Arranged Mafia Marriage



I am getting married? I am getting married. Jesus, I’m getting married?

After that pronouncement, Nonna flounced out of the room, followed by the rest of the men. Karma, Cassandra, and Theresa hung around long enough to let me know that they were on my side and that they would do their best to help me with the upcoming nuptials. They also told me they would be waiting for me until I was ready to go home.

Now, it’s me and Christian alone in the room.

I glance at him, knowing my apprehension is written on my face. “We can’t get married,” I burst out, “you know we can’t.”

“You heard Nonna,” Christian drawls. “She’s made up her mind, and once Nonna makes up her mind, nothing can change it back.”

“B-but after everything that happened, surely, you agree that us getting married, even under the guise of a pretense, is a bad idea.”

Christian folds his good arm behind his neck and leans back. The hospital gown stretches across his shoulders, and instead of looking ridiculous, it only emphasizes how fit, how sculpted his physique is. It should be a crime for anyone to look this good, especially when they are injured. The bandages only set off the tan of his skin, which is now a healthy color, thank god.

When he had lost blood and seemed gaunt, the bottom had dropped out of my stomach. My chest had hurt, and a pounding pressure had made itself felt behind my eyes.

I have treated patients, seen them in pain, but it’s so much worse when someone you love is suffering. I’d rather it be me who is hurting; that way, I know how to deal with it. But if it’s someone who you-hold on, back up. Love… Did I say love? So, yes, I have fallen in love with him along the way. I’d known it on a subconscious level, but almost losing Christian had brought home the fact. No way am I going to put his life at risk again, especially when that man is out there, still hunting him. And I’m sure getting married would draw the attention back to Christian and bring that man back for him.

“We can’t do this.” I clasp my fingers together. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” He murmurs, “If you mean you are in danger of being fucked twenty-four-seven once we are officially married, and on our honeymoon, then yes, that’s dangerous.”

My cheeks heat. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

“No, I don’t.” He lowers his chin. “Why don’t you come closer and explain it to me, hmm?”

“Oh, no,” I shake my head, “no, no, no, I am not coming near you, especially not when you are injured and need to rest that arm.”

“Is it concern for me or for yourself that’s keeping you away?”

“Both,” I say without hesitation. “I admit, the sex between us was good-”

“Good?” He chuckles. “Christmas decorations are good, buying presents for your family is good, but the sex, darling Flower… Our fucking is over-the-top, mind-blowing, pussy-clenching, blowing-my-load-in-seconds explosive.”

“No need to be vulgar.” I duck my head to avoid meeting his gaze.

“Oh, now she’s shy…” He laughs. “Didn’t hear you complain when I bound you up tighter than a Christmas stocking before the presents are opened-”

“Shh!” I dart a glance toward the door. “Keep your voice low.”

“You ashamed of your kinky side, Flower?”

“Of course, not,” I murmur, “it’s just… you know… I am still getting used to-”

“How much you crave the fetish?”

“Something like that.” I flip my hair over my shoulder. “Anyway, coming back to the question at hand-”

“There is no question. We are getting married. In two days. End of discussion.”

I glower at him.

He yawns, then settles back into the pillows. “I do believe my meds are finally catching up with me.” He shuts his eyes.

“Don’t you dare fall asleep.” I jump to my feet, walk over to him, and hit his shoulder, the one near where the bullet hit him.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Ouch,” he grimaces, “that’s my hurt shoulder.”

“I know,” I firm my lips, “it was the only way to get your attention.”

“Bloodthirsty too?” He smirks. “Didn’t peg you for being heartless, Flower.”

“But I always knew you were brutal.” I swallow. “Please, Christian, I don’t want to do this.”

“Why not?”

“It will simply draw attention to us.”

“What are you afraid of, Aurora?” He scans my features. “Tell me; I can’t help you unless you do.”

“I … I can’t.” I wish I could. I do…but if I do, you’ll hate me. You’ll never be able to love me , and where would that leave me? But you love him, and if you truly cared for him, you’d tell him everything so he can protect himself. And if I do, I’ll never be able to see him again. And that I won’t be able to bear. I can’t bring myself to. I can’t. I spin around and head toward the exit.

“Aurora,” he calls out, “this isn’t over yet. I won’t stop until you reveal how you knew that man.”

