Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

43 Attack

Amelia POV

As I hold my son and look down into that chubby little face, I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for keeping my pup safe. The door opens and Lincoln walks in and my whole world is in this room. I see the tears running down his cheeks and my heart clenches in my chest. I know he was scared. I could feel his fear through our bond. I hate that he felt that for even a moment. I call him over and he slides in next to me, wrapping his arms around me and our son. “He’s beautiful and perfect” he says, staring down into his perfect little face. Once he finishes drinking, I turn a little so that Lincoln can hold him. I place our pup in his arms and it looks so funny to see this Alpha, who is huge, holding our tiny pup. “Hey little one, I’m your daddy” he says softly to him. He places his finger in the pup’s hand and we just sit staring at him for a long time without saying a word. He breaks the silence, “have you thought of what we should name him love?” I have but I don’t know how Lincoln is going to feel about the name I would like him to have. It’s not just my decision, so if he says he isn’t ok with it, I will gladly pick something else. “Love, just tell me” he says. He must feel my nerves through the bond.

“I thought since Elias made all this possible by releasing me from the pack and he would be our pup’s uncle, we could call him Eli Daniel Thomas.” He looks back down at our son for a minute before he looks back at me. “I think that is perfect and I agree he should have a piece of his uncle.” I smile and press my lips to his. He really is the most amazing man. “Eli Daniel Thomas, you are the next Alpha of the Nightfire pack.” I chuckle “he’s not even walking yet and you’re already giving him his title.” “It’s never too soon to start Alpha training right Eli” he says. He hands Eli to me and kisses me before he slides out of the bed. “Where are you going, don’t leave?” He leans down, kissing my lips softly. “Love, I am not leaving your side until we take Eli home, but if I don’t go get my parents I’m going to be disowned.” I laugh and he leaves. “Eli you are a very lucky pup to have all these people that are going to protect and love you.” “I promise you that I will protect you until my last breath.” I bend down kissing

his forehead breathing in his scent. “We are mothers Amelia” Star says. “Yes, we are and I can’t wait till I can shift so you can spend time with your pup.” She is walking in my mind like a proud peacock.

A few seconds later, the door opens and Lincoln comes back in, followed by a group of people. I smile when I see Lily, Neal, Charles, and Lorraine. “Maureen” I say looking up at Lily. “I took care of them.” “You worry about taking care of my little bean and healing” Lily says. “Alright, I get my grand pup first” Lorraine says pushing through and stealing my pup. I hand him over and Lily bends down hugging me. “I’m so proud of you.” “Thank you, Lily.” “Thank you for befriending me and leading me to the man I was meant to be with.” She kisses my cheek and she pulls back. I watch her wipe her eyes before she turns to Lorraine holding Eli. “What is my nephew’s name?” I look at Lincoln “we would like you all to meet our pup, Eli Daniel Thomas.” They all take turns holding him before Lily hands him back to me, so I can feed him. “Alright my Luna needs to get some rest” Lincoln says and everyone grumbles but listens to him. Once everyone is gone, he takes Eli, laying him in the bassinet next to our bed and slides in next to me. I fall into a peaceful sleep knowing that my mate and pup are safe here with me.

Atlas POV

We arrive in the woods near the human city. I can smell their pathetic scent on the wind. A few seconds later, a smell that is worse invades my nostrils. It smells of rotten eggs and flesh. I can see Thomas is uncomfortable as they break through the trees. I don’t see Damien among the rogues, but his second in command, Carter, steps forward. “Alpha” he says. “Where is Damien?” “Damien deeply apologies that he couldn’t be here but he is dealing with a very important issue.” I step forward, pushing my aura out. He drops his head, “there better not be any f**k ups or you all will die today.” “I assure you, Alpha, we are very capable men and we will not disappoint you or Damien.” I step back “you will come in from the southern border providing the distraction my men need to come in from the northern border. I notice that Thomas smiles finally catching on to my plan. “As I told my men should any of you encounter Alpha Lincoln, he is mine to kill.” The men nod their understanding at my orders. They all turn and head in the direction of the southern border. As soon as they are out of earshot, I turn to Thomas.

“So they are your sacrificial lambs” he says smiling. “Did you really believe that I would be working with filthy rogues for any other reason?” “What about their leader Atlas?” “Are you really concerned about one rogue coming after us?” I turn away from Thomas and toward my warriors. “Remember what I said, Lincoln is mine.” “I want Amelia brought to me if you find her.” They all bare their necks before we take off toward the northern border. We will give them enough time to draw the pack warriors to them so we can get in and find my mate. We stay far enough from the border to hide our scent so as not to be detected.

