Claiming The Rejected Omega

Chapter Thirty Two

Chloe was beyond angry. She had just returned to her pack, thinking that she would finally have a chance to live her life on her own terms. But instead, she was met with the news of her impending wedding ceremony. How could they do this to her? Didn’t they care about her happiness at all?© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

As she stormed through the halls of the packhouse, she was stopped by Linda. “Chloe, my dear, I’m so glad you’re back. We have so much to plan for your wedding ceremony!”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “What wedding ceremony? I never agreed to this.”

Linda’s expression faltered for a moment before she composed herself. “Well, dear, it’s tradition. And your mate has already been chosen for you. It’s time for you to settle down and start a family. It’s for the good of the pack.”

Chloe could feel the rage building inside of her. “And what about my happiness? What about what I want? You can’t just force me into a life that I don’t want!”

Linda placed a hand on Chloe’s shoulder, trying to calm her down. “Chloe, I know this is difficult, but it’s what’s best for everyone. The Alpha has chosen Liam for you, and you must accept it.”

Chloe shook her head. “I won’t accept it. I won’t be forced into a loveless marriage just because it’s tradition. I want to choose my own mate, someone that I love and who loves me in return. Is that too much to ask?”

Linda’s eyes softened, and she took Chloe’s hand. “I understand how you feel, my dear. But you must understand that the Alpha’s word is law. You cannot go against him.”

Chloe yanked her hand away. “I won’t let him control my life like this. I will fight for my freedom, for my right to choose my own mate. Even if it means leaving this pack and never coming back.”

Linda’s expression turned grave. “Chloe, I urge you to reconsider. The Alpha is not to be crossed. He will not take kindly to your defiance.”

Chloe stood tall, her eyes blazing with determination. “I don’t care. I will not be forced into a life that I don’t want. I will fight for my happiness, no matter what the cost.”

Chloe’s blood boiled as she walked into Liam’s office. She didn’t even bother knocking, she just barged in, ready to unleash her fury on him.

“What the hell is this about a mating ceremony?” she demanded, her voice dripping with venom.

Liam leaned back in his chair, a smug expression on his face. “Ah, Chloe. So good to see you again. I trust your little trip was enjoyable?”

“Don’t try to change the subject,” Chloe growled. “You know damn well I’m not going to marry you.”

Liam’s expression turned cold. “You don’t have a choice in the matter, Chloe. You’re a member of this pack, and you will do as I say.”

Chloe’s fists clenched at her sides. “I am not some object to be traded around like a piece of property. I have the right to choose who I want to mate with, and it’s not going to be you.”

Liam stood up from his chair, towering over her. “You seem to forget who the Alpha of this pack is. You will do as I say, or you will face the consequences.”

“I’m not afraid of you,” Chloe spat. “I’ll leave this pack before I let you force me into anything.”

Liam’s face twisted into a cruel smile. “Oh, I think you’ll find that leaving is not an option. You are bound to this pack, just like every other member. And if you try to leave, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Chloe’s anger boiled over. She couldn’t take it anymore. “You’re a monster,” she hissed. “I hate you.”

Liam’s expression turned dangerous. “Be careful what you say, Chloe. You don’t want to anger me.”

“I don’t care,” Chloe said defiantly. “I’ll never be with you, Liam. I’d rather die.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. “Fine. Have it your way. But remember, Chloe, you brought this on yourself.”

Chloe turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, her heart racing with fury and fear. She knew that Liam wasn’t bluffing. He was capable of doing anything to get what he wanted, and she was caught in the middle of his twisted game.

Chloe entered the large banquet hall, and her eyes widened at the sight before her. The room was lavishly decorated with an ancient theme, fit for a royal feast. The walls were draped in rich fabrics of deep reds and golds, and candelabras flickered throughout the room, casting a warm, golden glow. The tables were adorned with intricate floral arrangements of deep red and orange hues, accented by leaves of green and gold. The plates were made of polished silver, and the cups were handcrafted from crystal. In the center of the room stood a grand throne, fit for a king or queen.

