Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 11


Iam truly the world's biggest idiot. We crossed a line tonight and I have no idea how things can ever go back to being strict professional.

All night, sleep eludes me because I can't stop thinking about what happened in the conference room. Anyone could've walked in and seen us. I'm not sure what came over me, but rational thought flew out the window the moment Nash kissed and touched me.

My God, that was the best orgasm I've ever experienced, and he was fully clothed and only used his fingers. I can only imagine what he can do naked. Shivers run through me. A part of me feels like such a hussy, spread out before him on a table at work, writhing as he gave me more pleasure than anyone before.

It was the most sensual experience of my life and now I don't know how I'm going to be able to face him at work. He was quite clear that he's not giving up and wants to take things even further.

Nash Beckett wants me in his bed and I'm not sure how I feel about that. He's the enemy, right? I need to keep my guard up and watch him closely. But you know what they say~ keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

And Nash couldn't have gotten much closer.

But we can't, my logical side screams. It's impossible.

Yet, his words flash through my mind:

“Yes, we can, and we will. It's only a matter of time."

“I don't mix business and pleasure.”

“We can keep the pleasure outside the office, if you want”

Of course, we'd have to keep it outside the office. No one could be allowed to know if we were sleeping together. Oh, my Goc am I actually considering it?

Confusion makes me toss and turn and I don't think I get more than an hour or two of sleep by the time my alarm goes off a five. I need to get in a little earlier than usual so I can finish up the presentation for jordan Lowe.

Since I ran out after Nash's fingers took me to heaven.

Its hard for me to wrap my head around what's happening between us. One minute I want to murder him and never see him again. The next, I want his cock buried deep inside me and to hear his low groans in my ear as our bodies move together. Shitshitshit.

I don't think I've ever taken a cold shower, but I know that's what men do when they're all hot and bothered. So, I give ita try, but I don't think it helps much. My thoughts are still running hot while I do my hair, makeup and finally get dressed. Today I'm wearing pants. No way am I giving Nash easy access to lift my skirt again. Besides, there won't be any time for that We have the big presentation over at Jordan's company this afternoon and my focus will be strictly on that.

When I get to the office, it's a little after 7:00 a.m. and I see Nash already in the conference room. His dark head is bent over our work and he's sitting right where he laid me out and-

His head snaps up and our gazes collide. Oh, boy, here we go.

“Good morning," he says.

I take a tentative step inside. “Good morning." My voice sounds strange to my own ears. Almost shy.

When he gives me that devastating smile, I swear my knees go a little weak.

“I can help you finish that,” I say. “Just let me put my stuff down in my office.”

“No need" Nash says and stands up, stretching his arms above his head. “I just finished it

His long, lean body makes my mouth go dry. “What time did you get in?" I ask.

He yawns. “Couple hours ago?"

I walk over and round the edge of the table. “And you added the extra part we talked about?” My gaze dips curiously and he hands me the presentation.

“Take a look”

“You printed it?" I can't believe he printed it out. Most men act like they have no idea how to print something and rely on their assistants to do the trivial labor. “You even bound it?" I can't keep the shock out of my voice.

“Why do you look so surprised?” He arches an amused brow.

He has me all out of sorts, especially when my eyes drop to the table and flashes of last night fill my head. “I'l, ah, take a look at it down in my office” I murmur and turn away. I can feel his gaze follow me and swear he stifles a chuckle.

After reviewing the additional work Nash did, I have to admit it's perfect. Even if I wanted to pick it apart and find fault, I can't. He did exactly what we talked about and then some. I do my best to avoid him and then my internal phone line rings an hour before the meeting with Lowe.

Isee his extension from down in the closet light up and I pick up. “Hi" The greeting comes out far too whispery and I wait with bated breath for his deep voice to come over the line.

“Hi. Are you ready to leave?"

I swallow hard. I figured he'd want to drive over together but I was hoping to avoid that scenario. *I can meet you-"

“No point driving separately. We'll take my car, okay?”

I'nod and then realize he can't hear my head bob. “Sure.”

“Meet you at the elevator”

I hang up and reach down for my purse and briefcase. On my way out, I smooth a hand over my slicked-back hair and round itt over the neat bun at the base of my neck. I may not be in control of my libido, but I can certainly control my flyways. Nash waits down by the elevator and we step inside when it arrives. The bound presentation, 30 in total, has already been sent to Jordan's office. Now it's up to us to impress him and his board so they buy TB Tech's latest software that will make their lives easier.

I'm quiet on the drive over and grateful that Nash doesn't mention anything about last night. I have to keep my head in the game and focus on snagging Lowe's company as a client.

