Breaking Rules

Chapter 5

I thought when I returned he would have left me, but I was wrong, he’s still there. He got out of his car and looked at the bicycle I was carrying. The emotion on his face became blank again as before. There is no sign of his anger but I have a feeling that he is still mad. I stared at him in shock at what he did next. He put my bike in the backseat. It was a folding bike so he could easily place it inside. Then he opened the car for me, I gulped and got into his car. In a few moments, he also went inside the car. I thought we were just going to be silent all the time. But he suddenly talked. “What are you doing in that club?” I could not answer him instantly. As if a stone had been placed in my throat. I can feel my body shaking. His voice is too dangerous. I’m not mistaken in what I thought before. I can feel how mad he is, still. I lowered my head and played with my fingers to calm myself. But it didn’t even help me to make myself feel better. I was even more nervous the more I could feel his anger. I jumped in my seat when he hit the steering wheel of his car hard. I immediately looked at him. He was gripping the steering wheel, too tight. Like he was pouring out all his anger on that thing. His breathing is ragged again. His massive chest rises and falls violently. I was horrified when he suddenly looked at me. His eyes are red in rage. “Are you a fucking whore there huh?” my eyes widened at what he said. He even laughed without humor. “Prostitute huh. Are you one of the whores out there who want to be fucked by anyone?” My tears welled up in fear of him. “Fucking answer me, Sera!” Afraid of his yell, I quickly and consecutively shook my head. “Then why are you fucking wearing that fucking skirt ?!” I quivered again as tears welled up in my eyes. And even I was terrified, I forced myself to speak. “I-I’m j-jus-s-st a jan-n-nitr-r-r-ress there. I-I w-was j-just n-n-needed to be a—” “Damn fucking shit!” He punched the steering wheel again. I cried a lot over what he did. He blew air. “Fucking stop crying, Sera. Suit your fucking self. I’m no prince charming, I don’t fucking wipe tears.” Then he started his car. I calmed myself down, I soon felt better but the fear in my chest did not go away. But it has increased even more. I simply looked at him and saw him seriously maneuvering the steering wheel. His was still silent but I felt that somehow he calmed down. Then he suddenly looked at me. I immediately lowered my gaze. He cursed a few more times before harshly sighing. Then the car stopped in front of my apartment. I swallowed before hesitantly repeating the caress I did on his hand in gratitude. He stirred again but this time he didn’t look at me. Instead, he swallowed. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I quickly removed my hand. “S-Sorry …” He just turned coldly to me. “Be a good girl, you’ve been a bad girl tonight …” I nodded to him before finally getting out of his car. I didn’t look at him anymore, I just went straight to my apartment. It was only then that I breathed a sigh of relief. My heart is still beating fast in fear. I can’t understand myself. I let him do those to me. I should have been protesting to him. But here I am, being a submissive. And he’s dominant. The boss of mine. Even if I don’t want to think about that, that’s what I’m feeling whenever he’s near and touching me. Dominance and submission. No. What am I thinking? That’s … That’s absurd! No, I’m going crazy. I just adjusted my eyeglasses and discarded the craziness I was thinking in my mind. I sighed, I closed the door before turning on the light. I saw Azi sleeping under the small dining table, he suddenly opened his eyes, he looked like he woke up because of me. He came quickly to me, I sat on the floor to greet him. I took him and placed him on my lap, he licked my face. I laughed softly while still leaning against the door. Azi felt at home. I picked him up and went straight to my bed. I told him about what happened earlier. I couldn’t help but smile. I smiled as I stared at Azi who was already sleeping on my lap. But those smiles faded as I remembered what had happened to me earlier. I closed my eyes and forced myself to forget it. I can’t help but think what would have happened to me if the man I helped before hadn’t come. I also realized that until now I still didn’t know his name. Do I need to know his name? I stroked Azi’s fur and opened my eyes. I don’t think so, maybe. The important thing is that he left, I just need to avoid him even more. I