Celine’s POV

I stir in my sleep to see myself enclosed around something hard. I want to get up but masculine arms wrap around me tightly, making the memories of last night come rushing and making me realize I am not on my bed but Bryan’s bed and in his arms.

What the hell happened? I ask within me, wondering what happened before I slept off and how I fell asleep.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Did anything happen between us? Did he kiss me again?

I glance up to see his sleepy face, he looks calm and handsome. His face reminds me of Jason.

Jason? I gasp softly and jerk upright when the reality of what I have done crashed upon me heavily. I left my son all alone in the room and came here to spend the night with his father.

Bryan wakes up with a start. His eyes open quickly and our eyes interlock.

“Good morning”, I say, trying to get out of the encaved arms around me.

He tightens his arms around me, pulling me down and closer to him. He drags my head to his chest and replies. “Good morning.”

What is happening? What is happening to us? Isn’t this supposed to be me seducing Bryan just to punish him for all he has done to wrong me? Why am I letting him do this? Why am I letting myself enjoy this while my heart is beating twice its normal rate?

How can I tell him what I need to do and see if Jason is awake and I will be back? I really enjoy being in his arms but I am scared he will be back to his aloof self by the time I am back.

“How was your night?” His husky voice demands, sending tingles all over me. First, I love the sound of his voice. It is sweet and arousing. Bryan has never asked me a question like this before.

“Celine”, he shakes me when I am not saying anything.

“It was fine”, I reply sharply. He nods and then lays on his back, dragging my head with him. My head is on his chest with my left hand on the exposed hairy part of his chest. I feel the urge to trail my hands over them. I know it is hairy because I have seen his chest before. The night we had sex.

“I slept so soundly”, he murmurs, his hand holding my head firmly to his chest. “It’s surprising but I think your presence did the magic. I slept off immediately you fell asleep.”

I nod without saying a word. I really do not know what to say or to do. It feels surreal but unbelievable.

Silence falls and I remember Jason again. Thinking of how to extricate myself from his hold without any trouble and go downstairs to see if Jason is still asleep and then come back, I curse under my breath.

“Uhmm, Bryan”, I call out, raising my head to see his eyes closed. Isn’t he going to work?

“Uhm?” His eyes open and the look he is giving me is tempting me to just stay back and not bother about Jason.

“Hmm, I need to go see if Jason is awake”, I tell him, his looks unwavering. “I will be back as soon as I can.”

He smiles and drags my head back to his chest. Then I hear a sound. No, sounds.

I think it is from the heart. Bryan’s heart is beating so fast. Faster than mine like someone who just ran a marathon race.

“This is just 5 am, Celine. Jason is still asleep and he won’t be awake till around 7 am”, he says and I want to ask him how he got to know when Jason usually wakes up.

Unlike his father, he wakes up late and I don’t really bother him because he hasn’t started school and he doesn’t go anywhere so he can sleep for as long as he wants.

Bryan doesn’t come to see him before leaving for work so how did he know about when he usually wakes up?

Besides I never knew it was just the break of dawn. I thought it was morning already.

Expelling a deep sigh of relief, I let myself relax in his embrace.

“Celine”, he calls, as I trail my hands over his long muscular arms. My main target is his chest. I would love to trail my hands over his hairy chest but I don’t want to be too forward. I want to know if Bryan wants this as much as I do. I don’t want him to end up regretting it, it will break me. It will hurt me.

I can’t let him make me feel this way and then later he will apologize because it is a mistake.

“Did I really force myself on you?” He asks me and I go still.

Did he really believe that?

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I can’t help…”

“No, you didn’t”, I cut him short and he sat upright instantly, dragging me up with him. His eyes almost popped out in surprise.

“You didn’t force yourself on me, Bryan. I just wanted to blame you for once in my life because you were always good at putting yours on me. We were drunk, yes but I wasn’t as drunk as you were. I could have stopped it from happening but I wanted it to. You wanted it, so I thought but I found out I was wrong the next morning. I thought you wanted it from the depth of your heart just like I do but I was wrong. I let it happen so the fault isn’t yours.”

