Arranged Mafia Marriage



“What the,” I protest, “what are you doing, Michael?”

“You started this, Beauty.” He lowers his face so his cheek is pressed into mine. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you wriggling your little tush against my cock.” He presses said cock into the curve of my hips and I can’t stop the moan that wheezes out.

“Michael,” I whisper. “Oh, Michael.”

“Do you know how much it turns me on to hear my name from your lips?”

I swallow, “I… I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“Liar,” he murmurs without heat as he licks the shell of my ear. He sucks the earlobe and I feel the tug all the way to my core. My pussy clenches and I dig my fingers into the bedspread. “Mika, please,” I implore. “Please, Mika.”

“Tell me what you want, Beauty,” He flicks his tongue inside my ear and goosebumps pop on my skin. Who’d have thought that could be so sexy, him licking, nibbling, biting down on my earlobe and every part of my being responding to that action. I wriggle under him and he slaps my butt. “Stop that.”

“Wha-” I splutter, “what was that for?”

“For causing me so much distress that I had to fly across three countries to see you.”

“Hey,” I scowl, “I am not the one who put on that stupid show then asked me to leave.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

He kisses the side of my temple and I blink. “You apologized?”

“I’ve been known to do that,” I sense him smirk, “on occasion. Just don’t get used to it.”

“Like I would dare?” I peer up at him from the corner of my eyes. “Are you going to use your monster dick, or what?”

He pauses, then laughs. The rich sound fills the space, and my heart stutters. It bloody stutters. Will I ever get used to this man’s magnetism, his sheer charisma, his preening, the force of his personality, his allure that draws me to him constantly, until I am sure I’ll never be able to live separately from him? Tears prick the backs of my eyes and I blink them away. Or I think I do, but his gaze narrows. He bends, licks up the lone tear that has escaped from the corner of my eye. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs, and I shake my head.


“Don’t lie,” he admonishes me. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Nothing.” I scowl back.

“It’s something that when I am plastered to you, you are crying.” He pulls away, “Is it me or-?”

“No,” I protest. “No, come back.”

He chuckles, “You’re fucking adorable, wife.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I mumble, “what-bloody-ever.”

“Love it when you talk dirty, babe.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I push up and into him, only to be met by that thick hardness between his legs which, on its own, is enough to pin me down. “Let me go.”

“Thought you wanted me to use my monster cock on you?”

“Well, are you?”

He sobers, “I’m still not sure if you are fully healed, baby.”

My heart melts a little. Fuck, all he has to do is call me baby, and I’ll throw myself at his feet panting. Hell, I’ll throw myself at him anyway, as I have been doing since practically the first time I met him. I squeeze my thighs together, and scowl up at him. “I really am fine, promise.”

“I am not convinced.”

“The doctor said it was okay to start having sex when I felt ready.”

“And do you feel ready?”

“I told you I do.”

“Hmm.” He pats the curve of my arse and my belly flip-flops.

“What?” I scowl.

“Given you’re so horny, and since I don’t feel comfortable shoving my monster shaft inside your pussy-”

“Y-e-s,” I frown, “what is it you’re thinking?”

“We could, of course, satisfy ourselves with sex of the non-penetrative kind-”

I shake my head, “I want to feel you inside of me, Mika.”

“Hmm.” His eyes gleam, “There is, of course, another way for me to be inside of you.”

“Oh.” I blink rapidly, “OH!” I swallow, “You mean?”

He nods.

“You mean you want to come in by the backdoor, again?”

He stares at me, then throws his head back and laughs, a full belly laugh.

“What the hell?” I grumble as I try to wriggle out from under him and he merely leans more weight on me, so I can barely move. “Let me move, you oaf.”


“Why are you laughing like a hyena?”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Because you are so fucking cute.”

“Argh,” I growl, “I hate it when you use that bloody ‘c’ word.”

“What do you say, Beauty?”

“I have to admit that the thought of you putting the python between your legs in my arse again doesn’t exactly fill me with joy.”

“Didn’t hear you complaining about it the last time.” He smirks.

I redden, “That… that was different.”

“Oh, yeah?” He leans in close enough for our breaths to mingle, “How was it different?”

“Umm,” I blink rapidly, “I don’t know, it was just different.”

He stares at me and I raise my shoulders, “It was in the heat of the moment, okay? That first time, at your fake funeral, I figured I might as well do it because it would please you.”

“So, it didn’t please you?” He frowns.

“It… it did.” I try to shift my body, but again, I’m pinned in place. “It was a bit painful, at first, but then, you know, once I got into the uh, swing of things, it actually did accentuate the pleasure,” I admit. “And then, of course, there was that second time at your place…” I glance at him, then away.

