Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 2


I stride through the fancy lobby and see the restaurant attached to the hotel on my left. It's a well-known, very expensive steak house and I'm meeting my father here for lunch. But really, all I want to do is turn around and get the hell out of here. I'm not sure why I even agreed to this.

Ever since my mom died, everything fell apart. Thomas Beckett, my father, was never very warm and cuddly. He was always focused on his company and working. After Mom died, nothing changed. He was too busy working to care about his kids. As a result, my brothers and younger sister grew rowdy and rebellious.

There are five of us: Nash is the oldest, followed by me then Sawyer and the twins, Crew and Sierra. I'm the diplomatic one, the voice of reason, so I've managed to maintain decent connections with each of them. Unfortunately, not great relationships, though.

Nash and I are probably the closest which means we talk a few times a year. Nash is the only one of us siblings who followed in my dad's footsteps and Dad's made it clear that if we aren't at TB Tech then he has no use for us. So, Nash is the only one who speaks to him regularly. Of course, Nash has an ulterior motive: he wants to take over Dad’ company after he croaks.

Guess I can't blame him for kissing a little a*s. But who the hell knows how long the old man will be around. Probab another 40 years because you know what they say- the meanest, crankiest assholes are the ones who live the longest. And the sweet, kind people like my mom died far too soon.

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I have no idea what my dad wants today, and I'm surprised he called and invited me to lunch. Until his phone call yesterday, we hadn't spoken in almost six months. Visit Job n i b .co m to read the complete chapters for free. And the only reason we talked last time was because I stopped by the office to see Nash and bumped into the old man. Here's the thing: my father doesn't meet people to just shoot the shit; he always has a hidden agenda. So, when I sit down across from him at a corner table in the dining room, I wonder what he wants from me.

“Thank you for joining me, Tanner,” Thomas says politely. “You're looking good, son."

“Thanks,” I say warily, my eyes narrowing. “What's with the lunch request?” I decide to cut right to the chase because I'm not in the mood for his games.

“It's been a while,’ Thomas responds smoothly and unfolds his napkin, placing it over his lap. “Can't I simply want to spend some time with my second oldest son?” He gives me a weathered smile.

Wily, old man.I know he must be up to something, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what. “Dad, do you even know how old I am?”

The smile crumbles. “Don't be petulant, Tanner. Leave that for your sister” He takes a sip of water then looks down a the menu. “Their filet mignon here is excellent”

I struggle not to roll my eyes. “Great,” I say without any enthusiasm. This is the last place in the world that I want to be, and I wish I'd never agreed to meet him. My father is a selfish egomaniac who tried to groom and control all of us kids. And it backfired in his face. We all rebelled and decided to give him the finger and lead our own lives, on our own terms. Of course, that meant we were all on the verge of being cut off. Actually, Sawyer and the twins had been cut off about two years ago when they'd made life choices that didn't sit well with the illustrious Thomas Beckett. Sawyer joined the military which nearly sent my father into cardiac arrest and the twins are running around wild without a care in the world. Sierra wants to be a fashion designer and is somewhere over in Europe. Paris, maybe? And Crew is a hot mess who likes to drink, gamble and has no direction or goals. He's definitely the black sheep of our family.

Nash and I are the only two who are still somewhat in our father's good graces and we're hanging in there by a very thin thread. So, I'm not sure why I push him. I think it's because he's such a bastard and so used to getting his own way. I guess the rebel in me likes to shake him up a little.

I do my own thing, though, and I always have. Even though I own a nice chunk of TB Tech stock and have invested wisely, I've never been someone interested in going into an office every day for work. 'm more creative and enjoy using my hands to make things. I started a small company that builds furniture and it's been moderately successful. It's nice to build things I'm proud of and then be able to earn a living off it, too.

Of course, Thomas would disagree. He believes if you aren't a money-grubbing billionaire then you haven't succeeded in the world. 'm no billionaire like him, but I'm extremely comfortable and don't have to worry about money.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

A server comes over and takes our order. I purposely avoid the filet mignon and instead choose the seared salmon with the avocado, mango and tomato salad. I figure I may as well eat since I'm not planning to see Addie until later this evening.

Addison Hayes...just thinking her name makes my heart pound harder. I am completely and desperately in love with the little brunette. No woman has ever entered my life and left me craving her with every fiber of my being. It's like an asteroid crashed into my heart and left a crater-like impression. We've only been dating a few months, but I've already decided that she's the woman who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.

In fact, I have an engagement ring burning a hole in my jacket pocket right now. Maybe I should tell my dad that I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight, but I know he wouldn't approve. Addie isn't some rich socialite from a fancy family. She's the complete opposite down to Earth, kind, considerate and so loving. She possesses so many wonderful qualities and I'd be the luckiest man in the world to call her my wife.

I want everything with her and can’t imagine not waking up beside her every morning, raising a family together and growing old beside each other. Addie has become the very air I breathe and having a life without her in it is incomprehensible to me.

That woman is my everything and I can't wait to get down on one knee tonight, look into her dark brown eyes and ask her to be my wife.

I'm so consumed in thoughts of Addie that I don't realize my dad is talking. “Ym sorry, what?" I ask.

A muscle flexes in his cheek. “I was talking about my new business associate. We're teaming up to launch a new app and I think it has unbelievable potential.”

“That's great," I say, not interested in the least. I'm sure my eyes are glazing over, and I start thinking about the new coffee table I'm going to start building when I get back home. The order just came in and I can't wait to get started. I wish I had more room for my workspace like a big shed or garage, but for now the extra bedroom in my Manhattan apartment will have to make do. After Addie and I get married, I'd love to move out of the city and find a place with some land. She could have gardens of flowers and I could have a big, heated barn with all of my tools.