blew air before I put Azi down on the couch and then went straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before going off to bed to sleep. I woke up early so I also entered San Albereda University early. I used the bike to go. And as usual, they are ridiculously looking at me. I was just at the gate when the others were looking at me. But I’m just thankful for that. Fortunately, that’s all they do. Not like before, that I almost got depressed every time they tried to harm me, physically and emotionally. Looking at me like those is way better than hurting me. I may not be able to cope if they hurt me again. I was discouraged and even I didn’t want to be pitied. I can’t do anything because I’m really pathetic. While I’m walking in the corridor of our building I heard a group of girls talking. I stopped because they also blocking my way. “Shit, did you see Azel here earlier?” said a woman wearing a simple dress. “Yes, I saw him leaning in the wall there,” her female companion pointed out in a classroom. “Damn girl, I should have gotten in early. Isn’t he here anymore?” “Sad to say, he went to his class already. You know Azel, he doesn’t want to get late.” “But, why did he come here to our department?” “I don’t know, maybe he’s flirting with someone here?” “That’s ridiculous, you know. Azel doesn’t do girlfriends, he just fuck. I did see him the other day, he is making out with a student here in the main library. Damn, he’s hot to look at. I hope I was the one he’s kissing.” “Really? Did you see the girl? Who is it? Is she beautiful?” “I didn’t see her face tho, but I bet the girl is beautiful I don’t think Azel will hook up with someone ugly.” I was surprised when they looked at me. I lowered my eyes and tightened my grip on my books. “Of course, especially with mutes.” Then they laughed. I changed my direction rather than going through there. I even saw men looking at me. They had strange grins, some even whistled. I just quickened my walk and went to my first subject. It’s gonna be a boring day for me again. Just like before, my mind is preoccupied again. It’s noon but I’m still not coming back to my senses. I didn’t even know that I was inside a library. Inside the CAS Library extension, it was close to the Law Department building. Only a few students are here. I sighed and sat at the far end of the library. It’s a bit dark here and there aren’t many students. I’m not in the mood to read a book but I need to. So I pulled out a book and read. But I can’t even understand what I’m reading. Everything I read just came out of my mind. I pouted and sighed. But I was shocked when someone sat beside me. I quickly yanked myself away and looked at the one who sat beside me. He was smiling at me ear to ear. He looked like the man last night. The only difference is that he has a piercing on the side of his lip. “Hi,” he waved his hand. My mouth twitched as I just stared at him. “You are Seraphina, right?” I slowly nodded my head, even more, shocked by what was happening. How did he know my name? He smiled wider at me. “I’m Samael, Seraphina.” He handed me his hand. We shake hands. I’m still a little hesitant to accept that. “It’s nice to meet you,” I averted my gaze as he grinned at me. I remember someone as he did that. Suddenly I got chills at that thought. I heard something vibrate, I looked at him again. He grinned even more. Then he slowly took his phone out of his pocket while still looking at me. Looking intently in a different way. “Yes, brother? Oh, yeah, I saw her. We’re here in a library near your building. Okay, fuck you. You’re right, brother.” He laughed softly, that empty laugh that made me feel goosebumps. He put down his phone and looked at me. “Where were we again? Anyway, are you free tonight?” He is still holding my hand. I tried to pull it away but he won’t let it go. I shook my head at him, he caressed my hands. Then he approached me, but I was just there sitting like a stump on a chair. “Hands off, fucker.” My gaze flew quickly to the who talked. I saw a familiar hawk gray eyes looking at me intently. I immediately removed my hand from Samael’s grip but he also immediately chased after it. Like he doesn’t have a plan to let it go. Then he smiled and looked at the man in front of us. “Make me,” then he came even closer to me. The tone of his voice seemed defiant. The man in front of us clenched his jaw. I was even surprised when he grabbed Samael’s collar. “I said hands fucking off, Samael,” Samael smirked and put his both hands in the air. As if he was