“And,” he prompts me, “how was that for you, Beauty?”

“It was…” I shake my head. “It was when you took me against the wall of your room,” I whisper.

“And?” He nuzzles at my temple, “Do you remember what I did to you then?”

I draw in a breath, “You…” I clear my throat, “you pounded into me so hard that I felt you all the way down to the tips of my toes. You breached me with such force that I was sure that you were going to split me in two. It… it was…”

“It was?” He peers into my face. “Complete the sentence,” he insists when I hesitate.

“It was intense and filthy and indecent and yet,” I swallow, “there was something deeply satisfying about it. Like we were communicating on a different level. Like we were arguing without words. Like our bodies were straining to push away, and yet also, come closer. It felt like we were fighting more than fucking. It was…” I tip up my chin, “it was the most erotic experience of my life, okay?” Heat flushes my cheeks, and I am sure that I am blushing even more.

“Only,” he searches my gaze, “you still have doubts about doing it again.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“It’s written all over your face.”

“And when did you become so good at reading my mind?”

He tilts his head and I blow out a breath, “Yes, okay, I admit, I am still not a big fan of anal sex.”

“I am sorry if you weren’t completely comfortable with it earlier, which is why…” He releases me, then rolls off of me and pads over to his duffel bag. He squats and rummages around, then straightens. He turns to walk over to me and I take in the three packages he holds. One is a small square and another is rectangular in shape. Both have ribbons tied around them. The third one is not wrapped and he sets it down on the side table.

“Oh,” I turn over, then sit up. “You bought gifts?”

“For you, and for that beast,” he nods toward the sleeping cat. He hands the rectangular one over to me. “That’s for Andy,” he adds. I pull off the cover, then open the box and pull out a plush toy in the form of a mouse.

“You bought him a cat toy.”

“Apparently, I did.” He shakes his head.

“Aww,” I coo, “sooo sweet.”

He grimaces, “You make me sound like I’ve lost my mind.”

“Or found your heart.”

His features tense. “No emo shit, okay?”

“Can I kiss you to show my gratitude?”

“You can kiss my cock, instead, and I would be most grateful.”

I huff, “Do you always have to equate everything with sex?”

“Is there any other way?”

I nod toward the other package, “What’s that?”

“That-” he hands it over to me, “is for you.”

I tear off the wrapping, then stare at the square velvet box. “Oh,” I swallow, “what is it?”

“Open it.”

I pull off the top, then stare at the short, ribbed column which tapers on one side, before broadening out, then narrows into a notch before it flares out into a heart shape. A tiny black stone is set into the center of the heart around which is set a circle of red stones. I stare at it, “Is that a…?” I blink rapidly, “That is a…”

“A butt plug,” he supplies helpfully, then picks it up and hands it to me, “for you.”

“For me?”

“It’s going to make the entire experience of our fucking even more pleasurable.”

“Oh.” I swallow. I glance from the sparkling plug thingy to his face, then back at it. “You sure about this?”

“Very,” he promises me. “I promise you that it’ll make your orgasms even more intense.”

“I don’t know about that,” I laugh, “they’ve been plenty intense with you already.”

“This will make it even better for you, baby.” He leans over and presses a kiss to my temple, then to my cheek, then to the corner of my lips, “Go on. Let me put it in.”

“You really want this, eh?”

“I want to imprint myself on every part of you. Own every cell of your body. Rub my cum into every inch of your skin. Kiss every curve, every finger, every toe, every piece of your flesh, so you never forget who you belong to.”

I gulp.

“I want to own every inch of you, Beauty,” he peers into my eyes. “All of you.” He places his lips over mine, “Only you. Just as you own me, completely.”

My toes curl and my pussy clenches. I squeeze my thighs together, already wanting him inside me, in me, filling every hole in my body, goddamn! I draw in a breath, then place the velvet box on the side table. “Fine.”

“Good girl.” He kisses me hard and heat flushes my skin. He takes the jeweled plug from me, then presses on my shoulder and I turn over on my front.

He sweeps my hair aside and presses a kiss to the nape of my neck and I shiver. He kisses his way down my spine and I swoon. OMG, I almost swoon as he presses his lips to the hollow of my back. He peels back my panties, kisses the curve of my arse, then yanks down my underwear until it’s just above my knees. He reaches over and I turn my head to find him flipping open the third box. He extracts a bottle of lube, and pours out a little of the liquid in his palm. He warms it between his hands, then leans over me again. He kisses first one arse cheek, then the other, then slides his finger inside my backhole.

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