“So, what do you think?"

Shit.I clear my throat and reach for my water. “About what?” I ask and take a sip.

“Dinner tonight.”

Dinner?“But we're having lunch right now” The server brings our food and I reach for my knife and fork. “I can't imagine you wanting to spend more than one meal with me today,” I add in a dry voice.

“I'm going to repeat myself because it's clear you haven't heard one word I've said."

Yeah, he's right.l sigh and lower my silverware. “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind right now." I can tell hes annoyed fror the expression on his face, but I don't care.

“My business associate's daughter's name is Chella and it would be a simple meal’

My head snaps up. “Wait, what?"

“I asked if you would do me a favor and since I've never asked you for anything before, I don't see why it would be a problem,” he says in a matter-of-fact voice.

“A favor?” I repeat, my hackles raising. He sure has a lot of nerve. No, he's never asked me for a favor because we rarely talk. “Did you say tonight? Because I have plans already.”

“This is extremely important,” he states.

“So why don't you ask Nash? I'm sure he'd love to do it.”

“Nash is currently in San Francisco for a business meeting” my dad explains. “Besides, I don't want her wined, dined and seduced or I would've waited until he got back. I want a gentleman to accompany her to dinner and provide pleasant company. It'll make a good impression and I need that”

I stifle a sigh and spear my fork into the salmon and start cutting with my knife. Dammit. Meeting one of my father’s partner's daughters tonight is not what I'd planned on doing. “Dad, I have important plans tonight"

“That's fine. The dinner reservation is at 5:30 and there's no reason to linger. You'll be done by 6:30 and then free to indulge in your plans for the rest of the night" His gaze locks onto mine. “I've never asked you for anything, son. If you do this, I'll never ask for anything again.’

Hmm. Well, that sure makes it a tempting offer.

As I chew on a bite of salmon, I figure I may as well just do it. If itll get him off my back and not bother me with anything else, it's definitely worth it. “Fine,” I grumble, letting him know exactly how put out I am. “But in and out. I' seeing Addie later and-"

He cuts me off. “I appreciate it, Tanner. It's merely business and I'm sure she'll be delightful company for an hour or so!" Asmall smile lifts the corner of his mouth and suddenly I wonder if he just tricked me into doing something more than what he's letting on. Cunning bastard.

But, no, that's not possible. Even if he is trying to play matchmaker, I'm not interested. My heart and soul belong to Addie and no one else. And I can, without a doubt, quite easily say I wouldn't be interested in some rich girl named Chella. Not my type at all.

“I'm sure," I respond sarcastically. I've never met a rich, spoiled woman who is delightful company. In my experience, they're either obscenely boring without an intelligent thought in their head or all they do is talk about themselves.

I glance down at my watch and wonder if I should try to see Addie before dinner. I'm so damn excited to make her m fiancée. But, no, I don't want our time to be interrupted. As soon as she says yes, and God willing she does, I plan on taking her to bed for the next three days.

My plans may have gotten pushed back a little, but Ill just text her that I'll be an hour later. Addie is the most understanding person I've ever met, and she won't mind.

Sucking it up and going to this dinner tonight is going to be good for me in the long-run because I plan to hold this little favor over my father's head from now until the day, he's six-feet under.

We continue eating and the conversation is stilted and strained. Like usual. My dad doesn't even bother to ask abou his other kids. I don't even know when the last time he spoke to the twins or Sawyer was, but he doesn't seem to care.

Quite honestly, I don't think they do either.

What a depressing family we are, I think and stab a piece of salmon. We can't even really be considered dysfunction: because even broken families spend time together. We're like strangers and that kind of makes me sad. When Addie and I have children, I want us all to be close. I've spent far too long with a father and siblings who don't talk or get along. It would be really nice to have a good relationship with my kids.

But one thing at a time. I'm sure children are a way off yet and I'm going to attempt to do this in the proper order and propose before the babies start popping out. Although, if it started in reverse, I wouldn't care. As long as Addie and I are together then that's all that matters.

I don't mention her or my plans for this evening because I know my father will shit all over my happiness. I talk a little about my furniture business and he offers a bit of insight into how well TB Tech is doing. But I had no doubts. The amount of money that pours into my bank account every quarter from the stocks I own is absurd.

After we finish eating, I'm ready to get out of here. I can only take so much of Thomas Beckett. He's like a really strong antibiotic that your body can only tolerate in small doses. Too much and you get sick.

Dad takes care of the bill and refuses the money I lay on the table. “Save it for tonight," he says.

We walk out of the restaurant and stand awkwardly in the luxurious lobby for a moment.

“I want you to know this means a lot to me, Tanner. I won't forget it.”

“You're not indebted to me, Dad," I tell him. “My favors are free. I don't plan on holding this over your head." And, truthfully, I don't. That's how he operates, not me.

“Even so, I appreciate it. I look forward to hearing how it goes,” he adds with a mysterious little smile.

I narrow my eyes, not liking his tone. “I'm sure it'll be fine”

“Alright then. I suppose we'll talk when we talk”

Which means we'll probably speak next year. “Thanks for the lunch,” I say and begin to turn around.

“Oh, and Tanner he says.

I pause and turn, eyebrow arching.

“You're 30," he says, a cagey smile on his face.

“I'm actually 3I," I correct him with a knowing smile of my own. “My birthday was last week. But good guess.”

I see his face fall as I turn and leave.

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