“So, what do you think?” Karma asks.

We returned to Palermo yesterday, and then it was a headlong rush to get everything ready for the wedding. If Karma hadn’t come through on the dress, I’m not sure what I would have done.

I take in my reflection in the mirror in the bedroom of Nonna’s home. It’s where I had returned, and this time, Christian hadn’t protested. In fact, when I told him that I was returning to Nonna’s place, he agreed it was a good idea. That way, he wouldn’t see me the day before the wedding, as tradition dictates. Good thing too, because I can’t wait to see his face when he sees me in this dress. The cream-colored gown with golden coils of thread woven through it clings to my shoulders, embraces my breasts, and cinches in at the waist before it flows down to my toes. The long sleeves are made of lace. When I move my arm, a hint of skin peeks through the gaps in the embroidery; the recurring motif is a thick braid that loops around and in on itself before it streams down to the cuffs.

The train flows behind me and is made of sheer lace with silver and gold shot through the pattern of-you guessed it-vines.

The design is so appropriate, it seems like it was created in my mind’s eye and brought to life in a manner so detailed that I can’t wrap my mind around it.

“Well?” she asks again. “Hopefully, you don’t hate it. I only had a few days to get it right, so…” Her voice peters out.

I turn one way, then the other, and rake my gaze over my figure in profile. The silken material clings to my curves, it flattens my belly, and emphasizes the lushness of my hips. The cut shows off my shoulders, frames my face, and the golden threads in the sleeves bring out the highlights in my hair. I take a step forward, and the skirt rustles when I walk. It slides over my thighs, reminding me of his touch. Goose bumps pop on my skin. I prop my hand on my hip, stick out a leg, and the material seems to flow and resettle over my shape, with a flash of a shapely ankle-my ankle-which is encircled by the strap of a wicked six-inch Salvatore Ferragamo shoe.

On my head, I wear a simple tiara from which the champagne and gold veil flows down my back to trail behind me. The overall effect is subtle and powerful and undeniably sexy, and yet… It’s also restrained. It hints at hidden depths of complexity and poetry, all melded together in one unique silhouette; the one that enfolds me.

“Aurora,” Karma probes, “you’re making me nervous.”

“It’s…” I shake my head. The pressure builds behind my eyes, my chin trembles, and damn it, I don’t want to cry I don’t. “It’s…” I sniffle, trying to get the words out, but they stick in my throat.

“Oh my god,” Karma says in horror. “you hate it. I knew I needed more time to get it right. Damnit; we should have taken you to a boutique and allowed you to buy one of your choice. I should have-”

“Shut up.” I turn on her. “Don’t you dare say that.”

“Um… Okay,” Karma chews on her lower lip, “but I have to say that you are confusing me, Aurora.”

“There’s no confusion.” I glance from her to Theresa, who’s hovering in the background, then back to Karma. “It’s clear that when you created this dress, you had a very clear idea of who I am. What I like and what my deepest, most secret desires are.”

“Wow,” Karma blinks rapidly, “that’s good, right? That’s a compliment, correct?” She shuffles her weight between her feet. “So, you like it. You do like it, right?”

“No, I don’t like it-”

Her face falls.

“I LOVE it, you stupid, brilliant woman!” I close the distance between us and throw my arms around her. “It’s gorgeous; it’s beautiful. It’s the kind of dress I had hoped for, but had always thought I’d never be able to have, and now-”

“You do.” Theresa walks forward and embraces both of us. “You look absolutely breathtaking, Aurora.” She sniffs. “You are a vision.”

A tear runs down her cheek, and I realize that she is remembering Xander and the wedding she had hoped to have with him. “I am so sorry, Theresa.” I turn to her. “This must be painful for you.”

“No” she shakes her head, “I am just being sentimental. Fact is, everything I had hoped to have with Xander was a figment of my imagination.”

“Are you sure he didn’t feel something for you?” Karma murmurs.

“Even if he did,” she swallows, “it wasn’t something he was sure of. He was torn inside, and I never had the courage to approach him and talk to him about it. I was too shy, too worried about upsetting people, too conscious of how it would look if I pursued him.” She hunches her shoulders. “Now, I wish I had simply cornered him and told him how I felt. It might have, at least, revealed if he had feelings for me or not. But I didn’t, and now he’s gone, and I’ll never know.” Her features crumple. “Oh, hell…” she turns away, “this is a happy occasion. I am not supposed to be bawling like this. It’s your wedding, and I am spoiling it.” She cries harder.

