Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

52 Warlocks Among Us

Pheobe POV

“Mother” I say as I wrap her in my arms. She rubs her hand down my hair, “I’m alright, I’m here princess. I’m so sorry” she starts to say. I feel like I could break at the tremble in her voice. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You were protecting me and I know that now. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that before all this happened.” She pushes me back gently and sweeps the hair from my face. “You, my lovely daughter, have nothing to be sorry for. I’m so proud of you for standing up for what was right when I was too weak to.” I wipe the tears that stain her cheeks. “You are anything but weak mother. I saw what he did to you and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you.” “Let’s not focus on the past. We need to focus on what’s coming so that you can stop your brother.” I hear a growl and my mother looks over my shoulder. She pushes herself up in bed and I move to the side so she can see. “Mother, this is my beloved, Michael” I say as I reach out my hand for him to take it. “Well Michael, its lovely to meet you. I would say you, better treat my daughter well, but I don’t think I need to.” “No, you don’t, she is my world and I would die for her.” My mother nods and takes Michael’s hand. “She is very lucky to have been blessed with such a wonderful beloved.” “Thank you” he says and steps back taking my hand again.

“Mother, I would like you to meet the rest of our family. Lincoln and Amelia are the Alpha and Luna of the Nightfire pack. Lily is the Gamma female and her mate, Neal, is the Gamma. He is on patrol right now but you’ll meet him later.” “What are you to the pack Michael,” she says with a smile. “I am the Beta of the pack.” She turns to me, “which makes you the Beta Female.” I nod “congratulations princess for finding your place.” “You’re not upset that I won’t be returning to the coven when all this is over.” “Would I love to have you with me every day, absolutely but your place is here with your mate.” I hug her again holding her tightly. “Besides once Lucas has been dealt with you and Michael will come to see me often at the coven.” “Yes, we will” Michael says and I chuckle. I pull back and for the first

time since she woke up, I see concern on my mother’s face. “What’s wrong mother,” I ask while I look her over. “Leland has put himself in danger.” I smile knowing that she cares for him as much as he did for her. “Leland the second in command and your beloved.” She looks shocked by my words. She places her hand on her marking spot. “If Lucas realizes what he is and what he has done to help me, he will kill him. I can’t lose him, Pheobe.” “We will get him back, mother.”

Leland POV

When I walked into that room and saw her lying on the floor barely alive, I couldn’t breathe. My whole world was crumbling with the thought of losing her. She never gave into the bond with me after her first beloved died because she was afraid of what Lucas might do to me. She has been protecting people all her life and I refuse to let her die because of it. Leaving her at the edge of that pack after marking her was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Lucas summons me and I pray I can keep myself under control. I take a deep breath before I walk into the office. I don’t even want to look at him but I do to keep up appearances. As I listen to him speak about Teresa, it is all I can do not to attempt to kill him right now. If I knew I was strong enough, I absolutely would. I know Lucas is magically stronger than me and I will not risk never seeing Teresa again. She has lost enough at this monster’s hands. Once he orders me to take warlocks to scope out the pack, I’m hopeful this is an opportunity for me. I head downstairs and to the meeting hall. “Lance gather the others and meet me outside.” A few moments later, the five warlocks join me.

“We need to head to the Nightfire pack immediately.” They nod and we all teleport to the woods outside of the back border. Memories of the last time I was here holding my beloved in my arms flash in my mind, but I push them away. I need to focus right now. “Lance you’ll come with me and the rest of you spread out along the border. Watch for the patrol guards to come and go. We need to determine the pattern and the best place to strike during Lucas’s attack.” “Yes Leland” they say in unison. Two head toward the northern border and two head toward the southern border. Once they are out of sight, I turn to Lance. “What is the plan here, brother” he asks, and I smile. “The plan is I’m about to be caught byNôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

the pack and you’re going to take these a**holes back to the coven.” “Leland how do you know they won’t kill you before you can explain yourself.” “I’ll just have to pray the goddess keeps me safe. You just make sure you let me know the minute they leave the coven for the attack and keep yourself safe.” “How do you want me to explain that we weren’t able to fight off wolves?” “Don’t you remember there are witches in this pack, Lance” I say with a smile. He wraps me in a hug and I pray this works. “Alright Lance, time for me to get caught and you to try out your acting skills.” He chuckles and I head across the border. As I move through the trees, I can hear paws hitting the ground. I haven’t masked my scent and they should be on me soon.

