Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 17


After Tanner storms out, I sink down to the floor and cry. This isn't how I wanted any of this to go. I had been putting off telling Tanner about Owen for this very reason. I had a feeling that no matter how I tried to explain it, he wouldn't understand, and our perfect bubble would pop.

And I was right.

God, I feel so awful. Like a terrible person and now I'm scared that Tanner will never look at me the same; that he'll never forgive me. That cuts me deeply, especially since things were going so well between us. I hope he can take a step back and try to understand why I did what I did.

So much of this situation has been out of my control and I've been doing my best to navigate through it for two years. It hasn't been easy, and I've had to muddle through a lot, but it's all been new and scary.

Atleast I thought I was doing my best, I think. Now through a veil of tears, I'm questioning everything. If I hadn't run off so quickly after seeing him kiss that woman, if I had tried to talk to Tanner, I suppose we could've avoided a lot of pain and heartache.

If, if, if.

But when have things ever been easy or clearcut? For me? Never.

Brushing the backs of my hands across my cheeks, I stuck in a deep, steadying breath and tell myself it's over. Tanner is going to hate me now, but I have to learn to live with my decision of keeping Owen a secret for as long as I did.

I'screwed up.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

Looking back, I just don't think there was any way in the world I would've run to Tanner after everything that happened on that fateful day two years ago. I was devastated and confused. The man I loved was kissing another woman, my sister told me he didn't want me any longer and his asshole father tried to cut me out of Tanner's life and tried to convince me he wanted to be with some socialite. And all after breaking down my self-confidence and trying to convince me that I wasn't good enough for his son.

I never knew about the accident, though. The idea of him running after me to try to clear the air makes my heart constrict. It also tells me that he did still love me. With a low curse, I pull my hair back and twist it into a messy bun at the base of my neck. Stress, anger and fear are eating me up inside. Truthfully, I don’t know what to do anymore because it seems like ever decision I make is wrong.

I squeeze my eyes shut and wish with all of my heart that Tanner would come back to me. Maybe I can explain myself better Maybe-

When there's a soft knock on the door, my head snaps up in surprise. Tanner! I jump up, hurry over to the door and throw it open.

I knew he'd come back. I knew it and-

The strange man standing there is not Tanner and I frown. “Yes?” I ask warily. He has a mean look about him and a coldness emanates from his thick body. Like a cold-blooded reptile.

“Are you Addison Hayes?" he asks.

He has a thick New York accent and I wonder who he is. I've never seen him in my building before, so I don't think he's a neighbor. “I'm sorry, do I know you?”

“No. But I know your stepfather.”

Oh, God. “Randy? What is this about?” I ask suspiciously.

“He's in some pretty big trouble and a little bird told us you might be able to help him out. After all, he is practically your daddy."

Asick feeling fills my gut. “I don't know what you're talking about. Randy and I do not have any kind of a relationship.”

His empty shark-like eyes narrow slightly. “Let me put it this way then- I hear you have a little boy. I'm assuming you want tc make sure that son of yours stays safe, right?”

Fear like I've never known before arrows straight through my body, piercing my heart. “Don't you dare threaten my son,” I hiss, my protective instincts flaring like a mama bear. And just like a bear, I will tear this man apart if he touches Owen. The thug lifts his hands in a placating gesture. “It doesn't have to come to that, Ms. Hayes. All we want is the money your stepdaddy owes us.”

“I don't have any money. I work at a flower shop.”

“Yeah, but what about the billionaire you're fu-" He clears his throat and gives me a greasy smile. “You're dating,” he says smoothly.

Iam so angry that I'm shaking. How dare Randy send this loan shark goon over here to demand money to cover his debts. I've never been so livid in my life. “Tanner and I." I hesitate. “We're having problems.”

“That's not what I want to hear, honey,” he says and crosses his arms. “So, I suggest you tell me what I want to hear so I can turn around and walk away without involving the kid."

