Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Let Our Hair Down Prt 3

“We’ve all had a lot to drink, and thing’s don’t need to get personal. How about I call you a cab, Mr Cai?” ZhengLi was motioning them to go, and he wasn’t in the mood for a drunken brawl with some jerk. YuZhi knew this was a bad idea and the last thing he needed was a headline about a bar brawl a week before the engagement. Especially not with the schools proprietor where his fiancée studied. This would cause TangShi so much drama and maybe even get her kicked out and he couldn’t do it to her.

“Come on, we’re leaving. This asshole can go back to whatever hole he crawled from. While I take my girlfriend back to OUR home.” YuZhi snarled and slid TangShi’s hand into his, unable to deny the look of fear on her face and the way she was clinging to him like a scared kitten. He hauled her with him, not waiting for ZhengLi, shaking Linlin off too and instead marching at a pace that TangShi struggled to keep up with. He was boiling up inside with venom and jealousy and his heart was pounding a hundred times a minute as that assholes words clawed at his fuddled brain.

“YuZhi? Wait!” TangShi stumbled behind him, aware he had changed mood completely to hostile levels and almost fell when he spun on her.

“Why? You wanna go back and see him? Are you mad I pulled you away?” YuZhi knew he was drunk and being unreasonable, but he had this surging angry energy inside of him that was choking the life out of him at seeing Cai touching her. Breathing near her. Irrational thoughts piling in because he knew he had no rights over TangShi’s heart, and it was driving him crazy. What that bastard said and his smug hints there was something there between them.

“I…. what?… No!” TangShi was confused at his accusations and shook her head, her face paling as she started to sober up with this turn of events. Unsure why he swiftly changed from happy go lucky and having a good time, to this. He surely couldn’t believe anything that Rong said when he himself witnessed her trying to get away from him at school before. Her lip trembled as emotions strangled her and she hated the way he was glaring at her with accusation. It reminded her of the hatred he had for her when they first married, and her eyes misted over with genuine hurt. “Don’t be stupid. It’s not like that.” She whimpered.

“Do you like him? What he said, is it true? Do you eat with him? Hang out? Are you closer than you made out to me you were? Is something going on with him and you?” YuZhi rambled, spewing questions as they ripped through his head and heart and caused him crazy pain. His chest aching because he knew she spent every day at the school with him and had this art thing coming up, so they must at least have formed some kind of friendship from close proximity while he was neglecting her for work. That maybe he was telling the truth and TangShi had developed feelings for this asshole while YuZhi was keeping his distance to preserve their friendship. Why else would he think he had the right to lay hands on her?

“What do you mean? As a tutor, or a friend?” TangShi furrowed her brow, confused with the interrogation and too naïve to understand what he was implying. Her voice wavering because he had her uptight and upset and genuinely about to cry with his behavior.

“As a possible boyfriend? Do you want to date him?” The words hurt like razor blades to say, and his heart expanded to the point of almost imploding, making it impossible to breathe at the thought she might actually like someone that wasn’t him. While he had been preoccupied these months with Rhea and that issue, he had never thought of the possibility TangShi might find someone too. It would explain why Rong kept fawning over her, getting too close, and in his drunken head mess it made sense.

“Why are you asking me that?” TangShi blanched, becoming more upset with how furious YuZhi seemed when she didn’t know where this was all coming from or why. She thought he knew her well enough and trusted her. Her whole body trembling as she tried to self-calm and not let this break her down.

YuZhi let go of her and turned away to try and curb his temper. Knowing he was blowing this out of proportion and acting like a crazy person, but he was running on sheer agony. He couldn’t help the way he erupted inside at seeing that jerk. Or the way his throat and chest were clawing with his own stupid questions, aware that if she said yes right now, he would flip the fuck out.

He ran a hand through his hair, rubbed his face and lifted a beer to take a long drink from their table in a bid to get a grip and stop throwing all this at TangShi. He could see how close she was to tears and it made him feel shitty for being this way. His brain firing off so many things and overwhelming him.

“YuZhi.” TangShi uttered his name softly, reached out and touched his arm, uptight at his weirdness. She knew he hated Rong but even for him, this was an unnatural reaction. She didn’t know how to make him stop or how to comfort him.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

YuZhi slammed down his bottle and spun back to her, eyes ablaze with his own misted vision and close to breaking down. He had never felt like this in his entire life and his words came from a deep black hole of agony.

“Do you have feelings for me? Or am I just a friend you got stuck with thanks to our parents? IS that all you want form me?” he leaned into her, eyes locked on hers, frowning and holding back a million different feelings inside which were threatening to break out like a tidal wave. Seeing that idiot walking back into the room with ZhengLi and Linlin behind him, he gritted his teeth. His eyes over the top of TangShi’s head as the guy scanned the space seemingly looking for her and then headed this way. It made his panic soar and his hysterical need for an answer all that worse. “Tell me now! So I know if I should walk the fuck away and leave you here with him.” YuZhi’s hands were trembling, and his soul was clenched tight in fear.

