reminder

Holly was in 3 daze. She and Gabrielle vele still alone in the living room. She was surprised at the way Gabrielle had spoken to her. It was not until now that she realized how stupid she had been. All this while, she had thought that Gabrielle was just a simple woman that she could Easily pust around, and also thought that it was only a matter of time for her to sel Gabrielle and Weslley separated since they didn’t get married out of lare but out of atonement.

How wong she was! Right now it seemed like it was no longer a matter of time, but capability. Gabrielle was a Woman who was not as simple and as fragile as she looked

“What are you trying to say. Miss Jones? Are you trying to insinuate something flse with the statement you just made? Watley and I are just puud old friends, There is nothing more than that between us. Let me just remind you.” Holly didn’t want to expose her weakness to this

m an Time S0011 Lpecially TOW

that she knew lut Gabriele Win‘t in Pasy-going wont she had ihuphil befare. She wouldn’t let Gabrielle know her the intentions

Or Holly Henself wauld late the line before it even started and she was muuta lady prone to lascy. She wanted to win DEVY aca and the asn’t an exception

“Good aldrends?’ Gabrielle mused.

If she believed Holly’s ridiculous lies. then she must be stupid. It was clear that Hally was trying to take her for 1 ride and she wasn’t willing to join her.

Kight from the moment she saw Holly. she knew that this woman was hostile to her because she liked and wanted Westley for herself

Even if the marriage between Gabrielle and Westley was a fake one, she didn’t want other women to spy on her husband in this way. It made her feel Very uncomfortable. It was 25 if Sonicbody was trying to take what legally belonged to her and she couldn’t just sit around and watch that happen.

Wstler wasn’t the only one who was

Seqve. Galurielle was bo in the Fame. Yn if there was a love in their m at. they didunt nybody

Krying on them. Hut as it were, Holly so handless that she wildly showed his intention to destroy their

m e in xhan orious way.

Well, since you say that you and me husband are just good old friends, het me make it very clear to you that I am a very selfish and possessive person, I don’t like my husband getting too close to any of his female friend thereby having a vague and uncertain relationship with them. I think you should understand what I mean. After all, we are both Women and we are capable of feeling the SAT tay, right?’ Gabrielle said to her with a sly smile on her face, but her eyes were full of ruthlessney.

The words that Gabrielle spoke annoyed Holly in every way.

Just like beine stripped naled in public, i Sense of humiliation surged out froin the bottom of her heart.

“Miss Jones, you should not speak in this way. I expected more than this froin you.

| Ilieve that it’s welcy’s busin was hell ahalik eta him or hit, Et the . wye been land for so mamy r s. It’s impossible for a la just break up ul of a suck ” she said withi 1 hint of 11 in her voice. Even though she was gry. she did he possibile best to hold back her A .

Galille is even more poruerul ind tactical than I earlier thought How coul1 she have the audacity to challenge ITIY relationship with Wesiley ill such a bunl way? This woman is just an adapte daughter of

the lones family. And she doesn’t even quality to be Westley’s wife of the wife of any well-10-do tan far that matter How dare she talk to me in Shich a manie?’ Hally fumed as she Eritted her tecih.

Wasn’t Gabrielle afraid that she would lead herself to death if she oflended

“Of course, I know. After all, you have been friends for so many years, and it won’t be easy for you both to leak up all of a sudden. But at the same time, I will discuss with my husband and make sure that he stays away from women its far as possible in the future, iind gradually you

can mk Clean buak. I think ‘DI would be able to acnpt it, shouldn’t vou?’ Gabrielle asked with an innocent smile

E n iki Gabrielle must have bewitched Westley with such 1 fake sinila Who does she think she wants to bewitch again” Holly thought within hersell

“Of courme, if Westley NYS 50, I would gladly Accept it Bul Miss Tones. should be clear that Wesley haves Sonne cise, and he wouldn’t have

tried you if not for some certain circumstances. I don’t think such a flash marriage will last long, so don’t get your hopes up 50 Son.” Holly painted it out directly

Her original purpose was to destroy Gabrielle and Westley’s manage She didn’t want to tell anyone about Helena’s matter in a hurry. Moreover, it was not yet time to make it knowTL

But now, she was so surprised and even had a sense of crisis with Gabrielle’s reply, so she was hesitating on whether She should talk about Helena right now DI just wait for the right time. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Miss Edwards, you’ve probably heard

the saying that lifetime toa lang what I CAIC I zbaut ught tw 15 what I have at land. I jut Sant to live

ood life with Welcy naw. After all, no one know what would happ Tomorrow. This is also a mente for you. Mias Edwards Don’t DYCEstimate Youtselt trying to pet what you shouldn’t

el. Just line the mod hfe you have no. You should cherish it ww than regact it in the future. Other than that, you’ll feel Very And when you think about what you have done one day in the future.” Gabnelle looked at her with a smile lt looked as if she was caring wat Holly. bul. in fact, he words were very


She couldn’t afford to be a victimn in this CASC. She didn’t want to say anything just because she didn’t want to make trouble lor hersell.

“Gabrielle. you…”

Gübrelle uilerrupted het immediately without allowing her to finisit her statement

“Oil and that reinds me. By the way, I’m a very open-minded person. I don’t like to count any penny. We ille all

adults here. Fueryone has his or her experience DominLeT hou hutt or loty it is. Due cannot be called youth If doesn‘t let Om OT wo bid men Women what I want now is Wesiley. dan’t want him to keep Aborbing in his past.” she said with a cult it a nd

Hout her words were like scheral needles poking small holz inlo Holly’s heart.

It goes without saying that, Holly had Inily underestimate Gabrielle’s value.

“Do you think Westlcy’s past was just about trivial things? Ho…

Before Holly could finish her statement. Miley cathe in with a basket full of veletables in her hand, dressed like a pasin woman.

“Oh Grandma, Welcome back. Did you go to the vezetable Geld?” Gabrielle paid no Attention to Holly Hlymore and Yent Straight to Miley to take the basliet sway from her i

“The way Miley dressed leminded her of the nanny who helper her on a rainy night a few years 320.

belle, you’re wisku. Hope You Nepl well Are You (cline hiny? Don’t worry, I’ll make you some n as with chard scallion licine Toi libed it TETY much the hot time I made it for YOU. I just went o pet some of the xations in the field. Miley looked her with a broad smile. It was obvious that she likid Gabrielle so much.

Alely looked at this scene, she felt so Bained in her heart Everybody knew that Miley was so hard to please she didn’t like someone, it didn’t matter how hard the person tried to please her, it was Tietcrly useless. Even when Helena Si alive, she tried to please Miley of several ways, but still, Miley was not fond of lit.

But Gabrielle could make Miley like her so effortlessly. from the bottom of her

What trick could this wafuan have used to make Miley like her so easily?” Holly pondered.

* That’s very good, grandma. I just want to eat it so much! I’ve never eaten anything more delicious than the noodles cooked by you since I have tasted it. I will be so happy to have it

un endny. – Gabrielle said ucitedly i She looked Miley with a w Although she 115 flaileninz Miluy. LE IN Het ingying in any way

You can tell me what TOLLE I cook for you when you want. Miley

id to hl. She smiled Gabrille silly,

That’s just what I want to us now Grandma, let ml help you will the

rillion.” Gabnelle plated happily.

“Alright. Gabrielle just wash it yourself first me go to my room to change my clothes first and ill be back” Miley emailed at h loringly.

“Okay. andma l’ill go in and with the scallion first.” As Gabrielle said this, she talked quickly into the kitchen Carrying the basket in her hand,

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