Buying the Virgin

Chapter 93: The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Nine

Chapter 93: The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Nine


Richard puts down his phone, addressing Corby. “Charlotte is quite right to be ‘upset’. The

circumstances of how she and James met are well known to us all, and there are no outstanding

issues. It is strictly a private matter between the two of them. You were invited here to interview her

regarding the Blessingmoors investigation, a topic which she finds very difficult to discuss, and it was

only with reluctance that she agreed to it. You have gone well past any possible remit you had, in what

you have done so far.”

His phone rings. “Hello? Ah, yes, Will. Thanks for calling back... Yes, she’s here. Yes, so is he. We’re

having some difficulties I’m afraid….” He holds Charlotte’s gaze for a moment, then alternates to

James’. “I understood that the object of this interview was to learn anything that Charlotte could offer

regarding the Blessingmoors’ investigation. Instead, it’s opened with an attempt to blacken James

Alexanders’ name regarding the business with the auction house... Yes, that’s right… Yes… I’ll pass

you over to him.”

He passes the phone to Corby, who puts it to his ear, then recoils as a voice blasts down the line at

him. Pale-faced, he turns to Charlotte. “It seems that Commissioner Stanton prefers that I only question

you regarding Blessingmoors…”

Charlotte says nothing, simply staring him down.

“Perhaps we could return to the other room and continue our discussion?”

“No,” she says. “I’m not discussing anything with you. Or with anyone else, for that matter. I want an

assurance that no attempt is being made to damage James before anybody gets another word out of


Richard raises his eyebrows, but hands steepled under his chin, says nothing.

Corby protests. “Miss Conners, I assure you….”

“Forget it.” she snaps. “And I want it in writing. And until I have that, you’ll get no cooperation from me.”

She nods to Michael and James. “C’mon. We’re leaving.”

My husband calls her. “Charlotte, wait…. Please.”

She looks at him, her face lowered, but there is nothing subservient or submissive about her.

Regarding him from under lidded eyes, she softens a little. “Alright, Mr Haswell. Since it’s you….”

He tilts his head in acknowledgement, then turns to Corby.

“I’d like you to leave, now. We’ll rearrange the interview for another day, and with another officer.”

Tight-lipped, Corby gathers his papers from the conference room and leaves.

Richard pauses, weighing up his words, then turns to Charlotte. “I promise you that I knew nothing

about that.”

She nods. “I believe you, but you can’t give the guarantee I’m looking for, can you?”

He shakes his head, glancing over at James. “No, I can’t.”

She shrugs. “As I said, they’ll not get a word out of me right now. I don’t know where the Police thought

they were going with that line of questioning, but until I have something in writing regarding James,

that’s it.”

Richard nods thoughtfully. “Fair enough. I’ll get back to you when I’ve had a word with Will.”



My Master’s phone rings. “Yes? Oh hello, Richard. What can I do for you?” His gaze slips over to mine.

“Yes, she’s here... I’ll pass you over.”

Wordlessly, he hands me the phone, then stands, arms folded, eyes downcast, but obviously listening


“Hello, Richard.”

“Hello, Charlotte. Listen, I’ve been talking with Will Stanton about what happened the other day. He’s

not very happy, but there are protocols he must follow. The business with Jasmine Hardacre and her

treatment after the auction opened a whole can of worms. Regardless of what the auction house

promised regarding protection of the girls involved, clearly it didn’t happen, and the paper-pushers have

responded by trying to attack anyone who had any involvement at all.”


“Will has your document prepared, guaranteeing immunity to James regarding the matter, and he is

happy to give it to you, but he wants to talk with you first, face to face, so that he is covering himself. If

he can discuss it with you in person, and you reassure him that James did nothing wrong, did not in

any way abuse you, I don’t think there will be any problem. Are you prepared to do that?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Good. In that case, I was going to suggest that, rather than an ‘interview’, we all simply meet at my

home, say for dinner, and make it all much more informal. Will can ask you whatever he needs to, and

you will have James and Michael, and for that matter, me and Elizabeth, on hand, if you need moral

support. How does that sound?”

