I Hope You Will Never Regret

Chapter 75 Valencia Fainted

In the blink of an eye, Xavier Taylor and his beautiful wife, Valencia Taylor, had been married for three months. Grandpa Taylor’s private investigator, Eddie Stuart, came back empty handed regarding Mrs Moore’s sickness. Grandpa Taylor felt that he had treated the Moore family wrongly. Then he apologized to his daughter-in-law and started to treat his granddaughter-in-law well.

At the Restoration Group, President Taylor was busy signing the document when his Executive Secretary, Cole Knight, reminded him about the meeting. It was a very important meeting. His managers were going to give feedback on their departments. Cole took his laptop and waited for his boss. President Taylor signed the last document, then he walked to the boardroom with Cole in tow.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

President Taylor looked at his managers and asked Cole to read the previous minutes. It was approved and adopted. Then they started the meeting. The Finance Director started giving his feedback. He was eloquent and his feedback then he answered all the questions. Then other managers followed.

President Xavier Taylor was in the middle of the meeting when he received a call from his butler asking me to rush to the hospital. He indicated that young Mrs Taylor had fainted. President Taylor was so shocked; there was nothing wrong with his wife when he left home. He told his managers that the meeting had been adjourned.

He then went out of the conference room walking very fast. His Executive Secretary, Cole Knight, ran after him. He had never seen his boss so nervous. He quickly pressed the lift for his boss, then he entered the lift with his boss. President Taylor gave him his car keys and said, “Please drive to the Taylor Private hospital.”

Cole Knight stepped on the accelerator, ten minutes later he was at the hospital parking lot. Cole dialed President Taylor’s bodyguard, Wayne Butler, and asked him to come to the hospital urgently. The Moore family and Taylor family were in the waiting room. The atmosphere was gloomy. He walked to his father and asked, “What happened, Dad?” His father looked at him and replied, “My daughter-in-law fainted. We are waiting for her attending doctor to give us feedback.”

Xavier sat beside his father quietly. He was so nervous his hands were shaking. Two hours later, Dr Lambert approached them and said, “Young Mrs Taylor is two months pregnant. However, we discovered that she has stomach cancer.

President Taylor, I advise you to terminate the pregnancy because it is taking its toll on her body. We are not sure which stage the cancer is yet. We are busy conducting some tests.” When they got the news, her mother, Valery Moore, cried sorrowfully into her husband’s arms.

The Taylor family was so shocked they couldn’t believe their ears. Xavier got married three months ago. Xavier had tears in his eyes and replied, “Please get rid of the baby, and I want you to save my wife. Can I see my wife?” Dr Lambert took him to the emergency room.

Xavier’s tears flowed in his eyes when he saw his wife’s pale face. He kissed her and said, “How are you feeling, my love?” Valencia smiled and replied, “I am so happy, Dr Lambert told me that we are pregnant. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms. I hope he will be handsome like you.”

Xavier looked at his wife and said, “Dr Lambert told us that you are sick, and he advised us to terminate the pregnancy. I don’t want this child at the expense of your life. We will have more children when you are completely healed.”

Tears streamed down Valencia’s eyes, and she replied, “I was told that my sickness cannot be cured, I want to keep the child. Please promise me that you won’t force me to kill our baby.” Xavier wiped her tears and replied, “I promise.” They held each other and cried.

A few minutes later, Valencia was wheeled to her private ward. Both families followed behind them. Valencia smiled and said, “I am sorry to trouble you. Dr Lambert told me that I don’t have enough time to live. I decided to keep the baby as a remembrance of our love.”

Grandpa Taylor looked at his granddaughter-in-law strangely. She was lying through her teeth. That was not what Dr Lambert told them. He became suspicious. Was it possible that the person who was sick wasn’t Mrs Moore but her daughter?

Her father, Vince Moore, walked to Xavier and slapped him so hard across the face and said, “Why did you make my daughter pregnant? If my daughter dies, I will never forgive you.” Xavier wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t utter a word.

Grandpa Taylor was fuming. He looked at Mr Moore coldly and asked, “What are you talking about? My grandson didn’t want to get married at a young age, but you used your wife’s sickness to trap him. Who said she was waiting for her grandchild before she goes to heaven?

This sham of a marriage was designed by you. Are you blaming my grandson for impregnating his wife? Are you serious? Get rid of this child, we don’t want it. I suspect that you knew for a long time that your daughter was sick, but you didn’t tell us. If I find out that you lied to us, I will destroy the Moore family.”

When Mr Moore saw that he spoke out of turn, he looked at Mr Taylor Senior and said, “I am sorry, Mr Taylor. The pain in my heart is unbearable. I am about to lose my wife and my daughter. Please forgive me.” His wife went pale when she heard Mr Taylor senior’s words.

Mr Moore looked at his daughter with gentle eyes and said, “Please, my dearest daughter, reconsider. You are still young, and you will be able to conceive again when you are healed.”

Valencia smiled at her father and replied, “Let me be, Dad. My disease is not curable.” Her mother-in-law, Caroline Taylor, hugged her tightly with tears in her eyes. She then walked to her son, Xavier, and hugged him tightly. It was too much to bear. Mrs Taylor hugged her husband crying. It was supposed to be a happy day for both families since Valencia was pregnant.

Dr Lambert asked the family to leave to give the patient time to rest. Xavier sat on the chair beside his wife’s bed holding her hand. He was so sad, his eyes were red. He didn’t want to lose his lovely wife. Valencia told her husband that she wanted to go home. He completed the discharge procedure, then he took his wife home.

The following day, Xavier received a call from Dr Lambert, “President Taylor, I have received your wife’s test results. Please come to my office when you have time.” Xavier indicated that he would see him in an hour’s time. He told his Executive Secretary, Cole, that he had an emergency, then he left the office.

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