surrendering to a policeman. “Just like what Nazarel said, chickening like a little bitch.” Samael stood up and went to the man in front of us. He put his arm around it and faced me with a smile. I looked at the man beside him. I can see no emotion on his face. My lips parted and looked away. What is he doing here? I was avoiding him but this is him, in front of me. I closed my eyes but woke up again when I heard someone scoffing. It was Samael who was laughing. “Brother, this is Seraphina. And Seraphina this is my twin brother, Azazel.” “I have fucking known her, bitch. Fuck off.” “But he doesn’t know you, because you only use your head below. You didn’t even think to introduce yourself. So, I made it for you.” “Tch. Said the one who fuck many girls without telling his real name.” “Boy, I don’t need to introduce myself. I just want to fuck them all. That’s it.” I saw the man named Azazel glaring at Samael. But Samael just laughed at him. They both looked at me, I just stared at them. My lips are parted in disbelief. I sighed as my gaze landed on the man Azazel. He’s looking at me, directly. I immediately averted my eyes and then resumed reading. But even I was reading, my attention was still focused on them. I closed my eyes, what are they doing? Why are they acting like that? And why is he here? I bit my lip as the fear clotted in my chest again. I can’t help but be afraid of him. “Fuck you, Samael.” “Fuck you too, Azazel. You owe me one.” “Fucking get lost, stupid.” I simply looked at them. I just saw Samael leave without looking back at us. and I felt Azazel sit beside me. I even heard him clear his throat. I swallowed as I focused on the book I was reading. “Sera,” and my hair almost stood on end when he called me. I bit my lips and just continue reading. His manly scent lingered on my nose that I almost closed my eyes. What is happening to me? I licked my lip and turned the page. I can feel his thighs touching mine. So my heart suddenly stopped beating. These things are new to me. So, I don’t know what to do. “Sera, what are you reading?” I swallowed when I heard his husky voice in my ears. I looked at him and I almost screamed seeing how close his face was to me. There was no more emotion in his eyes but the edge of his lip was raised. I quickly backed away and adjusted the mirror I was wearing. I can feel my face heating up. I heard her faint laugh before picking up the book I had been reading earlier. I looked at him. He examined the book and I saw him smirking. He looked at me directly in my eyes, he was still smirking. “I didn’t know that you’re a fan of erotic stories.” My eyes widened when I heard what he said. I looked at the book he was holding. And I almost fainted when I saw what book it is. The book of Blanka Lipinska entitled 365 DNI, I quickly took it from him and hid it in my bag. “I wonder if you have some sexual fantasies,” he said in a low tone.


My face blushed even more as he laughed softly. He came closer to me so I stumbled but I had nowhere to sit so I expected to fall to the floor but I did not feel any pain. Then I realized he caught me from falling. His hawk gray eyes are looking at me, my lips parted. He has very beautiful eyes. A very unique one. I immediately pushed him and arranged to sit down. I can’t even look at him. I was embarrassed by what I did earlier. It’s as if I don’t know, I look nervous. I played with my fingers. I also shared my gaze around. I saw a student looking at me, at us. My lips parted, why is she looking at us? And me? Did I do something stupid again? But he seemed shaken to look at us as he looked at the one next to me. He quickly left his seat. Now we are alone in this position. I gasped as I felt a hand grip my neck. I looked at Azazel. He smirked at me and brought his hand to my left cheek. He caressed it gently using his thumb. He was looking at me intently. “You look so innocent, my love.” He came closer to me. I can feel his breathing on my face. It was hot and had a strange effect on me. He looked at me straight in my eyes. He read his lip. His mouth tilted toward my right ear. It gently hit my cheek as he moved. “So innocent that’s making me want to fuck you even more.” I gasped at what he said. I pushed him quickly because of that. He looked at me without emotion. I quickly grabbed my bag and stood up. But before I could step on my feet he quickly pulled me on him. I accidentally pushed the table away so it made a noise, fortunately, we were far from the student so we didn’t get too distracting. I fell on his lap. So