TangShi gawped at him like he had two heads. Her brain shifting into gear, and she shook her head at his own dumb stupidity and lack of awareness. Amazed he hadn’t figured it out these past months with ho she was towards him.

“You’re an idiot. Look at me.” She found that inner fire and pulled herself together, reaching up, grabbing his face with a palm on each cheek and tugged his chin down. Looking him straight in the eye as a tear escaped her own and ran down her cheek and she began to shake. TangShi realized what it was that he needed to hear and even if it messed everything up, she was tired of keeping it locked up inside like it was a sinful emotion. “I love you. Even before you told Rhea it was over. My heart beats for you and I live for the times we spend together. I’m in love with you. Rong Cai was lying.”

YuZhi’s expression crumbled, and tears hit his eyes like a side kick he never saw coming. Stabbing pain sucker punching him at her words and he pressed his forehead to hers, cupping her face clumsily to pull her close and share air, while sniffing back his emotions. Overwhelmed with a confession he didn’t know he needed so badly to hear until now, to unlock all the mess he had been contemplating for days. Her words somehow yanking out the chaos and leaving a relative calmness to his mind. He physically ached all over from head to foot but in a good way and he exhaled heavily to then breathe her in with an inhale. Trembling all over with adrenaline but utter relief at not having his heart ripped out by the one girl who had ever controlled him this way.

“TangShi? Over here.” Rong Cai’s voice drifted their way and YuZhi snapped his head up to glare at him over her shorter height. Seeing the audacity in him thinking he was welcome over here, to interrupt what they were doing, he let instinct take over. Pulling TangShi into his arms forcefully and startling her with how aggressive he could be. His posture returning to fighter and his hatred increasing with venomous speed.

“You’re mine. That asshole doesn’t get a look in, do you understand? You love me…. and I love you, Tang. You hear me… I love you….. this fucker can go to hell.” The words were husky and low, something he had never said to any woman, and TangShi’s eyes widened. Her heart racing as he slid a hand up her back and into the nape of her neck and hairline before tugging her the last inches to his face. YuZhi tilted his head and kissed her hard, full on forceful, but not a peck like that day in the carpark. Instead this was a loaded kiss with intent, and he pushed her lips apart to devour her with intense passion. She couldn’t react to his words while instead he was knocking the wind out of her and turning her to mush.

TangShi crumbled with the assault. Allowing him to hold her and kissed him back with a vengeance rooted in longing she had harbored for so long. Unleashing all that wanton energy and desire she had for him all this time. Finding technique in French kissing and giving it her all with no reservations. Allowing her heart to soar and hope that this wasn’t just alcohol and tomorrow he would take it all back. TangShi slid her arms around his neck tightly and let him kiss her anyway he wanted. Meeting his mouth, following him and accommodating his tongue when it explored hers. Adjusting to his movements, nibbles and exploration.

Her temperature soared, her body responding in every way, and she became breathless with need, aware her inner body was pulsing and aching for more as she experienced real sexual turn on. Clinging to him like he was a lifeboat, and she was set adrift in a stormy sea.

ZhengLi Smirked at them from their distance and stopped to give his friend a round of applause with a huge grin, patting Rong Cai on the back with a cheeky wink and then catching Linlin’s hand and tugging her off in search of another drink. Linlin was dumbstruck at what she was witnessing, but she too broke into a smile and followed her man, tossing Mr. Cai a haughty side eye as they walked away.

YuZhi pulled away after several minutes of claiming her and pushed his forehead to hers again. Both breathless, eyes heavy with lust and intoxication and he rubbed his nose against hers savoring the moment between them. Eyes locked, his head finally straighter than it had been in months and he could only see his future reflected back at him with certainty. He would throw caution to the wind and take this step to make their relationship real from here on in. He wasn’t confused anymore. Tonight had set it all out straight for him and he had a twinge of regret and remorse at hurting Rhea all these years for not even being comparable to how he felt about TangShi.

“Let’s go home. You wanted to sleep with me? There’s no backing out now. My bed is yours; we’re not sleeping apart from here on in so get used to it.” YuZhi warned, his entire body and mind on fire and consumed with this intense need to have her completely, even though he knew he shouldn’t do this when they were both drunk. He couldn’t help it though. He wanted to safeguard what was his. Possessive over a woman for the first time in his life and yet he stroked her face gently, cradled her softly as he loosened his grip and nuzzled in against her ear. “We don’t need a clinic anymore. We’ll have a baby the old fashioned way.”

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