Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 18 The Caregiver

AUTHOR’S POV Nia winced in pain at Perry’s attempt to help mop her bruised body. Perry couldn’t believe the head of the pack meant to protect his members allowed bullying. “I still can’t believe this happened.” She fumed. “What exactly did the Alpha and his wretched girlfriend say you did?” With tears streaming down her eyes, Nia looked down at her swollen ankle. “I guess my presence just irks them so much. I should have paid more attention and not passed through the stairs.” Perry hissed in contempt, “You should have flown instead. Are you listening to yourself? You intend to blame yourself for their foolishness.” “Please, Perry. You can’t talk about the Alpha like that. I might get locked up. He was clear about his warning for me not to cross his path.” “For crying out loud. That was a walkway. Who dare claim it?”

“The Alpha.” Nia tried to make a joke of it, but Perry’s cold glare made her keep quiet. “Gemma is such a bitch. She feels too good about herself and thinks everyone else is below her. She is a perfect fit for Gael. I am not surprised that they ended up together.” “I am fine, I promise.” “Don’t lie to my face.” She warned me to search the drawer next to her for a painkiller. “You will take these drugs and rest here. Don’t even think of stepping out of this room. You make such a silly move considering it the end of our friendship.” Nia blinked innocently after swallowing the pill. “I don’t want to lose your friendship, Perry. But I need to work, or my debt won’t disappear.” Perry’s features softened as she reached for Nia’s hand. “I am sorry for yelling at you. Can you trust me on this and lie down? You should feel better before the day runs out, and then you can head back to work.” “Alright. Thank you very much.” Nia said, yawning. She lay on the bed, weakly covering herself up with the duvet. Inhaling deeply, Perry caressed Nia’s forehead. Every time she sets her eyes on Nia, she feels nothing short of pity. Nia doesn’t deserve such disdainful treatment. It was out of her control that she came into existence. The thought of how shallow everyone around is makes Perry boil hard. Giving her one last look, she dressed and exited the room. I’m locking it up, just in case Nia wakes up earlier than expected or any nosy person chooses to go in. Unknown to Nia, Perry had added a sleeping pill to the drug that she used. That way, she gets to rest beyond just healing from the pain. Although it’s a known fact that werewolves heal quickly, Perry wasn’t sure if it was the same for a half-wolf like Nia. Checking the time, Perry nodded to herself in satisfaction, and it was almost time for lunch. Gemma, in her mightiness, would be around the packhouse leeching on Gael for affection. With a trade, she walked towards the Alpha’s chambers. Ezra bumped into her on the way. “Hey, champ. Why do you look so pissed?” He inquired with a smile on his face. “Where is that bitch?” Perry growled. “Who?” Her brother stared in confusion as his smile waned. “Gemma, of course. Is there any other higher bitch than her?” “Can you let me in on what happened?” “You don’t need to know that. Are you aware of where that bitch is?” “I… I am not sure. But I think she might be at the mall shopping.” “That is just perfect. Where is your car key?” She requested? Ezra swallowed hard. “I am sorry, but I can’t give that to you without knowing where you are going.” Exhaling tiredly, Perry glared at him. “You know what? It’s useless asking you for help. I will find my way there myself.” In a flash, she turned around and ran down the stairs, to Ezra’s shock. She practically ran out of the packhouse and flagged down a taxi. It didn’t take long for them to get to the mall. There is only one popular spot where Gemma and her minions love to shop. It’s a luxurious cloth store. It disgusts Perry that most of the things her cousin gets to spend money on are so ugly that she wouldn’t give her dog to wear. As expected, Gemma was seated on one of the couches, pointing at clothes to be kept and taken away. With intensified anger, Perry rushed at her when nobody suspected and grabbed her by the hair. “You bitch!” She growled. Letting her wolf stay put on the surface to avoid clawing at her. Gemma screamed at the sudden pull, “Have you gone mad, you bitch?” She yelled, throwing out her hands to get a hold of Perry. She laughed dryly, “Oh, you haven’t seen me in action.” She assured, pushing her roughly to the ground, causing Gemma to hit the floor hard. The store attendant and mall security rushed towards them, but they held back when they saw who the attacker was. Perry is known to be one of the Sunset pack’s wildest wolves. Only an actual family member can subdue her when she gets angered. Her strength is associated with being from the long lineage of the pack Beta. Except that Gemma is the only weak member of the family. Who is all mouth without action? Pouncing on her mercilessly, Perry still grabbed her cousin by the hair. “I am going to say this to you just once. If you ever bully anyone again. I will have you eat sand with that stupid mouth of yours.” She growled in her ears. Gemma struggled to break free, all the while fighting hard to protect her face from scratching the hard floor. Her wolf couldn’t withstand much of Perry’s, which makes it more frustrating for her to go into defense mode. Just then, Perry gets lifted off her by Ezra, who had tailed her to the mall. For some reason, he could tell his sister was coming to cause trouble. “Leave me alone!” She struggled in her brother’s hold. “Stay put!” Ezra warned, anger rising in his tone. “how can you both be so shameless and drag the family in the mud like this?” “Why don’t you ask your crazy sister?” Gemma bickered, caressing her scalp. “I am not done with that idiot yet!” Perry screamed. “Get a fucking hold of yourself!” Her brother ordered. “You should leave Gemma.” Gemma gasped in disbelief, “Why should I have to leave when she is the one who came to disrupt my shopping.” She winced, feeling a sharp pain in her head and bone. Perry did quite a number on her. “Oh, you still want to get your ass whooped?” Perry inquired, throwing her legs to kick her. “Please, Gemma.” Ezra pleaded. “I promise to pay for all the damage.” “You had better!” She huffed in response, walking away with her minions trailing behind her. Giving his sister a disapproving look, he dumped her on the couch Gemma had occupied before the commotion. “sit right there until I tell you to make a move.” He said, making his way to the store attendants to apologize and pay for all the damages. The drive back to the packhouse was tranquil, to Perry’s surprise. She had expected her brother to go on a complete blowout on her for acting irrationally. But he didn’t say a word and just kept driving. When they got to the packhouse, he parked, still not saying anything. With her hand on the door handle, she looked back at him. “aren’t you going to ask why I did that or rebuke me?” Ezra snorts, “Next time, ensure you target her mouth. That way, she won’t be able to make a retort. I love you, sissy.” Blushing hard, Perry got out of the car. Her brother can be pretty amazing when he chooses to be.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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