I Hope You Will Never Regret

Chapter 49 Black Card

On Saturday morning, the sun was bright, and the sky was clear. It was a beautiful day to go to the beach. Bridgette was standing on the balcony thanking the Lord for blessing her and her loved ones for the gift of life. She was so grateful to the Lord for His mercies upon her life. The Lord had been faithful to her, and He had answered most of her prayers.

At 8 am, Bridgette called her mother and said, “Good morning, Mommy, are you well?” Her mother was overjoyed to hear her voice and replied, “Good morning, Sweetheart, we are well. Thank you. How are you doing? Our granddaughter made us proud. Your father and I are really happy for her. What time are we meeting?”

Bridgette smiled and replied, “We are well; thank you. Avery made us proud indeed. Mommy, we will meet you at His Own Image Boutique at 10 am. The weather is beautiful; I want to take her to the beach as well.” Her mother became excited and replied, “It’s been a while since I took a stroll on the beach. We will join you as well.” Then they hung up.

Aunt Bridgette walked to Avery’s room. She was sleeping peacefully. Aunt Bridgette sat on the bed and looked at her. Avery was the most beautiful child she had ever seen. When she smiled, her adorable dimples lit up her face. Her dazzling chestnut brown hair was scattered on the pillow. She kissed her cheek and said, “Wake up sleepy head.” Avery opened her eyes and smiled.

Aunt Bridgette smiled back at her and said, “Good morning my beautiful Avery, did you sleep well?” Avery smiled and replied, “Good morning my stunning Aunt Bridge, I am well. Thank you and how are you?” Aunt Bridgette smiled and replied, “I am blessed and highly favoured my sweetie pie. The weather is very beautiful today. We will go to the beach after shopping.”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Aunt Bridgette helped Avery to wash up. She wrapped her in a towel and walked out of the bathroom with her in her arms. She ruffled Avery’s wet hair and said, “Baby, let my hair dry your hair.” After that, Aunt Bridgette walked to the closet to pick up Avery’s clothes.

A few minutes later, Avery was standing in front of the mirror looking gorgeous in a pink shirt and jeans. A few minutes later, Hope took breakfast in Avery’s room. After breakfast, Avery went to her father’s study room to greet him. Aunt Bridgette packed their swimsuits, hats, sunscreen, beach towels, bucket and shovel in a bag.

Avery knocked on the door; her father was still wearing pajamas. She smiled and said, “Good morning my handsome Daddy, did you sleep well?” Her father laughed and replied, “Good morning my gorgeous daughter, I slept very well. Thank you. Did you sleep well?”

Avery giggled and replied, “I slept well, Daddy. Do you want me to buy something for you?” Her father shook his head and replied, “Enjoy shopping, don’t be scared to use the money on that black card.” Her father’s black card had a lot of money. Avery thanked her father, and then she left and went to the second floor to fetch Aunt Bridgette.

Early in the morning, Aiden went to his mother’s room and told her everything that had happened last night. His mother told him that he was proud of him. Aiden was still angry that his father and his sister didn’t join them for breakfast. He felt that his family was falling apart, and he was the cause of that, his heart became bitter.

After breakfast, Aiden and his mother didn’t go back to their rooms, but they watched television in the living room. When Aiden saw Avery and her nanny coming from the lift, he became angry. He looked at them coldly, but Avery didn’t even look at him. It was the first time his sister ignored him, and it hurt.

Aunt Bridgette greeted Uncle Bruce, who was standing not far from the mother-son duo. Bridgette told Butler Bruce that they were going to the mall for shopping. Butler Bruce ruffled Avery’s hair and said, “Congratulations, my dearest Avery. I am so proud of you. Did you enjoy your gift from Aunt Bridge?”

Avery smiled brightly and replied, “Thank you, Uncle Bruce. It was the best gift I ever had. How do you know that Aunt Bridge gave me the Galaxy Star Projector?” Uncle Bruce indicated that he went with Bridgette to the mall to buy her gift. He then took an exquisite velvet box from his jacket and said, “This is from me. I hope you like it.”

Avery took the velvet box with both hands and opened it. Nestled in the velvet box was a pair of pink earrings. Avery smiled brightly at Uncle Bruce and said, “Wow Uncle Bruce, the earrings are lovely. I like them a lot.” Then they walked to the garage. A few minutes later, Bridgette drove her car to the mall.

Aiden was shocked when he heard that the Galaxy Star Projector was a gift from Avery’s nanny. He looked at Butler Bruce and asked, “Who bought the Galaxy Star Projector? Where did she get the money from?”

Butler Bruce smiled and replied, “Mr Aiden, the Galaxy Star Projector was bought by Miss Evans as a gift to Miss Avery for winning the Mathematics Olympiad Competition. The Evans family is not wealthy like your family, but they do not lack money.”

Aiden wasn’t convinced and asked, “If the Evans family is wealthy, what is she doing in my house?” Butler Bruce replied frowning, “Why don’t you ask your father? What I can tell you is that Miss Evans doesn’t lack money.” Butler Bruce didn’t want to tell Aiden that Bridgette was the famous Painter and the youngest billionaire.

Aiden was embarrassed when he was reminded of the nonsense he spouted to his father. It was clear that his sister had set him up. She didn’t explain to him that the gift was from her nanny. Even though he wouldn’t believe her, maybe he wouldn’t have the guts to confront his father.

He looked at his mother and said, “Mommy, please help me to apologize to my father. I spoke out of turn to him last night and I am sure that he is angry with me.” His mother replied, “Son, there is no need to apologize to your father because her scheming daughter set you up. Why didn’t she correct you when you were making assumptions that the projector was a gift from your father?”

Aiden nodded his head; his mother had a point. He fell in Avery’s trap. She wanted him to be in his father’s bad books. What was she going to gain by doing that? Aiden was so disappointed in Avery, he felt betrayed.

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