Lance POV

I watch my brother head into the wolf’s territory and I hope that I see him again. He is all I have left of our family. I know I could never have talked him out of this after he told me that Teresa is his beloved. After about a half an hour, I hear footsteps approaching me. I cast a spell to make myself look injured for when they arrive. “Lance, what the f**k happened here” Jameson says as he approaches me, followed by the other men. “We were attacked by the wolves and they managed to take my brother.” “How is that possible with our powers” he asks. “There was witches with them and we weren’t prepared for that. She is powerful and now he is gone.” They start to walk toward the border. “No, if we have any hope of saving my brother, we need the warriors from the coven with us. We need to go now and report everything to Lucas” I say and thankfully, they don’t fight me. We all teleport back in front of the mansion. “Go ready the others for the battle”, I say and Jameson leads the men away. I take a deep breath before I head up to Lucas’s office. I know what he is capable of if he suspects that I’m being untruthful right now.

I reach the door and knock. “Come in” he says abruptly, and I hope I’m’ convincing enough that he believes this story. I open the door and walk inside, keeping my breathing even. When he sees me at first he looks confused and then angry. “Where the f**k is Leland, Lance?” “I’m sorry sir but he was taken by the wolves who were being helped by witches.” “My sister” he says like a question. “No, I’ve

never seen these witches before.” “The two of them were powerful and managed to stop both of our attacks.” He slams his fist down on the desk. “That b**ch thinks that she can take my men and help those mutts.” He looks to me “you can’t wallow in what you have lost Lance. Loss is part of war. We will make them pay for what they have done to Leland.” “Thank you, sir” I say. “We will attack tomorrow at dusk, so make sure the men are ready.” “Yes sir”, I say before I leave the office. I head back to my room before I go to meet with the men. I try to reach out to Leland but I can’t. It’s like there is a block between us. What the f**k Leland? You want me to let you know what’s happening but I can’t reach you. I start to pace my room and after a few minutes I pull myself together. I need to go meet with the men before Lucas gets suspicious. I hope I can get through to Leland later or he will have no idea when we are coming.

Neal POV

Lily insisted I go on my patrol but I hated to leave her. I know it’s Pheobe’s mother in that bed but not so long ago it was her own mother that was hurt by that ba**ard. There will be no mercy when he meets his end. As Jasper runs, we catch a scent that is unfamiliar and it is definitely super natural. I link the patrol guard with me and they follow as I run toward the scent. We start to stalk toward a wooded area and the scent gets stronger. It’s a warlock I can smell clearly now. I’m sure it’s from Lucas’s coven. Who else would dare set foot in the pack? Before I can link the guards, he steps out from behind the trees with his arms up. He must think we are stupid animals. Jasper growls and starts to stalk forward. “Please, I mean you no harm” he says. “Bullsh*t” Jasper says to me and continues to move toward him. The warlock starts to back up but the guards have circled and are now behind him so he has nowhere to go. “Jasper, he could use magic against us to protect himself and he hasn’t.” Jasper stops walking. I link the patrol guard to stop. Then I link Lily “Lily, there is a warlock in the territory.” I don’t even get to finish and she appears in front of me.

Leland POV

As the wolf growls and continues to stalk toward me, I worry that I may die here in these woods. If I hurt one of them to protect myself, they will never believe that I am not a threat. My words seem to get through and the wolf comes to a stop, feet in front of me. I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess, hoping that means he believes me. A few seconds later, a witch appears in front of the wolf and she looks pissed. She starts to chant and I can feel the moment I have no magic coursing through me. “What did you” I say softly. “Why are you here is the question” she says harshly. “I mean you and the wolves no harm.” She laughs “you couldn’t harm me if you wanted to, I have bound your powers. What is your name and your business here” the witch asks me. “My name is Leland and I am here to help you defeat Lucas.” I watch as she appears to be linking. She is a witch, not a wolf. A second later, the wolf that was ready to kill me shifts. The man grabs shorts from behind a tree before he comes to stand next to the witch, wrapping his arm around her. She is with the wolf, that must be who she was linking. I hear paws hitting the ground and turn to see the other wolves running away. “What’s happening” I ask and she smiles. “Our Alpha wants to meet you.” Well, at least they haven’t killed me yet.

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