Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

CARLYLE’S POV Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

The night was supposed to be a respite, a haven for rest, but concerns pressed upon my mind, denying me the solace that slumber could offer. The room which was dimly lit by the soft glow of a bedside lamp, held shadows that mirrored the turbulence within.

My body craved sleep, a refuge to heal and rejuvenate, but my thoughts refused to be silenced. They were in disarray.

Images flickered through my mind – Donnie’s hurt expression, Mason’s innocent inquiries, Raina’s disruptive presence. Each thought added to the complexity of concerns that tugged at the edges of my consciousness. The responsibility of leadership weighed heavily as a burden that transcended the physical realm.

Laying on the sheets, my gaze drifted to the moonlit window with its silvery glow filtering through the curtains. The outside world seemed a distant reality, separated by the walls that confined me.

I longed for a reprieve, for the dreams that would offer sanctuary from the waking turnult. Yet, the carousel of thoughts persisted, a relentless loop that refused to grant me a clear mind.

The ticking of the clock resonated with the beats of my anxious heart. Every passing moment seemed tch, the darkness amplifying the magnitude of unresolved issues. Sleep eluded me, slipping through the crevices of worry and contemplation till the bright light of the morning sun began to shine.

Soon, Donald entered the room, looking so exhausted while interrupting the persistent carousel of my thoughts. His presence obviously brought with it the pressing matters that demanded attention.

Heaving a sigh, he sat on a chair just beside my bed.

“Carl, how are you doing?” he placed the middle and index finger of his right hand on my wrist, in a bid to feel my pulse.

Quickly, I pulled my hand to myself. “I’m all good as you can see. How about you?” I asked in return. Donald flashed me a querying look which signified that he didn’t understand the question I asked.

“I meant, how are you doing? You don’t look so great yourself, either.”

“I’m surely doing fine. Just the normal stress hanging around my shoulders.” He replied and I nodded. Poor thing! How can he call the increased activities normal? Deep down. I knew the whole situation was pressing heavily on him and he was trying to be strong for me.

“So, what are the progress we made today?” I changed the topic.

“I’ll start with the recent Alpha murder.” Donald began, his voice a solemn undercurrent to the weight of the news he carried. “I’ve been investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of the Sertid Alpha just like you instructed, and my suspicions point to Fernard.”

The seriousness of what he said filled the room, creating a tense atmosphere that required a careful


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reply. I signaled to Donald to keep talking, silently asking him to openly explain the reasons behind his suspicions.

“Fernard had disagreements with the Sertid Alpha over territory disputes and resource allocation. Their arguments were escalating, and tensions within the pack were reaching a boiling point,” Donald

explained, looking steadily at me as he went into details of the situation.

As he spoke, I listened carefully, contemplating the implications of Fernard’s potential involvement. The delicate balance of power within our supernatural world rested on the decisions I would make in the coming moments since the news about the murder had gone beyond what could be kept in secret.

“Moreover,” Donald continued, “there were eyewitness accounts of Fernard near the Alpha’s quarters around the time of his death. It’s circumstantial, but the pieces seem to align.”

The puzzle of pack politics unfolded before me, each piece carrying the weight of consequence. I leaned forward, elbows resting on my knees, engrossed in the discussion that would shape the course of Moon Shade’s destiny.

“What do you intend doing next?”

Options were laid bare – investigate further, confront Fernard directly, or seek a diplomatic resolution. Donald and I talked about each path, fishing out the potential outcomes and weighing the risks involved

“Thinking about it, we can’t interrogate Fernard just yet. This is about another pack and not ours. Anything could happen if we’re not careful. Right now, all eyes are on us, watching our every move.” Donald replied.

“That’s right, but we can’t keep watching him do as he likes. Who knows what else he has in mind?”

“In that case, I’ll try getting more definite evidence, one which he wouldn’t be able to turn over.”

“Except that he is not what we think he is.” I added.

In the midst of our discourse, a roadmap emerged a plan to gather more evidence, approach Fernard discreetly, and maintain a semblance of stability within the pack. The responsibility of leadership

demanded not only strength but a keen understanding of the delicate lines that command a pack’s authority.

The dimly lit room bore the hushed tones of a discussion fraught with urgency and concern. My eyes met Donald’s as he stood before me, a beacon of loyalty and trust.

“Donnie,” I inquired, my voice steady but tinged with an undercurrent of worry. “Have you seen


Donald’s gaze held a shadow of unease as he delivered the news. “Carl, I haven’t seen Donnie since yesterday. She hasn’t made any appearances within the pack grounds. I guess she is really mad.”

