His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 #Chapter 12 New Beginnings


The suffocating darkness of the burlap sack seemed to amplify every sound and sensation. The rough fabric chafed against my skin, and the acrid smell of stale sweat filled my nostrils. I could feel the car’s movements, every twist and turn of the winding roads, and the muted voices of the men accompanying me.

They were taking me far away from home. I could feel it. And if I knew anything about the Mafia… I knew that I wouldn’t be coming back.

Using every ounce of Ema’s strength and courage that was left, I tried to break free. My legs kicked wildly, and my muffled shouts resonated through the tight confines of the vehicle, but the men around me seemed unperturbed.

“Please!” I called out, struggling against the absurdly tight restraints around my wrists. “Please, just let me go! I’ll disappear! You’ll never hear from me again!”

No one responded to my pleas, no hands attempted to calm me or even restrain me further. It was as if they had done this countless times before, grown immune to the sounds of their victims’ distress.

After what felt like an eternity, I felt a change. The car’s rumbling transitioned from the smooth asphalt to the gravelly crunch of a driveway. I braced myself, hoping for an opportunity to escape or, at the very least, to see where they were taking me.

Suddenly, the car came to a halt, and strong arms yanked me out. The shock and disorientation of the sudden movement made my stomach lurch. I was hoisted over someone’s shoulder, the weight of my

own body pressing down on his shoulder, making it even harder for me to breathe. Despite the fear and confusion, I continued my struggle, kicking my legs and yelling into the fabric.

“Let me go!” I screeched, wriggling beneath the man’s iron grip. “Let me go, you fucker!” The journey on foot was short but intense. Every step the man took jarred me, but ther feeling of plush carpeting beneath me as I was placed down gave me a brief moment of relief. My heart raced in anticipation of what would come next.

As the burlap sack was yanked off, a rush of cool air met my face. Blinking against the sudden onslaught of light, I tried to orient myself, taking in my new surroundings, all the while on high alert for the next unexpected turn of events.

Instead of the cold wind of a remote area, I was met with the scent of polished wood and leather. I wasn’t in some dilapidated warehouse or a barren field. It was an opulent mansion, with intricate chandeliers and plush carpets.

And there, standing before me in his imposing stature, was Logan. A flood of emotions hit me, a mix of relief, anger, and confusion.

“I’m truly sorry, Ella,” Logan said immediately, his deep blue eyes betraying a hint of genuine concern. He crouched down beside me, and his hands worked quickly to release me from my bindings.

As soon as my hands were free I scrambled to my feet, my legs wobbly but determined. My instincts took over, and I revealed my fangs, poised to attack. But Logan, with unexpected humility, exposed his neck to me.

“You can rip me apart if you’d like,” he said. “But I assure you, this was just a misunderstanding.” I was taken aback by the vulnerability in his stance, a stark contrast to the usual cold, calculated man I had come to know so far.

“You!” Logan barked, turning his attention to the men who had abducted me. “I told you to approach her with kindness. Why the aggression?”

One of the men stepped forward, his face etched with fear. “We did as you instructed, sir. We smiled and asked her to come with us. But she resisted. She tried to flee.”

“Your idea of a smile is downright creepy!” I snapped, my anger flaring once again. “I thought you were going to kill me!”

“Well then…” Logan licked his lips, his eyes flashing with anger. The men, each enormous and hulking mountains in their own rights, almost seemed to shrink beneath him. “Fight, then.”

“Sir?” one of the men asked, his voice quavering slightly. “You heard me,” Logan repeated. “Fight. You may only stop beating the living daylights out of each other when she-” He nodded his head toward me.”-decides that you’re finished.”

The command left Logan’s lips with a cold finality, and his men hesitated for just a split second before they squared off against each other. My heart raced, my eyes darting between. the two burly men, incredulous that they would obey such a chilling order.

The air grew thick with tension. The silent mansion hallways echoed back the sounds of heavy breathing and the shuffling of feet. With a quick nod of mutual agreement, they lunged at each other, fists raised. The first punch landed with a sickening thud, jolting my senses.

I watched in abject horror as powerful blows were dealt with surgical precision, each strike designed to incapacitate and harm. One man’s nose burst open, splattering blood onto the plush carpet below, while the other sported a rapidly swelling eye.

The elegant hall, once a testament to Logan’s apparent wealth and refined tastes, was now the scene of a brutal and senseless showdown. Crimson stains marred the ivory carpet, the once regal ambiance

replaced by the metallic scent of blood.

Logan, however, appeared completely unfazed. He perched casually on the edge of his mahogany desk, watching the chaos unfold with a detached expression. There was no hint of remorse or concern on his face. Instead, he looked on with an almost clinical interest, as if observing an experiment.

My heart constricted as the fight intensified.. One man managed to get the upper hand, pinning his opponent to the ground and wrapping his thick fingers around his throat. Gasps for air filled the space, accompanied by desperate pleas for mercy.

The choking man’s eyes bulged, and his face began turning an alarming shade of purple. I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Stop!” I finally called out, my voice shaking as it echoed through the mansion. “Enough! Stop this madness!” The men halted instantly, their chests heaving with exertion, eyes darting between Logan and me.

Logan gave them a withering look and nodded, giving them silent permission to climb to their feet and limp away. Once we were alone, Logan turned back to me, his demeanor changing. “Ella, please understand. I never intended any harm. I only wanted to discuss something with you.”

“And for that, you kidnap me?” I shot back, my arms crossed defensively. “Kidnapping was never part of the plan,” he said. “But here me out: I can offer you double your previous salary. It’s a generous offer,” Logan proposed, his voice coaxing.

I scoffed. “This isn’t about money, Logan,” I retorted with irony dripping from each word. “My family has more than enough. It’s about doing the right thing in this godforsaken city.”

He leaned in closer, the intensity of his gaze locked onto mine. “My plans are more than just monetary gains, Ella. I think you know that.”

Exasperated, I replied, “Then get to the point, Logan. Why am I here?” Before he could answer, he reached out, his fingers grazing my hair. “You seem tired, Ella,” he observed, his voice soft and almost….caring? “It’s been a while since we last saw each other.”

I recoiled, but not entirely from Logan’s touch. Deep down, my wolf stirred, recognizing its mate. It was an unnerving sensation, feeling a connection to the man who was partly responsible for my recent hardships.

Logan’s eyes searched mine, noting the conflict within. “You haven’t been eating well, have you?” he asked gently.

“I’m not here for small talk,” I said, my voice firm. “I want to know-” But my stomach, with its impeccable timing, chose that moment to grumble audibly. The irony of the situation was not lost on me, and Logan’s face cracked into a grin. The rich sound of his laughter filled the room, much to my dismay.

“Come,” he said, his mirth still evident. “Let’s eat first, and then we can discuss everything.”

Although my pride protested, my hunger won the argument. With a reluctant nod, I followed him deeper into the mansion, my wolf restless, and my thoughts a jumbled mess.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

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