Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 17


After we return from California, I try my best to remain professional with Nash while we're in the office, but it's so damn difficult. We're always sneaking touches, sharing heated glances and making excuses to disappear behind closed doors.

It's getting late one evening when Nash slips into my office and shuts the door. I know that predatory look on his face but, unfortunately, I don't have time to play. As he loosens his tie and stalks forward, I raise a hand.

“Keep your clothes on, Beckett. I have a meeting in-" I glance down at the slim watch on my wrist- “twenty minutes.”

“It's almost five,” he complains. “Why so late?”

“It's the only time Jordan could come.”

His face screws up in a frown. “I don't like him. He's got the hots for you.”

I pretend like I don't know what he's talking about. “Don't be silly. He's just a client.” Standing up, I walk around my desk anc straighten his tie. “But I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be here when he arrives. That look on your face is enough to frighten him away.”

“Good,” Nash grumbles.

I place a quick kiss on his lips. “Shoo!”

With an annoyed frown he turns and walks out looking like an angry, little boy who didn't get his way. Even though I roll my eyes, I love that he's jealous of jordan.

After Ivy escorts Jordan down to my office, I ask her to bring us copies of the latest marketing reports on a new app. While she goes off to print them, Jordan smiles and makes his way around my desk to stand in front of the window.

“Nice view," he murmurs. His gaze lingers on me a moment too long then he turns his attention to the skyline.

I'm a little surprised and uncomfortable that he's so close. “I like it" I say. I clear my throat. “Thank you for stopping by tonight.”

“Thank you for seeing me so late," he says and turns to face me.

On the verge of taking a step back, I cross my arms instead and hold my ground. Jordan is an attractive, older man but I thought he had finally realized I wasn't interested. Something seems to have changed, though, as he studies me.

“When it comes to women, I don't play games anymore, Charlie,” he says. “So, I'm going to be blunt. I'm very interested in you!

oh, God.

“Before you say anything, I want you to know that any woman I date, I treat like a princess. I buy them the best of everything and spoil them rotten. I respect them and I listen, Charlie. I listen to every word and, if it's in my power, I will grant them whatever they want."

“Um, that's nice, but-"

“I want you to think about what we could potentially have together.”

“I'm sorry, but I don't date clients, Jordan."

“If that's what's stopping you, I'll terminate the contract. You're worth it”

I'm about to tell him that I'm seeing someone else when he takes me by complete surprise, swoops in and kisses me. His lip move over mine, cold and thin, and it's nothing like when Nash kisses me. It's the complete opposite and I pull away just in time to see Ivy watching us, marketing report in her hands.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Fuck Her timing is always impeccable, and I do not need any rumors going around the office about me and Jordan Lowe. I pinch the bridge of my nose as Jordan steps back and slides his hands into his pockets.

“You can leave those on my desk," I say, unable to meet Ivy's gaze. I feel horrible. Like I cheated on Nash or something. “Sure thing she says and it's not hard to hear the cheeriness in her voice. When I finally look up and our gazes meet, I see triumph in her eyes.

Dammit. She's going to try to use this against me. I just know it.

After Ivy leaves, I motion for Jordan to have a seat and then sit down in my chair with a sigh. “I respect you, Jordan, but 'm just not romantically interested in you. I'm sorry."

“Because of Nash?” he asks.

“What?” I try to play dumb, but Jordan Lowe is as sly as a fox. He must've seen something. Maybe an exchange or a lingering look between Nash and me. Who knows?

“Don't pretend, Charlie. If it's Beckett you're interested in, then I can handle it. Just tell me the truth and let me down easily. He flashes me a charming smile.

I clasp my hands together, place them on top of the desk then figure why the hell not be honest. “We've been seeing each other,” I finally say. “Despite my better judgement, I'm exploring things with Nash, and I think-" To my horror, my voice catches.

“You're falling in love," Jordan finishes with a knowing look. But he doesn't sound bitter at all. Quite the opposite and he almost looks happy for me.

“It's complicated” I say. “But, yes, emotions are getting involved.”

Jordan nods. “I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I was married before."

“Really?” I had no idea.

“Elizabeth was the love of my life," he says, eyes lighting up. “We met in college, got married right after graduation and had three children. She was my world and when cancer took her ten years ago, I knew I'd never find another woman as special as her”

“I'm sorry, Jordan."

“The truth is once you find that once in a lifetime love, no one will ever be able to take their place. You can try, you can date you can sleep with other people, but there's always a little hole in your heart and soul. If Nash is your person, don't let him go, Charlie”

Is Nash my person?“How do you know?” I ask and lean forward. “I mean, how do you really know for certain if someone is th right one for you?”

“Because you can't imagine your life without them," Jordan says.

I ponder Jordan's words all night and the next day. And I come to the conclusion that he's right. Because when I start to contemplate a life without Nash in it, my heart hurts and emotion swells within me.

I've given myself completely to Nash. Well, almost. My heart is still scared to jump into the mix but there's no denying that my body belongs to him. And my mind because I can't stop thinking about him. He consumes my every thought and fills my every night with so much pleasure it's intoxicating. Being around Nash Beckett makes me high and a part of me is nervously waiting for the inevitable crash that's bound to come.

Unfortunately, it comes today in two very different ways.

First, Square Enterprises calls and sets the date for our individual presentations. It's a strange situation to be in because we've become so close. I'm not exactly sure where Nash's head is, though. He whispers a lot of hot, seductive promises to m throughout the night, but he's never declared his love. Nor have I because now that I know he's the man I want, I'm terrified of being rejected.

Even so, I can’t deny that I'm at the tipping point, so close to being all in with him. Yet for as smart as I am, I can't seem to express those feelings to him. To anyone, really. I've never been one of those people who can easily say I love you to anyone- friends, family or lovers. The words get caught in my throat and I end up choking them back down.

The night before the big presentation, after a pep talk from Mark and some of the board members, I'm standing in my office, gazing out over the Manhattan skyline, when Nash moves up beside me.

“Hey,” he whispers in my ear. “You ready?”

We had plans to go out to dinner and wish each other luck for our big day tomorrow, but I haven't been feeling well. “I think I'm going to skip dinner,” I say. “My stomach has been a mess all day."

“Probably nerves.”

I don't think so, but I don't say anything. I've been experiencing nausea for the past week or so, on and off, throughout the day. I threw up twice this morning and the idea of a big meal right now makes me want to hurl again. “I think I have a touch of the flu," I say.

“I'm sorry, baby,” he murmurs and slides his arms around my waist. As he nuzzles my neck, my eyes slide shut.

What am I doing? What are we doing?I've been avoiding these questions for weeks while we've played, worked, talked, teased, shared secrets, slept together nearly every night and ran this company together as one united front.

Truth be told, it's been wonderful. I've never been happier. But everything is about to change because the partners are going to choose one of us to step up and take complete control. It's all I've ever wanted but suddenly it doesn't seem like the mos important thing anymore. Being President of TB Tech has lost some of its appealing shine. Especially if that means I'm going to lose Nash.

And what if they choose him? How am I going to deal with that kind of rejection? I don't want to work for a group of people who don't appreciate me and all of

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