After he parks in the garage, we get out and head up to face Jordan and his uptight partners. As usual, Jordan is extremely welcoming, and he holds my hand a moment too long when we shake. From the corner of my eye, I can see Nash tense and my stomach does a little series of flips. Is Nash jealous? Its crazy to even think.

After introducing us to his board members, Jordan gives us the floor and Nash and I begin the presentation. As we talk abou TB Tech's newest software and how advantageous it is in the workplace, I realize how easy it is to present with him. We have this natural back and forth flow going and I've never had a presentation go this smoothly before. There's an easy banter between us and by the end, we've got several people chuckling.

Then, to my utter disbelief, Jordan and the others clap after we finish. Amazed, I look over at Nash and he grins. No one has any questions- we literally covered it all- but everyone comes up and shakes our hand.

“Great job," Jordan says in a low voice near my ear. Startled, I abruptly turn around and nearly bump right into him. With a laugh, he grasps my elbow to steady me. “We still need to take a formal vote, but I have a feeling the decision to buy your new software will be unanimous.”

“Thank you," I say.

Jordan looks from me over to Nash who speaks with someone. “You two have quite the chemistry”

I can feel my face burn. “We worked hard on this," I say, trying to act like I don't know what he's talking about. “'m glad it showed”

“Oh, it showed," he says with a smirk.

Oh, God. Embarrassment fills me and I am ready to get out of here. When we finally find ourselves back in Nash's Tesla, slump down into the seat and let out a happy sigh. “That went amazing," I say.

“Beyond amazing," Nash agrees. “So well in fact that I think we should go out and celebrate. I know a great place not far away."

I sit up straight. “That's probably not the best idea.”

“Why not? We worked hard and deserve it. C'mon, Langley. One drink,” he coaxes.

One drink somehow turns into five and three hours later, I can't stop laughing. At what, I'm not even sure. just know that tonight has been the night when I've had the most fun in a long time and I needed it. Nash is entertaining as hell and when he turns the charm on, it lights up the room.

“Lowe really seems to like you," he says and takes a sip of his whiskey.

“Lowe is a client. Well, practically,” I say with a chuckle.

“So, what's that mean? He's off limits? Like me?"

The atmosphere suddenly shifts and I'm buzzing like crazy off the alcohol from my martinis. I refuse to let anything dampen my mood and I'm feeling bolder than usual. We're in a dark corer and no one is paying us any attention, so I scoot closer and lay a hand on his thigh beneath the table.

“Maybe you shouldn't be,” I whisper. “Off-limits, I mean.” I let my hand glide up and rest far too close to the danger zone. “Don't say it if you don’t mean it,” Nash says, voice low and strained.Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

“I can't help it," I admit, letting the alcohol talk for me and say things I wouldn't dare say if I were sober. “We work well together in the boardroom and now I'm curious."


“How well we'd work together in the bedroom.” There. I say it and he grabs my chin, lifts it and captures my mouth in a heated kiss. Oh, God, it's hot and I don't mean to, but my hand covers the very large bulge pressing against his zipper.

I let it linger there, feeling how big he is, and when I finally pull it away, Nash utters a low groan.

“Let's go," he says and readjusts himself as he slides out of the booth, pulling me with him. I can't help but laugh at his sudden determination to get out of here. He pushes through the crowd of people, tugging me along behind him and then ou the front door.

The second we're outside, I inhale a deep breath, wondering if the fresh air will help clear my spinning head, when suddenly Nash pins me against the building and kisses me senseless. So much for clearing my head, I think, dizzier than before.

His mouth moves over mine, taking and tasting, and I push into him, wanting more. Needing more. I wrap a leg around his calf, push my hips against his and bite his lip.

From somewhere behind us, a whistle pierces the air.

“Jesus, baby," he rasps, breathing hard. “As much as I can't wait to be inside of you, I'm not fucking you here and giving all these fuckers a show” He pulls away, laces his fingers through mine and tugs me toward the parking garage.

Nash doesn't live very far away, and I don't have much time to talk myself out of the huge mistake I'm about to make. In fact I don't want to. All I want to do is forget about everything except him and all the delicious things we're about to do to each other.

The apartment building where Nash lives is similar to mine and he lives up on the 30th floor of a high-rise. 'm curious to se his place and the moment he opens the door and flips the light on, I check it out.

It's modern and masculine with a lot of beiges and browns, but with a surprisingly cozy feel that catches me off-guard. I never expected to feel comfortable in Nash Beckett's home, but I instantly did.

Dropping my purse and briefcase, I shrug out of my suit jacket and look around, absorbing every detail. I can feel him watching me with interest. Then he grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway.

