Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Mother

“I'm so sorry, Jeremy. I'm sorry I left you at the orphanage. I was blinded by revenge at that time. I

thought my life would not be peaceful until I succeeded in punishing those bad guys."

Vivian's voice grew hoarse. Her sobs were louder.

“But now, I realize. I handled my emotions in the wrong way. Instead of accepting it and letting it heal, I

let the wound fester. Looking at Kara, I envy her. Why wasn't I as strong as her? She forgives the

people who hurt her and only focuses on her children, while I ....”

Vivian took a quick, deep breath. Her back started to bend. Her chest would be tight if she didn't do so.

“I left my son in order to take revenge. If only I chose to forgive your father, let all the pain he caused

go, of course I would have beautiful life watching you grow. I could attend parent meetings at your

school, take photos with you at your graduation, and celebrate all your birthdays.”

“I could also cook you a special meal on your first day of work. Or throw a small party to welcome the

girl of your choice. But apparently, I didn't do any of that. I took all those opportunities away from you.”

Suddenly, Vivian laughed sadly. “Do you know how proud I was when Rowan and Frank accepted you?

When they said you were qualified to be the CEO's assistant?”

Vivian raised her eyebrows and smiled faintly. However, the shaking of her shoulders became more This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.


“Yes, there was a feeling of sadness because you actually deserved a higher position. But, seeing you

struggle alone, developing your abilities until you succeeded in achieving that position, I was very

proud. But again, I could only say congratulations. I couldn't hug or pat you on the back. I couldn't."

“A lot of people think I really care about Frank. I often visited his room, asked how he was doing, and

brought him food. But no one knows that actually ... I did all that to be able to see you, to hear your

voice, to know how you are."

"Even though I don't deserve to be called a mother, I still want to show my love."

Jeremy froze. His heart trembled hearing all those words. Silently, he bowed his head, remembering all

the times that had passed.

“You are wrong, Ma’am. There is one person who knows.”

Jeremy's voice succeeded in freezing Vivian's tears. Slowly, she straightened her back again and

raised her eyebrows. "Who?"

“I know,” Jeremy answered in a soft voice. "I know that all this time, my mother has been secretly

watching me."

Vivian gaped wide. Covering her mouth with one hand, she sighed in disbelief, “You know?”

Jeremy didn't nod. His neck was too stiff.

"Every time you visited Frank's office, your eyes glanced at me more often. Every time you asked me

how he's doing, you always asked how I'm doing first. And every time you brought Frank something,

you gave it to me too, Mother.”

Vivian flinched. Her eyes trembled for a moment until she got her senses back and burst into tears. Her

voice became unclear. “You called me Mother? Do you still consider me mother?”

Jeremy raised the corner of his lips. “Louis and Emily said that the person who gave birth to us is our

mother. Vivian Bell is the person who gave birth to me. Obviously, you are my mother.”

Vivian spontaneously grabbed Jeremy's hand. Her tight grip showed how much she didn't want to be


“Thank you, Jeremy. Thank you for considering me your mother. Thank you."

Compassion flooded Jeremy's heart. Involuntarily, a teardrop escaped from the edge of his eye. "And

one more thing you should know."

The curve of Vivian's lips tightened again. Her red eyes looked at Jeremy worriedly. “What?”

“Your case is different from Rowan Harper's case. The man died in regret along with his pride, without

having time to apologize. But you have apologized. You won’t die in loneliness one day.”

Vivian sighed deeply again. Her head moved forward, looking at his son more closely. “Do you forgive


Jeremy smiled even though it felt awkward. “Even Louis and Emily are willing to forgive their cruel

great-grandfather. I would be ashamed if I couldn’t forgive you. Let's make peace, Mother."

Vivian's crying was no longer controllable. While hugging Jeremy, she expressed her gratitude. To God,

to Jeremy, to the twins. The toddlers had helped her knock Jeremy's heart. Without she realized, Susan

Martin smiled, pulling the curtain of her window.


“Kara, do you know? Jeremy and his mother have reconciled.”

Kara spontaneously turned around. "Really?"

Susan stopped cutting the tomatoes to lean her head towards Kara. “They talked on the back porch

near my room last night. I overheard it."

"Wow ...." The curve of Kara's lips widened. “That's good news. Maybe, that could serve as some

consolation for Frank and the twins.”

"Yes, hopefully. Where are they anyway? Are they awake yet?”

Kara shook her head as she turned the omelet over. “Maybe they are tired. They cried too much

yesterday. That's why I chose this menu for breakfast."

“Turns out, Frank has the same taste with the twins?” Susan raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, the three of them like sandwiches. Maybe after this, we can add salad.”

Just as Susan was about to respond, a servant suddenly approached. "Excuse me, Miss Martin. We

have an important guest. We tried to call Mister Harper, but there’s no answer. Would you like to wake

him up?”

Kara blinked. “Important guest? Who?"

The servant nodded swiftly. "A notary. He wants to read the will of the late Mr. Harper this morning."

"Actually, the notary also wants to meet Young Master and Young Lady."

Kara knitted her eyebrows. “Young Master and Young Lady? Louis and Emily?”

The servant nodded. Wasting no time, they gathered the people.

"Good morning, Mr. Notary," Louis and Emily greeted when they entered the living room.

The man in the suit turned his head. Seeing Kara with the twins followed by the others, he stood up

and smiled. "Good morning, Harpers."

Jeremy and Kara turned awkward. They both felt like they weren't fully part of the family.

Blinking on the sofa, the twins watched how the notary opened his bag. Their heads and eyelids were

actually still heavy. However, they didn't want to be left behind.

"What are we going to do, Mr. Notary? Why did you ask us to gather?" Emily asked in her sweet little


The twins looked at each other. They had been wondering what a notary was since several minutes

ago. Kara's explanation wasn't clear enough for them.

"Did Great Grandpa leave a letter for you?" Louis asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Why?" Louis deepened his furrowed brows.

While Kara was gesturing to her son not to ask too many questions, the notary put on a small

mysterious smile.

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