From Bully To Beloved



My good mood lasts throughout my entire shift. Even a couple more annoying customers can’t rain on my parade. By the time four o’clock rolls around, I’m ready for food and much-needed best friend time.

Kelly and I clock out together.

“You hungry?” I ask her.

“I’m always hungry,” she says with a smile. “You know me.”

On the way back to the apartment, we stop to grab a pizza and some wine-the dinner of champions.

When we arrive at Mrs. Bianca’s apartment, Kelly surveys the place with a sad smile. “It’s been ages since I’ve been here,” she says as we make ourselves comfortable in the living room. “It looks exactly the same as when the Baroness lived here.”

“Yeah, she was pretty adamant that we couldn’t change anything,” I tell her, opening the pizza box, and she grabs the first steaming slice of cheese. “I think it’s because she wanted to force us to share a bed.”

“Speaking of which,” Kelly says as I pour two glasses of wine, handing her one before taking my own. “All right, now that we’re alone, spill all the details. Don’t skimp!”

No need to tell me twice.

The longer I talk, the wider her eyes grow.

God, it feels good to talk about it.

To get it all out.

“Sera, honey.” Kelly’s voice sounds low and soft once I finish my detailed retelling. “That’s…wow.”

“I know.”

“I mean, you make it sound so passionate.”

“It was, Kelly. It really was. I…” Pausing, I take a second to gather my thoughts. “After all this time, I can’t believe that I’m drawn to Colton Ashton, of all people!”

People say there’s a fine line between love and hate.

And as much as Coltonfrustrates me, there’s so much about him that doesn’t. So much that proves what an amazing man he is. Hearing him talk about his relationship with his gran, the way his voice softens, or how his eyes light up when recalling something funny she did, like the time she chased him and Justin with her rolling pin because they accidentally parked their bikes on her newly planted roses. Or his relationship with Justin. Two best friends who have stuck with each other no matter what. Last but not least, the way he stands up for people like he did for me during the Osborn dinner. We were a team. United. That feeling was incredible and one I’ll cherish forever.

Oh, geez, I do like him.

But that’s the worst thing that could happen to me.

“I can’t stop thinking about last night, and how Coltonwas with me,”and in me. “So intense. Fiery. Hot. He was passionate, and more than generous. Nothing he did was half-hearted. It made me finally realize that hedoescare for me.”

At least on some level.

No man can look at a woman the way he looks at me if they don’t care about her.

“Well, from what you told me, you’ve had a rough start, but it looks like he’s redeemed himself. If you ask me, it was fate. A heavenly intervention.” She puts a hand on her heart and sighs. “It’s so romantic. It’s amazing how incomprehensible and unfathomable some paths are, isn’t it?”

“I didn’t expect to develop feelings for him,” I admit, taking a sip of wine. “But…here weare.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

Great question. “I havenoidea.”

We’re almost halfway through the month, and my last day in his apartment is two weeks on Sunday.

As far as my understanding goes, Coltonis going to live here until he finds something more “bacheloresque” for himself. I’ll move back into my place until I find something bigger.

Kelly gives me a sympathetic look and rubs my shoulder comfortingly. “I think you need to tell him. You’ll feel much better when you get it off your chest.”

“It’s easier to just keep it to myself. We’re going our separate ways at the end of the month, and we lead two very different lives. I can’t even properly articulate how I’m feeling. How on earth am I going to explain it to him when I can’t even fully explain it to myself? Trust me, he shouldn’t know.”

I clink my glass against hers.

We spend the next two hours eating, drinking, and talking. It’s been so long since we’ve hung out like this outside of work, it reminds me why I love her, and I’m glad she’s my best friend.

“I have some news,” Kelly says at one point.

“Do tell.”

“Marie pulled me aside the other day and asked if I thought I was ready to take on more responsibility.”

I gasp in excitement. “Kelly, that’s wonderful.”

Kelly works hard. I know she’s been wanting to take on more of a leadership role. I’m wondering if Marie chose this moment to ask her because she plans to ask me to take over. If that’s the case, we’re going to need another supervisor, and Kelly is the obvious choice. She’s smart, dependable, great with customers, and overall, a fantastic employee. Today I experienced firsthand that she’s gained a ton of confidence around crappy customers-something Marie has surely noticed too.

“Nothing is set in stone yet,” Kelly says. “But I’m still excited.”

“You should be! No one deserves a promotion more than you.”

“Well, except you.”

I wave off her comment. “Enough about me. We’re talking aboutyouand how awesome you are. I’m glad Marie sees it.”

“Okay, enough of that. What do I text Justin?” she asks.

“Oh, right. Text him: Hi Justin, this is Kelly, we met at The Diner. Thank you for your number. Smiley face emoji.”

“That’s it?”


“No question like ‘How are you?’ or ‘Will you take me on your bike with you’ or-”

“Do you want to spank my ass and call me princess?” I interrupt her.

We laugh.

“Can you imagine?” she asks, her face beaming with mischief.

“Oh, he’d be all over it, I’m sure. I mean, what man wouldn’t be?” I grin inwardly at the naughty memory Coltonand I shared. It couldn’t be any more different from the ones we have from our time at school together.

“Yeah! See, I don’t want him to think I’m boring. That couldwork.”

“Yeah…well, no, I was kidding. It’s enough that you’re friendly. Let him do the work. Let him work for that pussy.”

“Oh. Good thinking. But are you sure about the smiley face? He’s a cool guy. Won’t he think it’s childish? Too cute?”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Trust me, the tougher the dudes, the more they like smiley faces. It makes them think that they did something we like. It strengthens their ego.”

“Okay, good. Perfect. When should I text him? In a day or two, right? Or should I wait a bit longer? A week? I don’t want him to think I’m desperate.”

“Hon, at this point, he’ll probably think you’re not interested.”

“Hello, ladies,” Coltonarrives home. He’s wearing loose jeans with holes in the knees. His dark-blue T-shirt hugs his chest, revealing his muscles through the fabric. “Hope I’m not intruding on girls’ night,” he says charmingly, entering the kitchen just as we do. “Don’t stop on my account.”

“I was just leaving,” Kelly says, handing me her empty wineglass, so I can put it in the sink with mine. “But before I do, Sera honey, let me give you the number of that art gallery owner I mentioned.”

“Give me that damn card. Now promise you will leave me alone?”

“Maybe.” She smirks, rifles through her purse, and hands me the business card. “It was just one douchebag’s opinion. Youhaveto show him your new work. It’s spectacular.”

Chuckling, I take it and hug her. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

The card is plain. The off-white structure represents a canvas, with small lettering right in the center in Charleston green. Just his name, Bryce Amoria, and a mobile number. It’s neat-and menacing.

“Thank you. I’ll seriously consider it this time. Now get out of here. It’s late, and I want to go to bed.”

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