Chloe couldn’t help but be annoyed by the display, knowing that it was all for her wedding to Liam, but she couldn’t deny the beauty of the decorations. It was as if she had stepped back in time to a grand, ancient banquet, and she couldn’t help but be in awe of it all. She walked through the hall, taking in every detail, from the intricate carvings on the walls to the ornate chandeliers that hung from the ceiling.

Despite her distaste for the forced marriage, Chloe found herself momentarily transported to another world, one of grandeur and elegance. The ancient decorations had a certain charm that she couldn’t help but love, even if it was all just a facade for her unwanted wedding.

Chloe felt her heart race as she faced Liam, her anger boiling inside her. “I will never mate with you, Liam. I would rather die than be bound to you for eternity,” she spat out, her voice quivering with fury.

Liam’s face darkened with rage. “You have no choice in this matter, Chloe. The Alpha has spoken,” he snarled.

“I will not be forced into a loveless union,” Chloe replied, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Suddenly, Alpha Aaron, Liam’s father, stepped in, his towering figure casting a shadow over the room. “What seems to be the problem here?” he asked, his voice cold and commanding.

“She refuses to mate with me,” Liam spat out.

Alpha Aaron’s eyes narrowed as he turned to Chloe. “And why is that, young lady?” he asked.

“Because I do not love him,” Chloe replied, her voice strong despite the fear she felt inside.

Alpha Aaron chuckled. “Love? What does love have to do with anything? You are a wolf, Chloe. And as a wolf, you have responsibilities to your pack. One of which is to mate and produce offspring.”

“But I don’t want to be with Liam,” Chloe protested.

“That is not your decision to make,” Alpha Aaron replied. “You will mate with Liam and produce heirs for our pack. End of discussion.”

Chloe felt a sense of despair wash over her. She was trapped, with no escape from this fate that had been thrust upon her. “I will not be a prisoner in my own life,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alpha Aaron’s expression turned dark. “Then I suggest you learn to accept your fate, Chloe. Guards, take her to the prison cell,” he ordered.

Chloe struggled against the guards, but it was no use. She was thrown into a dank cell, the walls closing in on her as she sat alone in the darkness. Tears streamed down her face as she realized the magnitude of her situation. She was trapped, with no hope of escape.

Chloe stood in the middle of the dark, damp holding cell, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. The walls were made of rough, gray stone and moss grew in patches along the floor. Chains dangled from the ceiling and walls, their metal clinking together in the silence. The air was thick with the musty smell of dampness and mildew, and Chloe shuddered at the thought of being trapped in this place for who knows how long. She looked around for any signs of a way out, but all she saw were the heavy, iron bars that kept her trapped. The cell was cold and damp, and she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to find warmth in the darkness. It was clear that no one had been in here for a long time, and the thought of being left to rot in this place terrified her to her very core.

As Chloe sat in the cold and dark cell, her mind was consumed with anger and fear. She couldn’t believe that the Alpha was trying to force her to mate with Liam, someone she despised. She was also angry at herself for falling for Aiden and allowing herself to be vulnerable.

She felt trapped and helpless, with no way out of the situation. Her mind raced with different scenarios, trying to think of a way to escape or convince the Alpha to let her go. But deep down, she knew it was unlikely to happen.

As time passed, her fear grew, and she began to wonder what her fate would be. Would she be forced to mate with Liam against her will? Would she be imprisoned for the rest of her life? The uncertainty was suffocating, and she longed to be free.

Her thoughts eventually turned to Aiden, and she wondered if he would come to her rescue. But she quickly dismissed the idea, realizing that it was unlikely he would risk his own safety to save her. She was alone in this, and she had to find a way to survive.

Despite her fear and uncertainty, a small spark of determination flickered within her. She refused to be a victim, to let the Alpha and Liam control her fate. She would fight back, with every ounce of strength she had, and she would find a way to escape and be free.

But for now, she had to wait and bide her time, hoping for a chance to escape or for someone to come to her aid. The darkness of the cell was oppressive, but she refused to let it consume her. She held onto hope and determination, even in the bleakest of circumstances.

She figured that she has to find a way to reach out to Aiden, else she would die in this shit hole.

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