Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

7 Comfortable


It’s been a week since Clara and I had our picnic date. Every day we have spent together, I see her smile and laugh more. Silas was in his glory when we went on our first run in wolf form. Cora is smaller than the average wolf but she is beautiful. Thankfully, he was a perfect gentleman. After I’m showered, I head to my father’s office before breakfast. He linked me last night that he and my mother wanted to speak with me. My aunt has been trying to use her magic to locate the collective that is holding Clara’s brother and I am hoping that is the reason for them wanting to see me so early. I knock and open the door. My father is sitting behind the desk and my mother is standing next to him with a huge smile on her face. “Take a seat son,” my father says. “Did Aunt Lily figure anything out about the collective?” The smile leaves my mother. “No, but don’t lose hope. You know how strong your aunt is.” I nod “so what did you need to talk to me about?”

“We know you are taking things slowly with Clara, which we both agree with. She is a lovely girl and has been through things that no wolf should ever endure.” I look at my mother confused. “I know we all had our idea about what happened to Clara but why do you sound like you actually know what she has been through, mother?” I see sympathy in her eyes. “Lily was able to see some of her past when she healed her. We needed to know if we should prepare the pack for an attack.” “Why didn’t you tell me what she saw? It’s been driving me insane thinking about what happened to her.” “That is not their place to share that with you Eli. Your mate needed to be ready to share that part of herself with you”, my father says. I nod, I know he’s right. “So we wanted to talk to you about your titles. When you and Clara are ready, we will plan your ceremony. There is no pressure. I laugh “except from the twins.” My mother smiles “I’m sure they will be fine for a little while longer. We would like to have a party and invite the Alphas and Lunas of the packs we have alliances with if you think that would be alright. We would

like them to meet the future Alpha and Luna of the pack.” “I will talk to Clara and, as long as she is alright with it, then absolutely. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you both. After everything, I know how lucky I am to have the two of you and Larisa.” My mother comes around and I stand wrapping her in a hug. My father hugs me and I head to get Clara for breakfast.

I head back upstairs and knock on Clara’s door. After a few more knocks, I open the door slowly. “Clara”, I say into an empty room. She must be with Larisa. I walk back downstairs and into the dining room. My sister, Clara, the twins, and Rose are sitting at the table eating breakfast. When she sees me, her eyes light up and warmth blooms in my chest. When I reach her, she wraps her arms around me. I press a quick soft kiss on her lips. We both take our seats. I look around the dining room and see the pack members smiling in our direction. I notice that Susan is sitting at a table with four girls that are whispering. “Eli, don’t worry about those girls. I don’t care if they like me or not. Mean girls are irrelevant in our lives.” I smile at how strong she is and Larisa has a look on her face like I told you so. I chuckle before I get up and go to grab my food. As I pile eggs on my plate, I feel someone standing next to me. I look over and Susan is standing there. “What can I help with Susan?” “I was hoping I could meet Clara and apologize.” I’m just about to tell her hell no when an arm wraps in mine.

I smile knowing that she is doing that to show her claim on me. “Of course you can,” Clara says. She extends the hand that is not holding my bicep to Susan. “I’m Clara, Eli’s mate. It’s nice to meet you.” Susan takes her hand and I don’t like her touching Clara, but I don’t say anything. “Clara” she starts to say and I correct her. “Please refer to her as Luna.” “Of course my apologies. Luna, my name is Susan and I want to apologize for my behavior the last time we saw each other.” “I will not hold past behaviors against you and I hope that you will stay true to your apology in the future. Thank you for trying to make amends.” Susan nods and heads back toward the table of girls. I set down the tray and lead Clara into a hallway off the dining room. Before I can say anything Clara reaches up and pulls my face to hers. This kiss is different than the others we shared. She deepens the kiss and I feel it all over my body. Silas growls low and I know I need to stop this. Not because I’m not enjoying every minute, but I want

to respect Clara’s need for time. I pull back and I see hurt flash across her face. She drops her head and I want to kick my own a**.

