Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 182

Debbie and Hayden started dating when she was 16 and their relationship lasted for two years. Just a few days before her 18th birthday, for some unknown reasons they broke up. During those two years, being his girlfriend, Debbie was the one who had protected Hayden and his sister, although she herself was a little girl.

In return for her bravery, she got ridiculed by Hayden himself.

“You are not womanly at all,” Hayden had said to her.

Debbie’s reply on the phone made his heart tighten.

“I’m sorry, Deb. I didn’t treat you well before. I didn’t treasure what we had. I’ve regretted it. I’ve missed you for the past three years. Can we start over?” Hayden apologized, his voice full of remorse.

He had been involved with dozens of women after Debbie had left him, but none of them truly loved him as Debbie had.

She was so thoughtful in a way that, even though she didn‘t know how to cook, to make sure he ate well, she used to bring takeouts to his workplace.

Moreover, she changed her character for him. She was perky, but when she learned that Hayden’s mom liked quiet girls, she had always reminded herself to be quiet in front of his mom, just to get her approval.

On ordinary days because Hayden’s family was wealthy, he got kidnapped or blackmailed a lot, or sometimes into some other kinds of trouble.

All those times, Debbie tried her best to protect him, no matter how dangerous the situation was.

She used to get drunk easily, but every time Hayden had to drink at a dinner party, she drank his alcohol for him, just because drinking was bad for his health and she wanted him to stay healthy. Thus, at first she could only handle 50 grams of alcohol, but gradually, she could handle more than 1 kilogram of alcohol.

She had done so many things for him. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

But now it was over. Hayden had lost her, that girl who had loved him like a fool. Now he was back, and he wanted her back. He promised himself that he would never let her go this time.

“Hayden, it’s too late.” Every time Debbie mentioned his name, it hurt.

She was the one who gave and gave in their relationship, but in the end, all she got was a broken heart.

It still pained her when she reminisced about their past, but she was over him now. She had moved on. Except for the pain, she didn’t have other feelings for him.

Debbie ended the phone call and continued roaming the streets as if nothing had happened. When she passed by a dessert bar, the delicate desserts in the glass cupboards drew her attention. There was cake, icy pudding, and multi-layer steamed bread. Durian flavor was her favorite.

She remembered how Hayden hated it. Every time Debbie ate a durian snack in front of him, he would say it smelled disgusting and that she would get fat from eating too many snacks. He had even told her not to eat durian snacks in his presence.

Out of nowhere, Debbie suddenly recalled that night when she was with

Carlos. She could tell that Carlos hated durian’s smell too. But he had eaten the snack with her even though he despised it. She knew by the look on his face that he was just forcing himself to eat the

durian snack.

Carlos had specifically ordered crispy durian cakes and durian pancakes for Debbie the other day when they were eating on the fifth floor of

Alioth Building.

Maybe it was because he was several years older than Debbie, Carlos was thoughtful in many things. He would ask Julie to make durian dishes or desserts at the villa now and then.

When Debbie sneaked into Carlos’ room for the first time, he had caught her immediately. After that, she had tried to sneak into his room again, but he never busted her. To think about it, Debbie thought maybe it was not that he didn’t know that she was sneaking in. Maybe he had let her in on purpose.

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