Karma and I look at each other, then as one, we move to her and hug her. “Oh, honey,” I rub her back. “It’s okay; let it out. I know how hard this is for you. I really do.”

She weeps for a few seconds more, then finally seems to get it under control. “I am sorry,” she warbles, “really, really sorry. I didn’t mean to put a damper all over your wedding day.”

I blink. Jesus, it really is my wedding day. It’s like the last two days went by in the blink of an eye.

I had returned to Nonna’s residence with Theresa and Karma. The men were told to stay away, in no uncertain terms. I’ve been receiving periodic updates on Christian’s progress by Nonna. She assures me that he is fine and staying with Massimo. Christian and I will see each other for the first time at the ceremony, which will be held at the family church where Michael and Karma were married. A ceremony which will take place a few hours from now.

Theresa wipes her face and turns to me, “I have something for you.” She moves away to pick up a bouquet from the side table, then turns and hands it to me.

I glance down at the spray of sunflowers and blue orchids. They are tied together with a champagne-colored cloth knotted into a bow at the base. “Wow,” I breathe, “it’s gorgeous.”

“I know it’s tradition for the bridegroom to give you the bouquet, but Nonna assured me that it was okay for me to make it for you.” Her features soften, “The colors of the flowers reflect the colors of both of your eyes.” She adds softly. “I had the design in mind from the moment I found out that the two of you were getting married. The sunflowers symbolize loyalty and adoration, and the blue orchids represent power and virility, though lord knows you two don’t need help in that department.”

I chuckle, still trying to wrap my head around everything. “Didn’t realize you knew so much about flowers.”

“I should,” she says with a small laugh, “I own a flower shop.”

“Not just any flower shop, you are looking at an award-winning florist here,” Karma says.

“Oh wow,” I turn to Theresa, “I had no idea.”

“Didn’t you notice that’s why Nonna gifted her with the tulip bulbs during dinner at the chalet?” Karma interjects.

“Of course, guess I must have been too distracted to notice,” I murmur.

“It’s no big deal.” Theresa flushes. “I love flowers, always have, and when you work with what you love, it doesn’t feel like a job at all, you know?”

“Thank you,” I glance at the flowers again, “they are beautiful, and so is the dress.”

There’s a knock on the door, and a familiar face peeks around the door. “Aurora,” her face breaks into a smile, and she bounces into the room, “you look beautiful.”

“Elena.” I hold out my arms, and she races toward me, then pauses.

“Don’t want to spoil your dress.”

“You won’t, silly.” I smile. “Now, hug me.”

When she still hesitates, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kiss her cheek. “You look lovely,” I murmur, “and so grown up.” I step back, then notice the others watching us.

“This is my sister, Elena.” I smile at them.

“Hello, Elena.” Karma grins. “You look so much like your sister.”

“Oh, my sister is far prettier.” Elena turns to me, “I can’t believe you are getting married.”

“I know, right? There’s so much we need to catch up on.”

“I have something for you.” She dips her hand into the silk purse dangling from her wrist and holds out a brooch.

“That,” I swallow, “that belonged to-”

“Mother.” She nods. ” I thought you’d like to have it with you when you got married.”

“Ah, now I have something old.” I take it and pin it to my dress.

“We are not done yet,” Nonna adds as she walks into the room. She’s wearing a simple blue dress with blue and gold stilettos and looks every bit the regal matriarch that she is. She hugs me, then holds out a small box. I open it to find an ornate charm bracelet. I hold it up and find charms in the shape of a chrysanthemum, a peacock feather, a rope, a weeping Virgin Mary, an anchor, and a scorpion. The same symbols I had spotted among Christian’s tattoos.

“Christian wanted this made for you.” Nonna fastens it around my wrist. “He was very specific that he wanted you to be wearing this to the wedding.”

“Right…” I run my finger along the pendants. What do they mean? Would Christian tell me if I asked him? Why is he wearing these designs on his body?

Nonna steps back and takes in the four of us. “Bellissime.” She wipes a tear from her eye. “All of you look gorgeous.” She turns to me, “Are you ready, Aurora?”

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