Clamping my jaw together, I want to slam the door in his face. I bite my lip, not knowing what to do. “How much money does he owe?” I finally ask.

“Twenty large,” the thug responds.

“Twenty-thousand dollars?" I exclaim. How in the world am I going to scrape up that kind of money? Especially when I have my mom's bills to pay off.

“And you've got one week."

“I can't possibly-"

“The guy moves fast, getting right up in my face, and he grabs my arm and twists it up behind my back. I cry out from the pair and he clamps a hand over my mouth. Eyes wide, panic consumes me as he leans closer.

“I want to make sure you understand exactly what 'm saying. I'll be back in one week and if you don't have the money, I will hurt you and your son. And you can't hide from me so don't even think of running. Trust me, I can find you no matter where you go. You understand?”

Terror thrums through my entire body. There's no way in hell that I'm letting this a*****e hurt Owen. Tears threaten, but I hold them back and force myself to look him right in his black, empty eyes. “Yes,” I answer, trying hard not to let my voice waiver or show any fear.

“See, that wasn't too hard, was it?" He releases my arm and takes a step back. Then he turns and starts walking toward the stairs. “Oh, and Addison?’

He glances over his shoulder, and I freeze, on the verge of slamming my door shut.

“Let's keep this little visit just between us, okay? Well, us and your rich boyfriend.”

As he cackles out a sharp laugh, I hurry back into my apartment, close the door and lock it. “Shit,” I hiss, trying to suppress the fear that's quickly taking over. What am I going to do?

The first thing I do is go check on Owen. He's sound asleep in his crib, completely oblivious to the creep who just threatened us. He threatened to hurt my baby. What kind of monster would harm a sweet, innocent child?

“It's okay, sweet pea. I promise that no one is going to lay a finger on you." I brush a hand over the soft brown hair on his little head. In the other room, my phone beeps with a text. With a heavy sigh, I leave Owen to his sweet dreams and head back into the living room.

It's Kayla and she tells me that she’s here. It makes me feel a little better to have some company after what just happened. I'm still upset with her, but I've been hiding it well. Seems like today is the day to confront things head-on, though, so I'm going to ask Kayla why she lied to me two years ago.

At this point, what have I got to lose?

I buzz her in and open the door a minute later. My gaze zooms over her shoulder, checking the hallway beyond. After rushing her in, I hurriedly close and lock the door again.

“Are you okay?" she asks, noticing how jumpy I am.

“No," I say. “Shit, Kayla. Today has been a nightmare.”

“What's going on?”

I shake my hands, trying to eliminate the jitteriness. “Ym freaking the fuck out right now.”

Her dark eyes widen. “What the hell is going on? Is Owen okay?”

Pressing my hand over my mouth, I nod, and point to the couch. She sits and I drop down beside her.

“Some scary man was just here. Like a mafia guy or loan shark or something. He said Randy owes him $20 grand and now I have to pay or they're going to hurt me and Owen.”

“Oh, my God!”

“I hate him! I can't believe he'd put us in danger like this. That he'd sacrifice us!” I cover my face in my hands. “The guy said he's coming back in one week for the money. I told him I don't have it and he said to talk to my billionaire boyfriend.”

For a moment, Kayla doesn't say anything. Then she sighs. “Do you think Tanner would give it to you once you tell him how dire the situation is?”

Asking Tanner for the money is the last thing I want to do, but what other options do I have? None that I can see.

“He found out about Owen," I say softly.

“Oh, shit”

“He was so mad at me, Kayla. He couldn't understand why I took so long to tell him. Everything is such a mess, and I don't know what to do.” I twist my hands in my lap, trying so hard not to have a breakdown.

“I promise that I'l do everything I can to help you, Addie.”

“There's something else, too," I say carefully. “I've been meaning to ask you, but...” Tears fill my eyes. “We've been getting so close, and you've been such a help with Owen that I've been dreading this."