“The bedroom is much more exciting than the living room,” he says with a wicked smile.

“Really?” I arch a brow as we walk into the master bedroom and all of my attention lands on the king-size bed draped in a navy comforter with cream throw pillows. “You have throw pillows?"

I walk over and scoop one up, grinning.

“What's wrong with that?” he asks, clearly perplexed.

When I burst into laughter, he snags the pillow out of my hands and bonks me on the head with it. “Hey!” I say as he tosses the pillow aside and pulls me into his arms. His lips brush over mine, feather light at first, and I lift my mouth, needing more In answer, he plunges his fingers through the bun at the base of my neck and tugs.

“Take this out” he orders, voice thick.

I look into his cobalt blue eyes as I pull the pins out and give my head a shake. His gaze darkens with appreciation, and he slides his fingers through the long tresses.

“I love your hair long and loose,” he murmurs, angling my head back and tracing his tongue over my lower lip.

Opening my mouth to him, he needs no further invitation. As far as I'm concerned, he can take me. When his tongue meets mine, I moan into his mouth. Once again, he's pulling me under, holding me spellbound, and 'm powerless to resist as he backs me up and my legs hit the bed.

Desire flows through me, hot and thick like magma, and I reach out and fumble with the buttons on his shirt. I'm aching for him, so wet it's embarrassing, and I need to feel his naked body pressing into mine. I shove his shirt off and glance down at his hard, muscled chest. Tingles shoot through me like little, sizzling bolts of lightning. Damn. His build is perfect. Lean, muscular and with grooved abs.

And there's no missing the emphatic bulge in his pants.

My belly flip-flops and my mouth is watering as I reach for his belt. He doesn't even bother with my buttons. Just pulls them hard and fast and they all snap, flying off in different directions. My eyes widen in surprise. He just ruined my shirt, but I don't even care. I'm too desperate for him.

His large hands cup my satin-covered breasts as I finally get his belt unbuckled. Then he reaches around and unsnaps my bra. It gets tossed aside and the moment his warm hands resume where they left off, I lean back and moan. He lifts and molds my flesh, rubbing the nipples into tight peaks, and I think I've died and gone to heaven.

“You're 50 beautiful,” he murmurs. My breath catches when he unbuttons my pants, slides the zipper down and they fall to the floor.

I should feel self-conscious, standing in front of him in nothing but my black silk panties and high heels, but I don't. It's crazy, too, because this is so different from what I usually do with a man in the bedroom. I prefer to have s* in the dark and not spend too much time engaging in leisurely foreplay. When it comes to my s*x life, it's in and out. Thank you and goodbye I don't stay long or allow him to if we're at my place and I certainly don't hang around afterward and cuddle. Emotional distance is key for me and I never let anyone get under my skin or in my heart.

I reach down and cup him. “Take your pants off; I say in a no-nonsense voice.

Blue eyes bright, he kicks his shoes and socks off then yanks his pants off. Now we're both inches away, nearly naked, and my desire skyrockets.

“Lay down," he says.

This back and forth, giving orders to each other, is making me hot and turning me on until my panties are soaked.

I drop down on the edge of the bed and scoot back as he follows, grabbing my mouth in a kiss that makes my toes curl. His heavy body moves over mine, pressing into me, and I grab the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Our tongues tangle and I dig my nails into his skin, stifling a groan.

The man is driving me straight to the edge of the cliff and I'm scared I'm going to tumble right over. His hands slide my panties down as his mouth drops and he continues kissing my neck.

Oh, God. I am naked beneath Nash Beckett, my worst enemy.

What are you doing? The rational part of my brain demands.

Enjoying the fucking of a lifetime, the irrational part responds gleefully.

If I were smart, I'd end this now. But truth be told, I am so far away from that option. All I want is to do this. I grab his boxer briefs and yank them down. My greedy gaze dips as he helps shed them and heat fills my lower belly.

My God, the man is well-endowed. Mmm. I reach down and grasp his long, thick cock and stroke it hungrily.

“Hang on, baby," he says.

Acry of protest erupts from my throat as he rolls away and starts digging around in the nightstand drawer. I've never been this hot for a man in my life and I dig my fingers into the bedspread, impatience making me writhe in absolute desperation. Thankfully, he doesn't take long, and I watch him tear a packet open and roll the condom on his very impressive cock. I should be annoyed that his body is so perfect but all I can do is pull him back down and kiss him fervently.

“Ready?” His hand makes its way between our bodies and when he slips a finger inside me, I arch up.

“God, yes" I cry, twisting in anticipation. He keeps stroking, building the fire that's threatening to consume me, and I am about to lose my damn mind. “Nash, please’ I beg.

