Arranged Mafia Marriage



I woke up and found myself alone. So, I dressed quickly in his T-shirt and boxers and wandered down, where I heard voices from the library. Hate to say, it but I decided to spy on the Sovranos and my husband. I know, I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help it. I was curious about the dynamics between them. And I wanted to see how Axel would react to them. Would they actually end up fighting it out? Or would they arrive at some kind of agreement? And would Axel actually agree to return to Palermo?

To be honest, I don’t want to return, but I wanted to see how things would play out between them. So, I stayed silent and peeked in on the conversation. I was so engrossed in the dynamics between the four of them that by the time I heard the footstep behind me, it was too late. I turned and recognized him as the man I saw leaving after threatening Axel the other day; by which time, he already had a gun pressed to my temple.

I’m so damn angry for allowing myself to fall into this situation. I’m conforming to the stereotype of the helpless woman in distress, something that the Cosa Nostra has always warned us about. It’s why they don’t want us involved in the business end of things-there’s also their belief that their women make them weak-which is why they prefer us to be hidden out of sight of their enemies. And dolled up and waiting for them when they come home. Even when I had thought that I’d be married to Xander I had sworn that I wouldn’t be a typical Mafia wife. Xander was an artist; no way, would he have forced me to be so submissive.

When I had met Axel, though, everything had changed. I had been so attracted to him, so under his spell that I could never deny him anything, anyway. Which is all the more reason why I want to find my backbone, some semblance of being my own person. At least, in other parts of my life.

That’s why I had decided to stay back and not let them know I was there, so I could get more information on the situation, because, hell, everyone in the Cosa Nostra knows that information is power. And while I’d never have consciously kept anything from Axel… Hell, I also wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity that had presented itself… And now I’ve landed in exactly the kind of situation that the Mafia has warned us about. Cazzo! I hold Axel’s gaze, take in how his jaw is clenched, how his features are pale and his gaze angry as he glances from me to the man who’s holding a gun to my head, then back at me. Is he upset with me? I wouldn’t blame him if he were. Maledizioni, I am upset with myself for landing in this quandary.

The man urges me forward and I take a step toward Axel, then another. The whole time, Axel holds my gaze. The anger bleeds out of his features, leaving an expressionless mask. He holds up his arms, palms face up, as he tracks us. I pause and the man behind me digs his gun into my temple again. My heart slams into my chest, sweat pools in my underarms, and I can’t stop the breath that catches in my chest. Axel notices it and his jaw tics. His blue gaze deepens. For a second, I spot something like fear-for me?-then it’s gone and the inscrutable look is back on his face.

“Keep moving,” the man behind me barks. I walk in the direction he urges me. He grips my shoulder and I almost stumble, but he rights me with an arm around my waist. I flinch, try to pull away, but his grip tightens.

“Let go of her,” Axel says in a hard voice.

“I will,” the man drawls, “but you understand, the only way to ensure your cooperation is if I keep her hostage?”

“If you dare hurt one hair on her head, I’ll kill you,” Axel’s tone is impassive, like his face.

The man laughs, “Wonderful. All that passion just waiting to be unleashed. It will make for an impressive finale.”

“The fuck you talking about?” Axel growls.

“You know what I am talking about,” the man replies, “you owe me, Axel.”

“I owe you nothing.”

“I gave you a place in my gang, a purpose. I taught you everything I knew. Hell, I treated you like a son.”

“Fuck you,” Axel replies.

The man chuckles, “You never could get away from your Italian blood, could you? I tried to teach you to be calm and measured in your approach. To think strategically before you made your move. To make a plan and focus on the end goal. And you were nearly there, too,” he shakes his head, “but I should have known, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. In the end, you reverted to your true nature. Like your old man, you let your emotions get the better of you, and now look where that’s landed you.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Seb scowls.

“You mean your brother hasn’t told you?” the man asks, his tone gleeful. “Shit, I do love big reveals. And set pieces. You’ve gotta admit, it doesn’t get more impressive than this, with most of the key players all in one place.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Luca growls.

The man holds up his hand, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?” He turns to Axel, “You want to tell them, or should I?”

Axel’s jaw tics. His shoulders flex, but he doesn’t move. Doesn’t say another word.

“Guess I’ll have to do the honors, eh?” The man all but cackles, “But first, allow me to introduce myself. Freddie Nielsen, at your service. If the surname is familiar, it’s because I am related to the legendary Nielsen brothers.”

“The fuck you talking about?” Massimo lowers his chin to his chest.

“You know Ronnie and Reggie Nielsen? The well-known English mobsters who also happened to be twins? There was a Hollywood film made about them, with a very famous Hollywood actor playing both lead roles. I do fancy I am more handsome than him though. They should have given the role to me, don’t you think?”

A bead of sweat runs down my temple. Axel doesn’t take his gaze off of me. I hold onto his gaze, drawing strength from it. He won’t let anything happen to me. He can’t let anything happen to me. He’ll save me. I know he will.