He watched me with disbelief and I am thinking he will shout at me for lying to him and making him believe he forced himself on me when he didn’t.

“We are both at fault here, you know? You were as hard as a rock”, I laugh shortly, hoping to ease the tension. “I was attracted to you and drunk to even care about letting a man who doesn’t love me deflower me and pump his seed into me. But I don’t regret it at all. I don’t regret what happened and the result of what you called a mistake.”

Unconsciously, a tear slips down my eyes and he catches it with his thumb.

He begins to caress my cheeks with the same thumb, making me more emotional. I want to break down but I shouldn’t do that here.

“I should leave”, I say but he holds me back.



“I want you here. I want to hear everything. Please.” He pleads with his eyes.

I don’t know what he wants to hear but I feel he wants me to let it out. My pains, my disappointments, regrets if I have any, my fears, and my feelings.

“I don’t know what to say”, another tear drops. “I don’t know what to think of all this but I guess my fear of being in love with you was the very first thing that made me want to run. Run far away so you would never see me and never know what I feel.”

“The pregnancy was just a bonus. I thought you wouldn’t accept him and pretending that the night never happened was just so hard for me. I have always wanted my first time to be a memorable one. I never had a boyfriend because I was too busy working my ass off to save up for Grandma’s surgery to even think of going on a date and then you came and stole me for a year. The end of our contract was supposed to change a lot but then I discovered I was pregnant with our child”, I laugh shortly and he smiles. A smile that warms up something in me.

“I found out I was pregnant and no man would want to go out with a pregnant woman. I decided to just focus on my child and then work and I felt like an old woman. It was so real. God, I felt like I was 80 years old because I had a son and I was practically living out of fashion and style and I didn’t even know what was going on in the world. Jason was my own world. When I gave birth to him, I broke down into tears the moment I saw his eyes. It reminded me so much of you, I was trying to get rid of everything that had to do with you but Jason came back and he was bent on reminding me of you with everything that concerns him. It was sad and overwhelming.”

“It felt so strange having a little child who looks so much like a man I thought I hated and never wanted to have anything to do with but I loved it. I love Jason so not loving him because he looks exactly like you was impossible, even though I tried so hard…I tried not to think of…” I trail off, realizing that I have been ranting for over ten minutes and Bryan has been watching me with amusement.

A smirk descends across his face, instead of a look of remorse for all he has done, making it difficult for me to figure out what he is thinking.

I don’t know what happened next but I find myself crying softly until his mouth lands on mine.

I let him kiss me while I cry, his thumbs wiping every one of my tears. I don’t know where this will lead but if I happen to be gifted with another Jason, then I would accept this fate wholeheartedly.

When his hands drop to my boobs, I gasp softly. My mouth opens more and he delves his tongue further into me, tasting every inch of my mouth, pushing me to the edge, making me want him so desperately.

I haven’t had sex in five years. He was my first and now he is going to be my second.

Unable to control my emotions any longer, I find myself going to his trousers, seeking more of his masculinity. To feel it. Inside of me.

He grabs my boobs roughly and I gasp again, more tears pilling in intense pleasure.

We both lay on the bed, his mouth not leaving mine as he tries to take off my pants and have his fingers deep inside me.

I cry again when I feel him. He stops and I breathe heavily, staring at him.

Silence ensues except for the sound of my heart hammering wild inside of me and our heavy breathing.

Has he changed his mind? Why is he hesitating after putting me in the mood?

He is just a few inches from me and in a few seconds, I can have him deep inside of me, pumping his seed into me again.

“Celine”, his deep voice calls, looking unsure of what we are about to do.

I nod my head, urging him to go on. I want this. Even if I will regret it later. For now, I want it. I want him. I want to feel him. I want to cry out of ecstasy and I want him to be the reason for the cries.

“Should I go on…”

“Yes, yes, yes!” I chant, sobbing quietly, impatient to have him.

He nods eagerly and looks down before taking his shorts off and a few minutes later, he drives himself into me and I let out a loud cry of pleasure.

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