Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 74 Reconciliation


I groaned as the toasts about how excellent former Beta Ezekiel was went on. I knew this was going to happen, and I wished the tradition didn’t exactly exist and I would be free enough to make a run from the scene. Unfortunately, I have no other choice but to sit through it all. I stretched my neck to glimpse Nia, but I couldn’t see her amidst the several heads. She would be among them, probably anxious to see me, too.

My hand instinctively felt my pocket, and a smile tugged at my lips. I had imagined the many looks that Nia would have on her face when I popped the question. I intend to do it when everyone starts to party. That would put more delight in them, as they have all been waiting for the day I would decide to take a Luna. Knowing I am about to make everyone’s dream come true makes me delighted. My heart keeps jolting in excitement every two seconds.

I need to exercise more patience. Nia isn’t going anywhere, and I will be spending the rest of my life with her.

Tonight is about my best friend, who has always been beside me. I should be mindfully present for him. Turning my head to the side, I saw Ezra looking so blissful with a bright smile. He seems genuinely happy; the last time I saw this sort of smile on his face was before his parents’ death.

A lot has been snatched from us forcefully. I am glad that we are finally getting the happiness that we all desire and deserve. The toast went on a round, and then it was finally my turn. Raising my glass, I stood up, clearing my throat.

“Where do I begin? These men have been a part of my life since I can vividly remember.” I thinned my lips, turning to Ezekiel. “We have had our differences over the years. But I must admit that you have been nothing short of a blessing to the Sunset pack. Thank you for serving with all of your heart and doing your duty appropriately. I want you to know I wouldn’t have gotten this far without your guidance. As for you, Ezra, I am proud of you, my friend. I hope this new dispensation will bring us and every pack member a blissful term. Congratulations to you both and us all. Since we are all here to have fun, let’s do that. Cheers.” I beamed, raising my glass.

Everyone cheered, and it began in full swing. I looked around the droves of heads; none of them looked like that of Nia. She must have returned to the room. It just dawned on me that she has no friends. Ezra and I are the ones she is close to. She probably got bored and left. I shifted the chair to the back, intending to look for her.

“Is it time?” Ezra asked, accosting me on the way.

I nodded quickly, “Yes, I just need to get her here. I can’t find her, and her scent isn’t near either. I will mind link you when we are ready.”

“Alright. Go do your thing.” He urged grinning.

I scoffed, making my way out through the back. Just then, I bumped into Gemma. “Gemma, hi,” I muttered, feeling awkward.

It’s been a while since I last saw her. It is unclear why I suddenly feel guilty at the thought of not missing her absence in the least. “How are you?”

She held up a subtle smile. “I am doing fine, thank you. I hope you have been well, too. Thanks for hosting my dad tonight.”

I waved in dismissal, “Come on. Your father deserves his flowers. I am only doing my duty as the Alpha. I am doing just fine. I hope you are having fun, too?”

Gemma blew air with her lips. “oh, please. Those long epistles made me want to sleep. I thought it wasn’t going to end.”

“Me too. I just couldn’t cut the council members off.” I replied, stretching my neck.

For some reason, I don’t want to be rude and shun her. I wouldn’t care initially, but Nia’s etiquette is beginning to pay off.

“So, where are you headed?” She drawled. “shouldn’t you be with the council members?”

I scratched the back of my neck. “Yeah, I am looking for Nia. I don’t know if you saw her anywhere around?” I asked, rubbing at my pocket.

Gemma blinked slowly; her eyes lingered on my hand. “What’s that?”

“It’s a ring box,” I admitted.

“You are going to propose to her?”


“Wow, times do change, right? You haven’t even met her for too long, and you are already ready to marry her.”

I gulped. “Don’t be hard on yourself, Gemma. I can assure you that whatever happened has nothing to do with you. I couldn’t feel the deepest form of affection for you, no matter how much I tried. It was just different with Nia. It just happened. Considering how much I detested her, I never would have imagined her becoming the woman I hold dearly to. I promise the intention wasn’t to hurt you.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

She waved me off, smiling weakly. “It’s fine. There is no need for you to apologize. You were clear from the very beginning about your feelings. I was the one who refused and insisted on trying the long-term out with you with the hope that you would fall in love with me. But I am fine now. I hope to get along with whoever is interested in me. We are still friends, right?”

“Yes, Gemma. We would forever be friends. Thank you for understanding.” I mused sincerely.

“So, did you see, Nia?”

“Yes. I saw Nia enter one of the rooms down here. I will head back to the party. See you around.” She said, walking away.

I smacked my lips, smiling. Nia is so silly, and she went to sleep even after I asked her to wait for me.

Making my way to the rooms, I began to open them one by one. Gemma didn’t mention which room she went into exactly. I turned the doorknob of the third room while fishing out the ring box from my pocket. Raising my head, the view before me made my heart snap.

“Nia!” I yelled at the top of my voice.

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