His mouth edges up as his fingers keep working their magic, teasing me into absolute insanity. “Please, what, baby?" “You're driving me crazy," I say, refusing to answer his question.

“I like hearing you beg,” he murmurs and flicks his tongue along my throat.

I'm surprised by his control when mine fractured a while ago. But it's long gone and there's no point pretending I still possess any shred of it. “If you don't put your c**k inside me right now, I'm going to scream.”

“Maybe I wanna hear you scream,” he says and rubs himself against my dripping core.

“Nash, please," I say again without meaning to. But I think that's what he was waiting for because he grabs my hips, lifts then up and positions himself at my entrance.

“Now, baby?”

I'nod and he begins pushing his thick cock inside me and I wrap my legs around his waist, digging the points of my heels right into his a*s. Hard. That's what he gets for teasing me without mercy.

“Oh, God," I murmur as he stretches my body, filing me to the absolute limit.

His hips begin to rock, and his slow, heavy strokes are making me whimper. I meet each thrust and almost lose my shit wher his finger circles my c**t, teasing until my body is clenching around him, trying to draw him even deeper.

But he's buried to the hilt. Hitting me in all of the right spots and oh, my God. I'm not sure how much more I can take and a moment later, the world around me shatters as a climax rips through me.

My world explodes in sensation and, after several more hard, fast thrusts, Nash tenses above me and groans as a series of shudders roll through his body. Then he drops down on top of me, breathing hard. Our hearts are pressed together, pounding, and we're clutching each other tight. For a long moment, we hold each other like that, bodies still connected, unt we regain some semblance of control.

The moment Nash pulls out of me, I feel an immediate loss. It's the oddest sensation and I've never experienced anything like it before.

“Fuck,” he hisses.

“What?” I ask, still basking in the afterglow.

“It broke.”

“What broke?”

He meets my gaze, blue eyes no longer full of heat. “The condom,” he says.

My heart drops. “What do you mean?” I ask and sit up.

“I don't know. The fucking thing just ripped”

Panic slices through me as I try to figure out where I am in my cycle. 'm not ovulating, am I? No, no I don't think so. My heart rate slows down a bit and I watch as he gets up and heads to the bathroom to take care of it.

When he returns, I meet his concerned gaze. “I think its fine” I tell him.

“How do you know?”

“I shouldn't be ovulating yet" I say and realize how weird it is to be having this conversation with him. I suppose it's even stranger that I just succumbed to temptation, and we F**ked like bunnies even though we can't stand each other.

Or maybe that's all changed now. I have no idea and my head is starting to hurt. I drank too much tonight and, even though that had nothing to do with my decision to sleep with Nash, it made it easier.

“Are you sure?”

“No, but chances are it's fine!" I'm getting the urge to bolt and before he can climb back into bed, I slide off the opposite sid and start searching for my clothes.

“What're you doing?" he asks.

I turn away from him, slipping my bra and panties back on fast. “Leaving”

He moves up behind me, grabs hold of my arms and nuzzles the curve where my neck and shoulder meet. “Don’t leave. Please," he adds when I don't say anything. “Stay the night”

My heart catches in my throat. “I can't,” I say and pull away from him. He watches as I attempt to pull my pants on. The stupi cuff gets caught on my heel and I drop down on the edge of the bed, fighting with it.

When I finally look up, he's smiling. “See. Your pants want to stay."

“Ha ha I finally get them on and reach over to swipe my shirt up. I slide it on and when I go to button it, I realize there are no buttons anymore. “shit,” I say and pull the edges together. “You didn't even leave one button.”

“No, I didn’t. You know why? Because I don’t want you to leave.”

Ignoring him, I push up off the bed and walk past him. At this point, there's nothing else to say. We've done the deed and now I'm freaking out. The sooner I get out of here, the better.

Back in the living room, I grab my purse and briefcase. Nash, still naked as a jaybird, follows me and I try not to look at that delicious body of his. Forcing myself to keep my eyes above his collarbone, I clutch my shirt together.


“What?” I ask, voice laced in panic.

“You're running.”

“Fm not running," I say, eyes on the door, unable to look him in the eye. *I don't stay the night. That's all”

He slowly nods his head. “Okay. Maybe you'd like to make an exception tonight. It's late”

But I shake my head and turn around, grabbing the door handle.

“At least let me drive you home."

“That's not necessary," I say and dart into the hallway.


As I hurry toward the elevator, my right ankle twists in the heel and I bite down on my lip, so I don't cry out. I have to get out of here.

I have to get as far away from Nash as I can.

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