Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

73. Does Kara Have Children?

“Pediatric ward?” Frank sighed softly. Frowning, he glanced in all directions. That was unexpected.

Feeling doubtful, Frank checked the GPS history of his secretary’s phone. Turned out, his memory

wasn’t wrong.

“Why did she go to the children’s ward?”

Realizing that Kara’s GPS point was near Louis’ room, Frank’s heart went out of control. The beat

seemed to rise up to the throat.

“Is it possible… Kara already has children?”

Pieces of information instantly gathered to form various possibilities.

“What if Kara’s family member is Savior employee?”

“Could it be that the librarian is her mother, while Louis is her son?”

Frank’s eyes widened.

“What if the books fell on purpose? Is that an assault?”

He sighed in disbelief.

“Judging from their age, they could be the children of that night? Could it be that Louis and Emily are

our children?”

Frank’s mouth fell open without a word. His jaw had stiffened with


He always thought Emily looked like Kara, while Louis looked like him. Their eyes were also gray, a

hundred percent copy of his eyes!

Moreover, the twins said that their mother was busy working. They never mentioned their father. In fact,

Jeremy even suspected that their mother was a single parent and teased Frank about it.



“Is it possible … Kara is the single mother of my children? Is that why she hates me so much? I have

abandoned them?”

Frank could no longer control the rumbling in his lungs. A quick sigh escaped his pale lips.

He always commented on how unfortunate Louis and Emily’s fate was. He thought that their parents

were incompetent in caring for children. What if it was Kara and him?

“I’m a terrible father?”

With his head down, Frank gripped the steering wheel. He could lose his mind if he didn’t immediately

regulate the oxygen in his body.

“No…, that’s impossible.”

Frank tried to calm himself. However, Emily’s voice rang in his mind.

“Mommy is busy working. Because there is no one to look after us at home, we come with grandma to

work here.”

“Yemon reminds me of Mommy who smells like lemons. So, whenever Mommy is busy working, I just

hug Yemon and imagine that Mommy is beside me.”

Frank clutched his head, but his mind kept spinning rapidly. Before his sanity was completely eroded,

he checked Kara’s personal data.

In the past, he didn’t dare to pay too much attention to that girl. But now, he must dare. Whatever the

consequences, no matter how much guilt he must bear, Frank must be ready.

As soon as Kara’s data was accessed, Frank’s eyes narrowed. There was no other information apart

from date of birth, work history, achievement history, and education history.

“What’s this? Why is there no information regarding her status and family?” Frank muttered softly.

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He then checked the data on Savior scholarship achiever Emily’s names were included on the list. But

strangely documents attached.

Finally, he checked Susan Martin’s data. However, the results were also nil.

“Is this Grandpa’s doing? He is hiding something from me on purpose?”

The more complicated Frank’s thoughts became, the louder his breathing turned. When his patience

ran out, he started the car engine and drove to the hospital. His promise not to interfere in Kara’s affairs

had been buried by confusion.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, visiting hours had ended. Emily insisted on accompanying Louis. Like it or

not, Susan went home alone.

As the twins were chatting with Kara, two nurses suddenly came. They reported that Louis would be

transferred to the VVIP treatment room. Not only Kara, but the children also widened their eyes.

“Why I am going to be transferred?” Louis asked while stretching his


“Hasn’t the manager already taken care of the administration for Louis to stay in this room?”

The nurses were stunned to hear Emily’s question. Half laughing, one of them answered, “Are you

Emily? It was your friend who moved

Louis to a better room.”

Kara pushed her head back. She was worried, thinking that it was Frank Harper’s action. However,

hearing the statement of “Emily’s friend”, it was clear that the perpetrator was Rowan. How could Frank

possibly know Emily’s name?

“Friend? I haven’t made any friends since I’ve been here,” the toddler


“Yes, you have. The good haarsaadd that you two had he was impressed with you.”

Kara’s analysis collapsed again.

na Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Twice? Rowan has met Emily three ditnessaashhas Ben. Then, who has only met Emily twice? Was it

just a trick??

“Oh, it must be Mister Kind!” Emily explaineddwiths sparkling eyes.

“Mister Kind?” Kara inquired with narrowed eggss.

“They first met in the library, Mommy Emily accidentally bburpeed into Him. Then today, they met again

with the same incident,t, Louiss exxbtained, sounding like an adult.

Kara’ssfadressuddenly turned pate. She never knew that her daughter was that

tobbssettomasstranger. “Who’s he?”

Louis and Emilystock their heads together.

“I never asked hissmaanee and he didn’t introduce himself either,” Emily answered,


Suddenly, Kara grabbeecherddaughter’s arm and looked closely. “What does he look like?”

“He is handsome and tall. The effisst time we met, he was wearing a


wu wcuring a way

a black hat. However, his appearance is still cool.”

Kara felt like she had been struck by lightning. ‘Black shirt and hat? Isn’t that what the person who

harmed Louis was wearing?’

Kara sighed in disbelief. Cold sweat began to bead on her forehead.

“I think it would be better for Louis to remain treated in this room. Louis may not move much, right? He

should rest here tonight.”

“Your son doesn’t need to move an inch, Miss Martin. He can stay in bed while we push it.”

“Can I sit here with Louis? I also want to take the bed train,” Emily said lightly.

The two nurses smiled at Emily’s joy. However, before they could reply, Kara shook her head firmly.

Kara looked at her son with wide eyes. It was clear she was expecting a nod.

“Y-yes,” Louis replied stiffly. “I think so.”

However, in his heart, he was disappointed. Weren’t VVIP rooms the best? Even if it is a hospital, the

facilities must be good. He could probably watch TV there.

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