A guarded look comes over her face. “Dreading what?”

“I know you lied to me, and that Tanner never talked to you about breaking up with me two years ago.” Her eyes slide shut. “Why?” I ask, my voice strained. “Why would you ever tell me that?"

“Oh, God, Addie, I am so damn sorry!” Tears fill her eyes. “I was a terrible person back then and so selfish. Ever since you came back here, I've been trying so hard to make up for what I did."

“What exactly did you do?” I ask, my voice low, trying to understand the situation.

“You remember how I owed the credit card companies all that money?”

I nod, feeling sick to my stomach.

“Well..” She lets out a shaky breath. “Tanner's father offered to pay it all off if I helped break you two up. And I feel awful. I really do, but I was so desperate at the time."

“Oh, Kayla," I whisper, betrayal searing through me. My own sister sold me out?

“I asked you for help and remember we got into an argument. So, I was mad at you and I was jealous, too. You and Tanner were so happy and perfect together. I didn't have anything, but a ton of debt and I was so bitter. When Thomas waved that blank check in front of my face, I couldn't resist. I took it and I'm so sorry for what I did."

She sold her soul to the devil.

A bitter laugh erupts from my chest. “He did the same thing to me. Offered to pay me off if I walked out of Tanner's life. But not even a million dollars would've tempted me."

“That's because you're a good person, Addie. Way better than me and Thomas. I should never have accepted his offer and hurt you like that. I regret it so damn much. You have to forgive me. Please. I don't know what I would do without you. The tears begin to slide down her cheeks and my heart caves.

Even though I'm upset and hurt, my sister and I have bonded and established a relationship that we'd never had before. An it feels really good. I don't want to throw it away over something that happened two years ago. Besides, she’s changed for the better and I need her right now more than ever before. “Knowing what you did hurts," I say slowly, choosing my words carefully, “but you and Owen are the only family I have left. I love you, Kayla."

With a sob, she throws herself against me and we hug fiercely.

“I love you and that little guy so much, and I don't know what I'd do without you,” she cries.

We pull back from each other and laugh through our tears. Even though Kayla and I haven't always seen eye to eye, we've grown so close in the last couple of months, and I don't know what I would do without her. Its a relief to get all of this out ir the open and be able to forgive her and now move on.

After we settle back down, I clasp my hands together. “What do you think? It seems like my only option is to ask Tanner for the money. Unless we can sell Mom's house in the next 24 hours, I don't know what else to do."

“How bad was your fight?” she asks softly.

“It wasn't great,” I admit. “But I have to do whatever it takes to keep Owen safe.’

“Of course,” she agrees.

“I just never wanted Tanner to think I only cared about his money."

“Oh, Addie, he never thought that. You've never asked that man for a dime. It was always true love between the two of you and it never had anything to do with money."

I hope that she’s right. I've never cared that Tanner came from money and could buy anything he wanted. It's something I never gave much thought to because Tanner doesn't flaunt his wealth. He never did. I always thought of him as financially secure and comfortable. And extremely generous. But I never expected him to always pay for everything or to loan me money. It wasn't ever an issue between us because I never made it one.

But now, I'm going to have to step outside my comfort zone and ask for a lot of money. And right when he’s mad at me. Figures.

Why is my life never easy?l wonder.

Pulling myself out of my pity-party, I hug my arms across my chest. “Guess I'm going to have to do some serious groveling.” “Is there anything I can do to help you?” she asks earnestly.

“Babysit? And pray Tanner is in a good mood when I talk to him."

“When are you going to go see him?”

“Not tonight. I want to give some time to cool off. Maybe...hopefully...he can try to see my side of the story a little better”

“I really believe you guys are meant to be together, Addie. It'll all be okay. I just know it. I don't think I've ever seen a man love someone as much as Tanner loves you.”

Her words are sweet. I just hope they're true. Because at this point, Tanner and I are running out of chances fast and that scares me.

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