“It sounds fine, Sir. I’m quite happy to do that.”

“Good. Pass me back to James please.”

I return the phone to my Master, who nods a couple of times, then gives me a squeeze around the

shoulders. “Tomorrow night, their place. Six pm.”



We all sit over one of Ross’ excellent dinners. After the hash made of Charlotte’s ‘interview’ by the

paperclip counters in the Police Department, Richard believes that an informal setting will be much

more likely to produce a positive response from Charlotte….

And I agree with him.

Charlotte, seated at the table, obviously enjoying Ross’ starter of immaculately cooked sea bass with

buttered caper sauce, is flanked to either side by Michael and James, on one long side of the table….

…. Ye gods… but that girl’s got something. Her living arrangements might be unusual, but when I see

James, with his aggressively alpha, protective stance, and Michael, with his angelic blond hair and

glorious blue eyes, I can see why she has chosen it...

And, glancing at Michael, that ‘Angel’ has a dirty halo…. He holds my eyes for the briefest of moments

before looking away...

…. some of the possibilities do fairly boggle the mind.

I keep my smile to myself, placing my hand on Richard’s.

Will Stanton, Police Commissioner, and Richard’s friend of some years, sits at the head of the table,

where he can command the scene, but not sitting directly opposite Charlotte, is not too confrontational.

Over perfectly presented roast lamb in mint, he starts the conversation.

“Hello, Charlotte. I’m Will Stanton. I’m an old friend of Richard’s here, and firstly, I wanted to apologise

for what happened the other day. It was not done by my authority.”

She nods a, slightly frosty, acknowledgement.

“For the record, although when the business of the auctions first came to light, Richard here

was….um… economic with the truth,” He glances askance at Richard, “…. about the identity of

someone he knew, being one of the girls involved; since then, we have spoken at length on the subject,

and it appears to me, that in your case, all went well and there are no criminal charges to pursue…”

Charlotte says nothing, her face flat, expressionless. Dinner plate forgotten in front of her, she sits bolt

upright, arms folded. James is similarly blank-faced.

Will appears to realise that he has some ground to cover before getting much response from her. He

continues. “May I ask you some questions regarding the circumstances, and the outcome of your

involvement in the auction?”

She nods. “Yes.”

“You entered the auction of your own free will?”


“You were in no way coerced?”


“Why did you choose to enter the auction?”

“Because I needed the money, and it was a better rate of pay than standing on street corners.”

Richard looks suddenly away, hiding a smile. James apparently finds the portraits hanging over the

fireplace deeply interesting. Only Michael doesn’t bother to hide his grin, apparently delighted at

Charlotte’s modus operandi.

After a deep intake of breath, Will continues. “And after the auction, you were contracted to one James

Alexanders? Who if I am not mistaken, is sitting next to you right now?”

“That’s right.”

“And he did not abuse you, or take advantage of the situation?”

Charlotte pauses. “He had paid to take advantage of me, but he in no way abused me, and at all times,

he was very clear that I could stop anything that was happening by simply saying so.”

“What would have happened if you had drawn a halt to proceedings?” Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Um, I suppose the contract would have been void, and the money would have reverted to him.”

Will pauses, I think, finding the interview difficult. “Charlotte, for the avoidance of doubt, you were

happy with the outcome of the contract you entered into, and you have no complaint to make relating to


“That’s correct.”

He nods, pencilling a note, then, producing a large brown envelope, slides it across to her. “You will find

the immunity document you requested in here.”

She opens the envelope, taking out the document, examining it carefully, then, passing it to Richard,

says “Mr Haswell. I don’t have a lot of experience with legal documents. Does that look okay to you?”

Richard looks startled, but takes the paper, looking it over carefully for a couple of minutes, then

passes it back to her. “Yes, Charlotte. That looks fine to me. James is covered against anything relating

to the auction house investigation.”

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