Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 61: A surprise visit

Aira’s POV

“Alex, I am fine. You don’t have to follow me; it isn’t necessary,” I say for what feels like the millionth time, but my words don’t seem to be getting through to him.

He proceeds to put on his clothes and inspect his attire in the mirror. He is wearing a crispy white button shirt and black pants. His hair was a bit messy, and his eyes are sharp and alert.

It has been three days since Alex nearly had a heart attack because I died again in my sleep. Ever since then, he has refused to leave my side; he even considered getting me a heart monitor to be sure if any of this was healthy at all. He feared that one day I might actually die and not come back.

But then again, I had to remind him that there was nothing normal about any of the things that were going on.

Today I decided to pay a visit to my company; it has been a couple of weeks since I last stepped foot in there. I suppose this whole drama with Ana and Camille dying and meeting new family members that I never even knew I had could do that to a person.

Alex insisted on coming with me, and I just did not want that. He has been breathing down my neck these past few days, and I have had it. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death, but I need to fucking breathe.

Alex runs his hands through his hair, fixing it up as his eyes remain on his reflection. I am unable to keep myself from biting my bottom lip. It still amazes me how he looks so devilishly handsome without even trying.

I still find it hard to believe that he really is all mine.

Once he is satisfied with what he sees in the mirror, He walks up to me and takes my hand; tingles go up my arm when our hands make contact. He starts to lead me out of the room before he says, “Let’s go.”

My feet slam on the ground in order for me to stand my ground. Alex freezes in his tracks and looks at me with his left brow elevated. “You are not coming with me,” I say with finality, yanking my hand from his grasp and folding my arms above my chest.

“Hell, yeah, I am. You have been dying a lot more frequently than normal, and to make things worse, they happen without warning. I can’t let you go out there without my supervision,” Alex says strictly, and I roll my eyes.

“I am not a child; Alex, I can take care of myself. And besides, Athena would never put me in danger.”

Alex lets out a snort. “You mean Athena, the ghost that has been taking you back and from the land of the living and the dead? I don’t think so.”

A tired sigh leaves my lips, and I say, “I am not going to die today, okay? And besides, you have already surrounded me with so many guards. I am protected.” I walk up to him and place both of my hands on his broad shoulders. “You can’t spend your days worrying about me, Alex. You have a pack to run.”

Alexander stares deep into my eyes. Those dark orbs pierced right into my soul and let down each and every one of my defenses. He made me weak without even having to try. The words that leave his lips fill me with an emotion I cannot quite describe.

“I would sacrifice everything just to keep you safe. You are all that matters to me.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I try to stabilize my palpitating heart. I grab his face lightly and smile gently at him. “You were an alpha long before you met me, and you will be an alpha after me as well. Your priority is this pack, not me.”

He does not seem to be acknowledging my words; I can tell by the way he looks at me like I am mad.

Another sigh leaves my lips. “Just believe me when I say I am going to be fine, okay? You can do your thirty-minute space calls if you want. But I want you to believe that I am going to be fine.”

His eyes search mine, and the intensity behind his makes my knees grow weak. He sucks his lips into his mouth and nods. “Fine.” He finally says, and I smile at him in appreciation.

“I love you,” I whisper against his lips before grabbing his face and sealing my lips with his. Our kiss is gentle and loving.

When he pulls away, he drops his head on mine and whispers, “I love you more.”

It takes everything in me to pull away from him. When I let go of his hand, an empty hand suddenly filled me, and the warmth his touch provided disappeared. For a second, I almost did not want to go anywhere. I am starting to consider actually forgetting everything and spending the day with him.

But I can’t do that. I have an empire to run.

Alex stands in the room, his hands in his pockets, as he watches me leave. I release a breath I did not even know I was holding once I step out of the room. I try to erase him from my mind before I find myself running back to him.

As I step out of the palace, the guards bow at me as I walk by in respect. As I descend the stairs, I walk up to my waiting car. A guard stands beside the door and bows at me in respect before opening the door for me. I step into the BMW, and my eyes meet the driver’s through the rearview mirror.

“Good morning, ma’am,” the driver greets, and I smile politely at him.

“Good morning. Kingston enterprises.” I say, and he nods in understanding before starting up the engine.

During the drive to my company, I think of how far I have come. I still can’t believe that just a few months ago I was thrown out of my home by my own sister and mate. I was left on the streets with nothing in my name.

Now I have a multi-millionaire company to my name, an overprotective and loving mate, and the family I never knew I would ever have.

My only regret now is that I wish my baby could have seen all of this.

By this time next month, I would have been due if they had survived. I would have given them all the good things life has to offer.

A stray tear slips past my eye, and I quickly wipe it away. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself down. It is better if I don’t dwell much on the past. It is exactly what it is-the past.

And nothing can change it.

We arrive at Kingston Enterprises in no time. As I step out of the car, I take a look around and notice not much has changed. I make my way up the steps, and the greetings I receive from my staff are tremendous.

I am surrounded by happy faces and greetings. Most of them complimented me, telling me that I look much better, while the others welcomed me.

Making my way up the elevator, I arrive at the top floor, where my office is located. The second the doors open, my eyes lock with Aurora’s.

Immediately, she rises to her feet and practically runs towards me. I cannot help the laughter that leaves my lips as she runs up to me and engulfs me in a crushing hug.

“I can’t believe you are actually here, Aira!” She says that as she squeezes my ribs so tight, I fear that a bone might crack.

“Aurora, I can’t breathe,” I wheeze out, and she lets go of me instantly.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

She smiles sheepishly at me and then says, “Sorry.”

I wave my hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it,” I say before taking in her appearance. I could have sworn that she had put on a bit more weight. “Well, aren’t you looking good?”

“Stop, you are the one that is looking all eye-catching,” she says, and I laugh lightly.

“If only you knew what I looked like just a few days ago.” I trail off, shaking my head as I try to get those thoughts out of my head. “Anyways, what has been going on here? You have a lot to fill me in on.”

She nods in agreement. “Yes, I do. A lot has happened, and I will tell you the full report. But for now, you have more urgent matters to attend to,” she says, and my eyebrows crease in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“You have a visitor,” she says, and my eyebrows shoot to the top of my head.

“What do you mean I have a visitor? No one is allowed to visit me without an appointment,” I state, and Aurora purses her lips.

“Yes, I know that, but there is something different about this man. He was just so… Aurora pauses to gulp nervously, and now my curiosity is spiked. Who is this visitor to fill my assistant with this much fear? “He is nothing like I have ever seen before. He says he is your uncle.”

Of course.

My eyelids shut for a moment as I tried to take in this information. When I open my eyes, I nod slowly and say, “I will handle this. Where is he?”

Aurora points at my office and says, “In there.”

I head straight to my office, and true to Aurora’s words, my uncle is in my office. But what I did not know was that he was sitting on my seat, behind my desk.

“Ah, Aira. I was wondering when you would show up.”

My eyelids narrow a bit, but I manage to put up a fake smile: “Hello, uncle Vincent.”

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