Arranged Mafia Marriage



Forty-five minutes later, we are in the living room of the main chalet in the complex of chalets that we own along with a lodge nearby.

We Sovranos don’t do anything in half-measures and this place is a testament to that. A Christmas tree tall enough to almost hit the roof occupies one corner of the room. It’s already decorated and the lights twinkle from its branches. Cassandra walks around the room, topping off our Prosecco glasses. As she passes Adrian, they exchange a look that seems to raise the temperature of the room. Clearly, he was mistaken when he said he doesn’t stand a chance with her.

The hair on the back of my neck prickles. I turn my head, and my gaze once more clashes with Flower’s golden one. She refuses to look away, and I raise my glass in her direction before taking a sip. I lick my lips, and her gaze drops to my mouth. Her chest rises and falls. Even across the distance, I sense the heat that flushes her cheeks and see her nipples outlined against the sweater dress that she’s wearing.

Then Michael clinks his knife against his glass. I hold her gaze for a second longer before I turn in his direction.

“Welcome to our first Sovrano Christmas getaway. It’s the first time we have all come together for a vacation in…” his forehead crinkles, “well, the first time ever, really.” He raises a shoulder. “I have to admit that when Nonna first came up with this idea, I had my reservations.” He smirks. “Then my wife seconded the decision, and I knew better than to argue.”

A ripple of laughter runs around the gathered crowd.

Michael glances at Karma, and his entire face lights up. “I’d like to propose a toast to my beautiful new bride and to new beginnings.”

The rest of us raise our glasses.

Karma places Andy on the floor. The cat saunters over to the cat tree in the corner of the room as Karma walks over to Michael. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her into his side before taking a sip from his glass. “If Xander were here, he’d, no doubt, have something extremely nerdy and witty to say about the proceedings.” He chuckles. “I remember the first time I offered him a glass of prosecco; he downed it in one go, then asked me why the apple juice tasted so strange.”

I try to smile, but somehow, my facial muscles seem to be frozen. How easy it is for the rest of them to recollect memories of my twin. How difficult it is for me to even think about him. To acknowledge that he’ll no longer be able to experience what life has to offer.

Michael chuckles. “I miss you, brother,” he murmurs in a low voice, “but wherever you are, I’m sure you are watching us right now and asking why the hell we haven’t started the festivities yet. I-”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I snap. “You think you can raise a toast to Xander then go on with your lives? That you can talk to him as if he is really here and that will make it all right? It’s your fault, and yours-” I turn on Luca, “that Xander is not here, and nothing you say or do will ever change that.”

“Now that’s not fair,” Massimo rumbles. “We’ve been over this. I thought you understood that what happened was no one’s fault except our father’s, and he’s been dealt with for it.”

“And if you had spoken out against him,” I turn on Nonna, “if you had stopped him when he decided to physically and emotionally abuse us, the day would not have come when he’d take the life of his own son. I hope you regret your actions, for you have as much a part to play in Xander’s death as our father.”

“Don’t talk to Nonna like that.” Seb steps toward me, but Nonna raises a hand.

“No, let him speak. This is why we’re together-so these unspoken sentiments can finally be aired.”

Nonna holds my gaze. “I will always regret not being strong enough to have taken action against my son. And you are right; I am as much to blame for what happened to Xander as your father.” She swallows. “It’s why I will not repeat the same mistake again.”

I frown. “What are you talking about?”

Nonna glances at Aurora, then back at me. “Aurora will be staying in the same chalet as me.”

“Not happening. I already told you, Nonna, she got the one night that we spent apart, but that stops now. She’s my fiancee-”

“I still don’t see a ring.”

I slide my hand inside my pocket and pull out a small velvet box.

Cassandra gasps; Karma draws in a breath. But Aurora? She stays silent; not a flicker of an expression crosses her face. I prowl toward her, and she doesn’t move. Doesn’t take a step back when I pause in front of her. I remove the ring from the box, slide the box back in my pocket, then hold out my left palm.

I hold her gaze as she swallows. The moment stretches a beat, then another. Finally, she places her left hand in mine. I slide the ring onto her finger, and applause sounds from the watching family members. She begins to pull her hand back, but I wrap my fingers around her wrist. I tug, and she stumbles toward me. I hold my arm about her waist and bring her flush against me.

I lower my head, and she tips up her chin. Anger smolders in the depths of her eyes. She firms her lips as I bring my mouth to hers. I stay poised, sharing her breath but not kissing her. Color fires her cheeks, but she doesn’t pull away. Her breasts thrust against my chest, and the curve of her waist trembles as I close the distance between our lips. I brush my mouth over hers, then release her so quickly that she blinks. I step back, an arm loosely about her shoulder. “You were saying?” I turn on Nonna. “Now that we’re engaged-”

“It’s even more important that she stay with me for the duration of our stay.”

“What?” I stiffen. “That makes no sense. We live in the twenty-first century, where men and women stay together before they are married.”

“We are the Mafia,” Nonna retorts, “and you come from one of the oldest families in the country. So, you will heed our traditions and stay apart until you are married.”

“No,” I snap.

“Yes,” Michael drawls.

“Totally, yes,” Massimo rumbles.

“I agree,” Luca smirks.

“Nonna’s right,” Seb chuckles. “Time we do things by the book.”

Adrian opens his mouth, and I point a finger at him. “Let me guess, you’re on board with this sham too.”

“It’s how things are done in our part of the world,” Adrian says gently.

“And you?” I scowl at Karma. “I don’t hear you agreeing to this.”

“Because I don’t,” she replies.

“Finally, fuck.” I drag my fingers through my hair. “It takes someone who has not grown up in the cradle of the Mafia to see the fault of our ways.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“But I do think you and Aurora should stay apart until you get married,” Karma adds.

“What the-!” I growl. “I can’t believe you are taking the side of these … these … imbeciles.”

“Who are you calling imbeciles?” Michael glowers. “We only have your best interests at heart.”

“Oh, yeah?” I growl. “I didn’t see you worrying about traditions when you decided to take Karma captive.

“It was an unusual situation, I agree,” he murmurs. “And it worked out in the end.” He pulls Karma even closer. “But I admit, we had a few hairy situations along the way, something I don’t wish on you, or anyone else, hence”-he pins me with his gaze-“I see the wisdom of the old ways now, and I think you and your fiancee will benefit from the distance.”

“Che cazzo!” I glare at him. “What is this, some kind of intervention?” I take in the faces of my brothers. “Are the lot of you ganging up on me?”

“We only want what’s best for you, fratellino,” Seb murmurs. “We’re looking out for you.”

“More like intruding where you’re not needed.” I turn on Nonna. “This is all your fault. If you hadn’t brought up the idea, the rest of these assholes wouldn’t be parroting what is, clearly, a foolish idea.”

“Is it?” She tilts her head. “It’s you who said I should have interfered earlier when your father did what was so clearly wrong.”

The blood drains from my face. “I am nothing like my father.”

“And I am simply making sure that you and your wife start your new life in the best manner possible.”

Anger thrums at my temples. My heartbeat ratchets up. My vision tunnels. I take a step forward, but a soft touch on my chest stops me. I glance down to find Aurora has placed her palm on the skin over my heart.

“Please,” she murmurs, “please, Christian, don’t fight with your family; they only have your best interests at heart.”

I peer into her features, the plea in her eyes, and the anger recedes. My guts churn, a swirling emptiness yawns in my belly, a hot sensation stabs at my chest, and I pull away from her. “You’ll pay for this,” I say in a low voice.

Then turning, I stalk out of the house.

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