Lincoln POV

I’m trying to sleep but honestly, I can’t. Laying here holding Amelia when I thought I might lose her and staring at our beautiful son is better than sleep ever could be. “Our pup is amazing” Talon says. “Yes he is.” The door opens to the room and I snap my head in the direction ready to whisper yell at whoever dare walk in here without permission and wake Amelia. The minute I see Michael I know something is wrong. I slide out of bed and Pheobe is standing behind me. “What is going on” I hear Amelia ask from behind me. “I’m sorry but we have a large rogue attack at the southern border.” I’m torn, I don’t want to leave Amelia here alone.” I try to link Lily and Neal but they have a block up. “I will stay with her and protect her” Pheobe says. “Lincoln, you need to go protect the pack.” “I will be fine here with Pheobe.” “I will try to interrupt Lily who I’m sure is trying to give our son a playmate.” “The rogues are on the opposite side of the pack they will never make it to the hospital.” I know she’s right but that doesn’t make me feel any better about leaving her. I lean down and kiss her before I turn back to Pheobe. “Please keep her and my son safe.” She nods and we run from the room.

As soon as we leave the hospital, we both shift. Talon is ready to rip apart some rogues for interrupting our time with our family. When we reach the border, the warriors are fighting about three hundred rogues. Talon starts to rip through rogues left and right. A large brown wolf jumps on our back and we easily throw him off. We turn and bite down on his shoulder. The wolf’s whines spur Talon on. He releases his jaw and this time bites down on his neck. I hear his bones crunch and we drop the body to

the ground. I start toward a black wolf when I notice Michael is surrounded by three rogues. We jump in next to him and quickly dispose of the three wolves together. We go in separate directions, helping other warriors kill more rogues. I feel like they are multiplying as we kill them off, more keep coming. I hear running wolves coming from behind us and I turn to see the Elders followed by more warriors. I turn back just as a dirty brown wolf jumps at me. He manages to catch me with his claw, which just pisses me off. Talon growls and jumps knocking the wolf to the ground. He holds him down and bites his neck, ripping it out. Elder James’s wolf joins the fight and he has surely battled before as he rips through rogue after rogue. I’m glad they are on our side and here to help us.

Atlas POV Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Alpha, the rogues have crossed the border and are fighting with the pack warriors.” “Excellent, stay there and alert me of any changes.” “Yes Alpha” he says and cuts the link. We stalk forward, crossing into the territory. I stop the men as a patrol guard comes toward us. I give orders for them to surprise and deal with him so he doesn’t alert that f**ker Lincoln. Once he is dealt with, we move further into the territory. We come to a building that I’m sure is the pack hospital. I can see the pack house is through more trees. “Tristan take this flank of warriors to the pack house.” “I don’t care who you have to kill to get her location, just do it.” “The minute you know where she is you link me.” “Yes Alpha” he says and leads about fifty warriors toward the pack house that is likely full of omegas and worthless pack members. Once they are out of sight, I see a woman walking away from the hospital. “Bring her to me Thomas.” I can see he isn’t happy with taking my orders but he does as I ask. She fights but he manages to bring her behind the building. I have fifty more warriors hidden in the trees.

Thomas has his hand over her mouth and I can see the fear in her eyes. “I will not hurt you if you tell me where my mate is.” “Do you understand me?” She moves her head up and down. “He is going to uncover your mouth and if you do anything I will snap your neck.” “Don’t link anyone and don’t scream.” She nods again and he removes his hand. “Where is my mate?” “Who is your mate sir” she says with a trembling voice. “Amelia is my mate.” Her eyes get big and she whisper “Luna.” I grab her by the throat

“she is no Luna of yours, now answer me.” “She is in the hospital with her pup.” I smile, she had our son. I can take them both home today. “Where in the hospital”, I ask and after she tells me I snap her neck. I drop her to the ground. I hear gasps from behind me and I turn to see several of the warriors looking at the body on the ground. “What the f**k are you doing?” “I told you to wait in the trees.” “I’m sorry Alpha we heard something and were concerned you might need our help.” I growl “get back to your post and refrain from thinking.” “Just follow f**king orders.” He lowers his head and they return to the trees. I turn back to Thomas, “let’s go, we don’t have time to waste.”

I lead Thomas into the hospital and a woman is sitting behind the station. As soon as she sees us, she jumps up to run and I rush over grabbing her. “Lead me to Amelia’s room now” I growl. I grab the back of her neck and she starts to walk down a long hallway. Thankfully, we don’t run into any other pack members before we reach the room. I throw the woman at Thomas. “Dispose of her while I get my family.” I put my hand on the door and push it open slowly. When the door is split far enough for me to see inside, I smile. Amelia is in the bed feeding our son. She looks perfect, as I knew she would. She lifts her head to the sound of the door and our eyes meet. The smile that adorned her beautiful face is gone, replaced by fear and anger. I push the door all the way open and step inside, closing it behind me. That’s when I see the woman step next to my mate’s bed. She places her hand on Amelia’s shoulder. I chuckle “that’s cute, they left you to protect her.”

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