I was already straddling him. I swallowed and my eyes widened as I looked at him. He smirked again as he watched me. I let go of my bag as he approached me. My chest rises and falls rapidly at the extreme speed of my breathing. Half of my thighs are already exposed. I gasped even more as he held on to it. He caressed it slowly. Making me feel things that I don’t know. I bit my lip unintentionally. I don’t feel disgusted. There is fear but it is overshadowed by another emotion. I know it’s wrong but I felt excited. I don’t know why I even feel that way. But then, it felt so right. I sighed as he stopped caressing there. Our gazes met again. His eyes are different from the usual. The shade of his eyes is darker than before. I felt his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him. Our faces almost line up. “I’m still mad at you, Sera,” his hand on my thighs went to my neck. He just stroked it gently. “I’m so mad, fuck!” he stopped stroking but his hand remained there. I swallowed hard when I felt his lips on my neck. He kissed it a little. I can’t help but get a grip on his shoulder. He laughed softly at my neck and then kissed me again, giving me some little kisses. “Hmm, you like this?” I felt the heat of his mouth on my skin. I bit my lips in the unfamiliar sensations that I’m feeling right now. “I’m asking you, Sera. Do you like my kisses?” He started biting my skin there. It was just weak and soft as if I was being attracted. And I’m being seduced. And I’m liking it unknowingly. “Y-Yes …” I said with almost air coming out of my mouth. He stopped and looked at me. He smirked, his hand went to my nape. “Uh-huh,” his eyes dropped to my parted lips. It took him a while looking at there before returning to my eyes. “You still look so forbidden, but I’m a sinner. I want to taste your lips … to … fuck you … rough and deep.” My eyes widened at what he said and before I could even protest, he pushed the back of my head closer to make my face closer to him. My scream was trapped in his very hot mouth. He kissed me hard. He brought my body even closer to him, and even if we still have our clothes on, I can feel his hot chest on mine. His tongue flicked inside of my mouth. He effortlessly explored the inside of my mouth. I can feel the place heating up for no apparent reason. I feel very hot around. Especially my body. I even moaned when he squeezed my waist with his hand. He deepened his kiss on me more. I’m almost out of breath, I don’t have any idea about these things. “Hmm …” he even sucked my tongue. I feel like it’s almost succumbing from my mouth. I was out of my senses when I clung to his neck as his lip dropped to my throat. He sucked, nipped, and bit my neck. “Ahh, A-z-zazel …” I can feel him smiling through my skin. “You’re like an innocent slut moaning my name but I like it.” he laughed softly. I close my eyes the lower his lip. I can feel his lips on my cleavage. “D-Don’t …” “Don’t? Really, amore? Do you really want me to stop?” Though with great confusion I nodded, I pushed his head away from me. “W-We s-should-d-n’t …” His hand caressed my waist up the side of my chest. And I can almost close my eyes to the sensation he makes me feel. Trembling, I held his hand which continued to caress my skin. “S-St-t-top.” He stopped and licked his lips sensually. I can feel my whole body shaking but I still tried to stand up. He didn’t stop me. He just watched me adjust my mirror and my long dress. My heart wants to burst out but I need to be calm. I wanted to leave but it was as if he was pinning me to where I am standing with his strange stare at me. He held me tightly to the table I was leaning against as he stood up. He walked towards me. He raised one hand on the table while the other was placed on my waist. “I’m going now, Sera.” His stares at me were so hot that I shivered. “Because, if I’m not going to leave you here … I might fuck you … senselessly.” I swallowed and nodded without even thinking. He grinned again before pressing his lips firmly against mine. That lasted a few seconds. He groaned before pulling away. “Be a good girl,” he whispered before turning his back on me. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow into my eyes. I don’t even know, why I’m crying. But two things are clear to me. I did not feel fear or disgust for him. Instead, it was as if I even liked what he had done to me before. And another … I bit my lip. I’m so sorry, mom.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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