Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

65. Kara’s Tears

Frank’s jaw throbbed. He had felt happy since he could see Kara again, have lunch together, and even

hug her. But now, that feeling

was gone.

“Can’t you let me love you?” he asked quietly.

“No.” Kara shook her head quickly. “I don’t want to be loved by a man who will marry another woman.

Marriage is sacred, Sir. You must not smear it with ego.”

“Should I cancel the wedding?”

-Kara sighed in resignation. Their debate seemed to revolve around the same circle. They would never

find a way out until one of them stopped.

“Well then,” Kara sighed bitterly, “I will never appear before you again.”

Frank grew more somber. However, before he could speak, Kara interrupted, “We’ve discussed this

before, Sir. Haven’t you realized yet? You don’t really love me. You only see me as a tool to escape your

arranged marriage.”

“That’s not true,” Frank said in a low voice.

“That’s the truth. You are so perfect and you have everything.

Someone like you shouldn’t want a poor girl like me. I can’t give you anything.”

Frank shook his head, but Kara kept talking. “And even if you did love me, we would never be together.

Do you remember what you did to me? How could I possibly love a man as vile as you?”

Frank didn’t move. His mouth pressed tightly. He had tightness in his chest, as if there were thorns

entangling him.

a knew karre wasnt sincere in saying all that. Her eyes were teteary id sadness was visible on her face.

hat restrained Kara from accepting him? Frank had to look for dhche swer immediately He had a feeling

that Rowan wasn’t the onlyly ason. The fear Kara was diving to hide seemed to be far greaterer an her

own deant.

o you want me to stay away from you? Frank’s expression was


2. Therefore, stop wito nie atteniton. i am not a queen. Drop men

f here. I can call a tax.

ank’s breathing Tumea vay heavy. He couldn’t stand seeing Karea iding back her tears. “It’s on

cancerous to let you go home alone.

1. Didn’t you say yourself thatyour grandfather wouldn’t dare hurt


ank sighed helplessly. He woulim belace to beat Kara’s


ith a heavy heart, he ordered the drive to stop the car. After ma re Kara got a taxi, he drove to the

mansion and waited for Jere

riving at the back pavilion, Jeremy skwedidown. There was a table inked by two chairs there. Frank was

settingimthe citair on the right, pping his evening coffee. Another steamy cum also seemed to be aiting

for him. Without saying hello, Jeremy tandis sent.

ave you taken care of the servants?” Frank asked as he towered his


remy nouded. “Yes, Sir. I gave them warning and emptiuasizeditizat ey would not be able to work

anywhere if they wolate it!


Frank pursed his lips. That was his usual way of dealing with problems, different from his grandfather

who liked cruel methods.

“What about Ben?”

Jeremy whispered, “He was a bit surprised when he found out you agreed to work with him. He’s signed

a contract and vowed never to come near Kara again.”

Frank nodded slightly. “Then, what about the last ship we sunk? Have they found any treasure or are

they starting to rust?”

Jeremy took a sip of his coffee before starting to explain. “They are still fighting for the prototype with

private funds. Several errors have been found. They are analyzing them now. They are confident that,

once the errors are corrected, your dream of realizing an emission- free car will be realized.”

“Do you think their ship can sail again?” Frank asked, raising an


Jeremy blinked. “Yes, Sir. They are the best in their field. I think next month, they will definitely submit a

proposal to join the Savior ag

Frank pursed his lips. No matter how intimidating a leader he w none of his staff were willing to leave his

company. The prosper obtained from Savior would not be found in other companies.

Yes, except for secretaries. Frank had deliberately made things. difficult for them. He didn’t like women

taking care of his schedule. They tend to be slow, noisy, and make him uncomfortable.

Only Kara was able to change that view. However, why did the woman insist on leaving his side?


The personal assistant fell silent. His eyebrows rose slightly. The cup

He knew thatt Frank Harper had something important to discuss. ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Otherwise, his master couldn’t have invited him to the back pavilion, a place where ento one else could


“You alreadyeww.right?”

Jererny jerked his eyebrows. It was as if he could read Frank’s heart.” Knew what Sir?””

“That girl is Kara.!”

Jeremy didn’ respond Heljust stared at Frank intently.

“Is that why you reentiteed ne several times not to be rude to her?”

Jererny took a deep breath. There was a small change in his forehead. “Yes, Sir. Ionporthead to tell you


‘But I refused,’ Frank continued ima thin, hoarse voice. His face

looked heavy.

“You know what? Since the firsantine Issaw her in the office, I had a feeling that she was that girl. But

denied it.”

Frank dropped his gaze to the rim of the cup. His finger begal the edge of the ceramic slowly.

Jeremy involuntarily raised an eyebrow. He was curious, how did Frank know that Kara’s life was difficult.

He haakhoot provided any

information about that.

Suddenly, Frank let out a long breath, Jererny had heever seen his

masters shoulders so low.

When realized my feelings for her, becarne over noore afraid that

suffering too much because of me. I didn’t want to carry a huge amount of guilt.”

“And now, your fears have come true?” Jeremy concluded with a flat expression.

Frank smiled sadly. “You want to tease me, hmm?”

Jeremy shook his head firmly. “No, Sir. No one is perfect. It’s normal for you to make mistakes.”

Frank was stunned. He realized that all this time, he had been too pushy, both towards others and


“Do you think Kara really hates me?”

“I think so, Sir.” That was the safest answer.

“Do I have a chance to win her heart?”

Jeremy blinked. He knew that Frank’s heart must be so confus he couldn’t think straight. That’s why he

was called, to consult.

“You’re telling me to ask Grandpa’s blessing?” Frank was a little confused.

Jeremy nodded innocently. “That’s the only way Miss Martin will open her heart for you, Sir.”

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