Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

50 New Pack Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Lincoln POV

Tristan bares his neck in respect to us and I nod. “Shall we sit to have our discussion Alpha and Luna,” he says. He gestures to the chairs behind the desk, before he takes the seat across from it. Two chairs have been placed behind the desk and I lead Amelia over to take one. I know this isn’t easy for her, but I couldn’t be prouder of the strength and determination she has shown. Despite the memories she has of this place, she insisted on staying with me for this meeting. I take the seat next to her and she places her hand in mine. “Tristan, do you have any other pack members that you would like to join us for this meeting?” “No, Walker was the only other ranked our pack.” “Amelia and I came to discuss the future of the pack” I say and he has a look of confusion on his face. “As you are the only remaining ranked member, we would like your input to determine how we move forward.” Despite his confusion he nods and I proceed. “Amelia has told me a great deal about your true Alpha, Elias.” “I’m sorry for your loss and all that the pack has endured due to Atlas’s treachery.” I see sadness flash across his face “thank you, Alpha.” “After discussing things with my Luna we have come up with two options to move forward with the leadership of this pack.” “The first option is the members can become part of the Nightfire pack.” “The second option is speaking to Elder James about appointing a new Alpha.” He looks at me like I have ten heads but he says nothing.

“Tristan, you, may speak freely in this meeting.” “We value your opinion, you know the pack members and we don’t.” “I guess I’m just confused.” “You killed Atlas, which makes you Alpha of our pack.” “That is werewolf law.” “Yes, it does, but a good Alpha does what’s best for the pack, not himself.” “I will be honest with you Tristan I want to combine the packs as this pack is my son’s birth right but Luna Amelia is right that you and the other pack members should be part of that decision.” “I appreciate you taking our well-being into account Alpha and your right Alpha Elias was nothing like his brother.” I sense a but coming. “Alpha Elias was a wonderful Alpha that was kind and treated all of his members well” Tristan

says. “I mean no disrespect to his memory but he wouldn’t offer this if he had defeated another Alpha even if it meant disrupting the pack members lives.” “Honestly if you’re asking my opinion Alpha, I believe starting over under the kind of leader we deserve is what is best for all of us.” “Based on everything I have learned of you and seen, you are that leader.” “I have already begun to prepare the pack for the idea of joining the Nightfire and I have met no resistance.” I turn to Amelia and she smiles. “I believe we have our answer Lincoln” Amelia says. I turn back to Tristan. “I have already spoken with the pack contractor and he has assured me that he will be able to have the cottages we need to house the new pack members ready in one month.” “We will also be expanding the warrior barracks to accommodate the new warriors.” “That’s amazing Alpha,” “We were worried as warriors where we fit in the new pack.” “I will offer the same assurance to everyone in the pack when we meet.” “Everyone will be treated equally and no one will lose their rank.” He smiles and nods at me and Amelia. “One last thing before we meet with the pack, I would like you to oversee the day-to-day pack business until the move.”

“Alpha” he says and I raise my hand to silence him. “After the integrity you have shown, you have my respect and trust.” “I will speak to you every day until the move is complete and if there are any issues you will let me know immediately.” “Of course, thank you for trusting me, Alpha.” He stands “the pack is waiting in the yard for your arrival.” We head down the stairs and out the back door that leads to the pack yard. Amelia’s grip on my hand tightens and I can feel her nerves at seeing the pack members. Tristan steps forward, “Darkmoon, welcome our new leaders, Alpha Lincoln and Luna Amelia.” They all bare their necks in respect to us. “Thank you, Tristan”, I say and he steps back. “As you all know, Atlas betrayed not only his pack but Elias.” “Atlas killed his own brother to become Alpha of this pack.” As I look at the faces of the pack, they look disgusted and dissappointed. “I know that Alpha Elias was a great man” I say and look to Amelia who nods. When I look back, pack members are smiling at Amelia. “Tristan informed me that he has spoken with all of you about becoming part of the Nightfire pack.” “As the new Alpha, I want to welcome you all to the Nightfire pack.” They start to look around at each other. “I will promise you a few things about the move that hopefully will put your minds at ease.”

“You will not be second class pack members.” “Your rank will not be affected, but all ranks in our pack are to be respected.” “I will not tolerate mistreatment of any pack members.” “New housing will be ready in one month for all of you.” “Until that time, I will be leaving Tristan in charge.” “I expect that you will respect him as you would your Alpha.” “Yes Alpha” they say in unison. “Now, unfortunately we would love to spend more time here today but we can’t because we need to get back to our pup.” “If you have any concerns or questions, please address them with Tristan as we will be in touch daily.” “Yes Alpha” they again say in unison. We turn back to Tristan to thank him when I notice a woman walking toward Amelia. My instinct is to pull her behind me, but my mate doesn’t need me to protect her. “Luna” she says.

Amelia POV

As I watch the young girl approach me, I try to remember her name. “Luna” she says in a soft voice. “Yes, what can I help you with.” “I just wanted to apologize to you.” I look at her confused. I hope she isn’t going to tell me she was with Atlas too. “What is your name” I ask. “My friends call me Liz.” “Liz, what could you possibly have to apologize for?” “I never told you what I saw because I was afraid.” I stay silent. “I saw your mate with the old Luna.” Lincoln gives a low growl and I smile. “You saw my ex- mate with Freya.” “Yes, Luna and I should have told you but.” I stop her “I understand why you didn’t tell me and you don’t owe me an apology.” “The only people that should have been sorry for their behavior are both dead.” “Thank you, Luna.” “You’re welcome.” She heads back with the others and I realize that the pack holds no ill will toward me. After we thank Tristan, we head to the SUV to return to the pack. I can’t wait to get home to Eli. Even this short time felt too long. Once we get in Lincoln leans in pressing his lips to mine and I feel it down to my toes. When he pulls back, I’m breathless. “You were amazing today.” I smile “I think you were pretty amazing today.” He pecks my lips once more and starts the drive back home.

Lily POV

The room door opens and John comes back inside. He comes to sit next to me on the couch. I told Neal to go to the training he was supposed to run today and I would let him know if anything changed. “She hasn’t woken up yet” he says like a question. “No, I used a healing spell and most of her wounds are gone but she hasn’t woken up.” “Who is she and why was she so close to the pack?” “I wish I knew John but honestly until she wakes up all of that is a mystery.” I stand walking over to her bed. I lay my hand on her forehead hoping that the healing she’s done will allow me to see what happened before John found her.” As soon as the scene starts to play in my mind, I realize exactly who she is. I turn to John and the look on my face must scare him because he stands rushing toward me. “What did you see” he asks. “We have to get Pheobe right now John.” He looks at the woman in the bed and without a word he rushes from the door.

I brush the hair off her cheek and I can see the resemblance now that I know who she is. I pray for not only her sake, but Pheobe’s that she wakes up soon. The door opens and Pheobe rushes in, followed by Michael. The minute she sees her she gasps. “What happened to my mother” she says. I come around to stand in front of her. “Your brother did this to her because he found out she was helping you.” “How did she make it here?” “From the images I saw when I sensed her thoughts, it appeared to be a coven member that teleported her outside the pack.” “Why would a coven member risk themselves and go against my brother?” “I’m not sure Pheobe but right now let’s just be thankful he did.” “I used a healing spell so hopefully she will wake soon.” Michael brings a chair over for Pheobe and she sits taking her mother’s hand in hers. Michael and John take a seat on the couch. I pull my chair to the opposite side of the bed and we all sit waiting for Pheobe’s mother to wake up. I pray to the goddess she does after her own son ordered her dead.

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