A small knot of worry formed in my stomach, signaling my growing unease as I considered the implications of Donnie’s absence. As the Alpha, my duties extended beyond just the pack’s overall welfare to include the safety and happiness of my loved ones. But what have I done? I have


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successfully jeopardized that.

“Did you try checking up on her?” I probed further, a flicker of concern etching lines on my forehead. For some unknown reasons, I felt increasingly uncomfortable.

Donald hesit

the unspoken tension lingering around. “No, Carl. You obviously know the answer to this. I didn’t have time to do that.”


“I know, I just…”

The sudden entrance of the maid injected a sense of urgency into the room, disrupting the weighty. atmosphere with a tinge of anticipation. I turned my attention towards her, a silent cue for her to express the urgency that had propelled her into our presence since she wouldn’t dare enter my abode without my permission.

“Alpha Carlyle,” she began, her words breathless with haste, “Mason has been crying and throwing tantrums all night long. We tried all we could to put him to sleep but it wasn’t working. I had no choice but to hurry here for your attention.”

The revelation sparked a momentary exchange of puzzled glances between Donald and me.

“Why would Mason suddenly begin to throw tantrums? Is Donnie not around?” I inquired, my voice a controlled resonance that betrayed the underlying concern.

“Miss Donnie left last night and she’s not been back since then. Didn’t you send her a note to meet you?”

Donald and me exchanged glances immediately she said that.

“I indeed sent a note to her to give me a chance to discuss some things with her, but she never gave me a response. So, where did she leave for?”

The maid started explaining, revealing where Donnie was. As she talked, a mix of feelings–fear, anxiety, and a hint of nervousness–filled the room, creating a complex atmosphere..

“if she is still waiting for you, she should be at the most serene spot in the royal abode,” the maid explained, the words carrying an undertone of significance. ‘She mentioned it as a place with history, a

lovers‘ spot, I believe.”

The revelation invoked a tense shift in the atmosphere as I and Donald communicated using the mind– link.

“Something is fishy here” he spoke first.

“My thoughts exactly. I never sent such note to meet me anywhere. Something must have gone


“Take me there,” I declared, the urgency seeping into my words as I stood on my feet towards Donnie’s chambers.

As we made our way towards there, the weight of uncertainty mingled with the anticipation and hope that everything goes well.

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The journey through the corridors carried a cadence of unspoken questions and the uncharted territories of emotions. It felt like we were on the brink of solving the mystery of Donnie’s disappearance, about to uncover the connections that tied us together in a pattern woven by destiny.

Getting there, the air hummed with a palpable tension.

My sharp intuition cut through the momentary relief. a sudden realization dawning upon me. My instincts, honed by years of leadership, sensed an underlying deception.

“Let me see the note. I asserted with the urgency in my voice reflecting how serious the situation was and how worried I was.

As the message was passed from one person to another, suspicious eyes carefully examined its contents. The written words on the paper turned out to be lies crafted with great care but it seemed.

so real.

“This note is a forgery,” I declared.

“But it has your seal of authority on it.” Donald pointed out.

“Exactly the issue here, someone has tampered with my seal. I haven’t used that seal in a while now,” My voice resonated with raw anger.

“Who could it be? I made sure your chamber was well guarded all along.”

“No one had the opportunity to enter except a few people. Start searching for the culprit from there.”

“But we have to focus on the most important things now. We have to find Donnie first,”

Mason who was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions, felt the weight of uncertainty and I knew he needed comfort and reassurance.

“Hey, Mason,” I spoke, a steadying presence in the face of uncertainty. “We’ll find your mom. Don’t worry, okay?”

“Mama said she’ll come back soon.”

With a blend of resolve and fatherly warmth, my words aimed to steady Mason amidst the uncertainty. Our father–son bond, strong and unwavering, became a stronghold against the looming darkness of deceit

Swiftly changing from the role of a consoling father to that of a decisive Alpha, my focus shifted to the unfolding situation. The fake note signaled carefully planned actions ahead, urging me to plan a strategic response.

“Donald,” I addressed my Beta, “mobilize the pack. We need to conduct a thorough search. This deception won’t go unanswered.”

The corridors of the Donnie’s royal abode reverberated with the cadence of urgency as the pack mobilized, their collective purpose converging on the singular goal of unraveling the mystery surrounding Donnie’s disappearance.

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In the heart of the unfolding crisis, my resolve stood unwavering. Someone was toying with me and I won’t let it go just like that. We’re talking about my family here,



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