Lick it And Slip it in

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Layla‘s pov

I shook my head while squirming in my seat. I cleared my throat and tried to act casual.” This isn‘t where you nor mally sit for lunch Tyler,” I stated bluntly.

His lips quirked. ” Felt for a change in scenery. Kind of got bored seeing the same thing over and over you know?” I could see him pressing his lips together to stop from laughing at his ridiculous excuse.

What was he even thinking by coming to sit beside me when we were still supposed to act like complete strangers in school?!

“Tyler-” | started in warning and looked around. Sure enough everyone‘s gaze is on me and Tyler. In fact, their gazes were set on everyone around the table.

Everyone was confused and stunned to see their quar terback sitting beside nobodies. Great, the attention I was desperately trying to avoid.

Thanks a lot Tyler, I thought sarcastically.

” Seriously, why are you here?” | forced a grin to not show everyone that I was about to skewer their beloved

quarterback for putting me on the spot.

What he was currently doing was breaking one of our rules.

My heart sped up. This wasn‘t good. Not good at all.

His eyes twinkled with mirth and if his eyes were not so mesmerizing I’d literally poke them. “To eat my lunch, thought I told you that just seconds ago?”

Thuffed, annoyed that he was teasing me instead of seeing how weird it was that he was sitting beside me. A nobody.

– I looked at where he usually sat for lunch. The table is already full of guys from his team. But was also full of cheerleaders, especially Karen who was currently sending me death stares that should‘ve buried me six feet under

their weight.

Fabulous! The attention I was trying to avoid was now being pushed in my face.

My eyes fall to Bret, hoping that he at least had a good enough reason to sit beside Tiffany and me. “So what about you? Why are you here?”

His amused eyes move away from Tiffany who still had

n‘t wiped the mayo off her lips The girl was still frozen as an ice cube.

Absolutely perfect, my best friend was frozen.

When his eyes fell on me, he looked as amused as his best friend. “I follow him wherever he goes.” He nudges his head to his best friend Tyler who chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes. “Would you follow him in a hole too?” I asked sarcastically.

It didn‘t surprise me that Brett followed Tyler every where he went. But it was already bad enough that one hot popular boy was at our table now two? I can only imagine the rumors this would cause for weeks.

Brett tilted his head and pretended to think about my question before smirking. “Depends on what hole you are referring to.” He says with amusement thick in his voice.

Tyler chuckles loudly and fist bumped Brett across the table.

| gritted my teeth in annoyance. Great, I was the source of amusement for two boys.

“You two are annoying.” I seethed in irritation.

Not only were they drawing unwanted attention this way, but they were also now using me as their source of en tertainment.

The two boys only chuckled at my words, not seeing no threat in them. That only made me grow more irritated and I reach out to grip my tray.

“Fine. If you two don’t want to tell me why you‘re sud denly joining us for lunch then Tiffany and I will look for somewhere else to eat. You two enjoy the table.” | gritted out as I make a move to stand up.

“Come on Tif.” | nudged my head at my still frozen best friend who replied with a huh.

What would it take for me to unfreeze her ass?

“Oh she‘s feisty Tyler. Now I see what you see in her.” Brett chuckled in amusement, not knowing that was only feeding my irritation. Or probably he knew it was irritating me and just didn‘t care, because again, I was their source of amusement.

I was just about to lift myself off the chair when a hand around my arm stops me from moving any further.

“Sit,” Tyler said and like a puppy, my ass is back on the chair following his command.

I wanted to smack myself for doing so.

With his hand still on my arm, he utters huskily.” We only came to join our friends for lunch. Now is that so bad?” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

I looked over at him, my stomach swirling with need by the pure intense look in his eyes. I tear them away quickly before I soak my panties even more. They were, after all, still soaked with Tyler‘s cum on them which had been un comfortable when sitting down for my classes.

“People are staring, Tyler” | whispered looking around the entire room. Everyone was staring and it was starting to get very uncomfortable.

He removes his hand from my arm reluctantly.” Well, let them stare Layla. The only thing they‘re seeing are friends having lunch together.” He smirked and popped a fry in his mouth. His eyes then fall to my plate and he grins.

“Oh I should‘ve gotten those too.” He reaches for the nuggets on my plate and bites off a piece before I could protest.

He winks. “Don‘t be so stingy Layla, you must always share what you have with your friends, remember?” He teased.

His words are completely innocent for those who

couldn‘t read between the lines. But I knew that he meant something more.

I narrowed my eyes on his amused face and almost got lost in his twinkling teasing eyes. Could he not see that him being here was drawing unwanted attention my way? How are we going to sneak around if we were now placed under a microscope?

“You‘re going the wrong way man,” Brett informed Tyler as he noticed his best friend was making his way to wards another table and not the one they usually sit at.

Tyler had been scanning his eyes over everyone to catch a glimpse of her. And when he finally found her, his heart had leaped oddly.

He wasn‘t sure why but he found himself missing her and had an intense itch to be in her presence. Even weird was that he missed the smell of her and the taste....

“I‘m not heading the wrong way.” He snorted and con tinued his path toward Layla. “I‘m going over there.” He nudged his head to Layla‘s table and he had been so fo cused solely on her that he hadn‘t seen her best friend Tiffany was also there.

“Are you sure she‘s just the babysitter?” Brett joked and chuckled yet still followed his best friend loyally even though he knew that Tiffany might act strange in his pres ence.

Tyler contemplated his question and doesn‘t bother re sponding, knowing he was also doubting that Layla was just a babysitter to him. Hell, he wasn‘t even sure this was an arrangement anymore.

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