I place two fingers under her chin so she is looking into my eyes. “Clara, that kiss was amazing.” She smiles “I thought maybe I did it wrong.” “Clara, you could never do anything wrong. I just want to make sure” I start to say and she puts her finger to my lips. “I’ll make a deal with you. I promise if I’m uncomfortable with what is happening I will tell you, but you have to promise not to treat me like glass. I don’t mean that I don’t appreciate you being patient and not pushing me, but if I do something it’s because I want to.” I smile and pull her into me. This time I initiate the kiss. I kiss her like she is the air I need to breathe because she is. We pull apart when we are both breathless. She takes my hand without a word and leads me back to grab my food. Silas is prancing in my mind and I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips. “What are you chuckling about” Clara asks. “Don’t you dare tell her,” Silas says. “Silas is just really happy we found you, just like I am.” We take our seats at the table and I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for bringing me such an amazing mate.

Alpha Mateo POV

“This is f**king ridiculous. How could you not find any trace of them in the human city? The scent of two werewolves should stand out among the humans.” “Alpha, you know we have to be careful. Our presence cannot attract the attention of the Nightfire pack”, Bradford says. “My Luna and daughter have been missing for more than a week. Do you want my wolf to go feral without his mate?” My wolf could care less because he wanted to have that damn omega. Not to mate but as his own personal bed warmer. Alphas don’t mate omegas. “I suggest you get your a** back to that f**king city and find out where my mate is. I know how upset you would be if something happened to Melinda.” I see anger flash across his face but he schools his expression quickly. “We will return to the city and I will alert you if we find anything, Alpha.” “Good and I will reach out to Simone in the meantime.” I see concern on his face. He knows my father had dealings with her and that she is a black magic witch. “Alpha, do you think asking such an evil creature for help is a good idea?” “Bradford, don’t question me again. You are

the Beta and I am the Alpha for a reason. Now leave before I lose my patience with you.” “Yes, Alpha,” he says, and leaves my office.

I speak with the patrol guard before I shift and head out of the pack land. There is a neutral territory that many super naturals frequent. A seedy bar that I normally wouldn’t be caught dead in is located in the center of the territory. Right now I have to suck it up because I need help to find that b**ch. She thinks that she can reject me and not suffer for it. She is sadly mistaken. As for my daughter, she is going to learn her place if it kills me. I shift and pull on my clothes before I head into the bar. I can feel eyes on me as I survey the patrons. My eyes settle on a woman with long jet black hair. I have only had dealings with her on a few occasions when my father needed her help to deal with an enemy. That was before I became Alpha. I know her help won’t be cheap. I take a seat next to her at the bar and she turns to face me. “What is it that you want Mateo?” Her words freak me out at first, but I keep my expression even. “Simone, it’s good to see you again.” “I don’t do pleasantries. What do you want?” I tell her about what that b**ch Jasmine did and about them both running from my pack. She laughs like I just told her the funniest joke. “So you expect me to get them back or locate them for you.”

“Well, yes, I would like to get them both back as soon as possible.” “First, I’m sure you know that my services aren’t cheap. Second, I have to do a little research, let’s say, before I agree to any job.” “What the hell kind of research could you possibly do?” “That is none of your business. If I decide to take this job and that is a big, if, I will tell you my price then. Do you understand my rules?” I hate that I need anything from this arrogant witch, but they have left me with no choice. “Fine, when will you have your answer.” “I don’t work on your timeline. I will contact you if I decide to do this.” The bartender gets my attention asking about a drink and I wave him away. When I turn back she is gone. Goddess, I hate witches and their eccentric bulls*t.

Calliope POV

I can’t believe how happy my mother is here. She has been helping in the kitchen and with the pups. I know she wanted more pups of her own but it never happened. After I saw what my father was doing, I know why. I shake those thoughts away and head out to the field where training happens. When I first joined the men they were skeptical but over the last week they have accepted me as a skilled fighter. Evan leads the training and honestly he does as good a job as Bradford. We train for an hour before I start back toward the cottage. I get that feeling again of being watched. This time I shift and Aurora takes a deep breath. We catch the scent of a wolf and she starts to stalk in the direction of the scent. We reach the trees just outside the cottage and the scent is getting stronger. A man I recognize as one of the collective members steps off from behind the tree. I shift and the shock on his face would be comical if I wasn’t so pissed. “What the hell are you doing spying on me?”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

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