“And you are the Sovranos, of course. At least, you are better looking than your father.”

Seb stiffens, “You knew our father?”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Did I know your father?” Freddie laughs.

I sense the vibrations roll up his chest and try to put distance between us, but he yanks me even closer to him. My skin crawls and a trickle of revulsion slithers down my spine. Terror grips my chest and I stare at Axel, willing him to do something, anything, to help me. His jaw flexes and the nerve grows even more prominent at his temple. The fingers of his right hand curl slightly. My gaze flicks to his hand, then back to his face. He shakes his head, the motion almost imperceptible, except I have been watching him so closely that I spot it.

“We were partners,” Freddie clarifies.

“Partners?” Luca frowns, “Dear old dad didn’t do partners. He wouldn’t even entertain the thought of any of us succeeding him. He had to die for Michael to finally become Don.”

“And why do you think that was?” Freddie waves his hand holding the gun.

All of my muscles tense. Axel’s chest rises and falls. His gaze tracks the gun as Freddie leans forward and further into me in his excitement, “He already had a partner, so he couldn’t entertain the thought of anyone else cutting in on his empire.”

Axel’s gaze narrows, the skin around his mouth whitens, his shoulders flex, and he seems like he is about to rush forward and drag Freddie off of me. This time, it’s me who shakes my head slightly. Please, I plead with my gaze, please, don’t do anything foolish.

He must understand me, for he nods.

“I don’t believe you,” Seb finally says, “and even if I did, what difference would that make?”

“What do you want from us?” Luca growls.

“Not you, him,” Freddie jerks his chin at Axel. “Shoot him.”

“What?” Axel scowls.

“Your brother.” Freddie nods in Seb’s direction, “You can start with him.”

“Why would I do that?” Axel growls.

“Shoot him or I shoot her.” He places the barrel of the gun against my temple again, and I can’t stop the sound of panic that spills from my lips. My heart slams against my ribcage. Adrenaline laces my blood.

“Do it,” Freddie snaps.

Axel’s features tighten. He lowers his hand, reaches for the gun at the small of his back, then he draws it out and raises it.

“No funny business now, or I’ll shoot your wife.” Freddie tightens his grip on me and I groan.

Axel’s entire body goes rigid. “Don’t hurt her, you motherfucker,” he says in a low voice, “I’ll do as you say.”

He turns slightly and levels his gun at Seb.

“Cazzo,” Massimo swears.

“Knew you’d turn on us,” Luca glares at him. “Don’t fucking shoot him, you carogna.”

Axel cocks the pistol and the sound echoes through the space. Goosebumps pop on my skin. The hair on the back of my neck rises.

“Don’t,” I manage to push out the word through a throat gone dry.

Seb seems to freeze, every muscle in his body wound so tightly that the tension pours off of him. He meets Axel’s gaze, and the two seem to engage in a face-off.

The silence stretches a second, then another.

“The fuck you waiting for?” Freddie bursts out. “Shoot him, you basta-”

A shot rings out. I squeeze my eyes shut and cry out. Something clatters to the ground, then his grip on my waist loosens. I turn to find Freddie staggering back. He has his palm pressed to his side. The blood flows down his arm, drips to the floor. I hear someone screaming from a distance. My throat hurts and that’s when I realize it’s me.

Axel moves in Freddie’s direction, his gun in his outstretched hand. Freddie pushes me forward. My foot hits the gun that Freddie dropped and it clatters away. I stumble forward and Axel swerves to the side and catches me. Seb bends to pick up the gun, then charges past us, following Luca and Massimo.

I stare up into Axel’s expressionless face. He’s glaring down at me, anger in his eyes.

“Axel?” I venture.

“You’re okay?” he says in that expressionless tone.

I nod.

“If anything had happened to you, I’d never have been able to forgive myself.” He wipes my cheek and his hand comes away bloodied.

I press my palm to my face, rub at whatever is there.

“Are you hurt?” he asks.

“No,” I swallow. My stomach churns. “I… I don’t think it’s my blood.”

He drags the back of his hand across my cheek again and again. “He touched you,” he says in a hard voice. “The bastard dared to put his hands on you. He held a gun to you.” He lowers his hand. “I am going to kill him.” He tries to brush past me, but I grab his arm.

“Don’t go. Please, Axel, don’t go.” My voice wavers, and damn it, I don’t want to appear weak, but the thought of that monster’s blood tainting my skin…? Somehow, it feels worse than having him hold a gun to my temple. A trembling grips me.

“Sunshine?” Axel’s features seem to fade in and out.

My hands and feet feel so cold. It’s the adrenaline draining away, I realize, but I can’t stop my body from swaying. Dark specks flicker at the edges of my vision.

“Theresa,” he calls as he grips my shoulders. The heat of his body flows over me and I lean into him.

“Axel,” I whisper, “I… I lo-” Darkness overwhelms me.

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