Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 13


Tanner's jeans hit the floor, followed by his boxer briefs and my underthing’s. He stands before me, naked and pulsing, and think 'm salivating. God. He's even more perfect than I remember, and I reach out and wrap my greedy fingers around his long, hard length.

“Mmm,” I moan and lick my lips. It's been just as long for me as him and I need to have him inside me. Now. “Tanner, please. need you so badly”

His hand drops, covering mine, and he thrusts a couple of times before pulling my hand away and crawling up over me. I sin back into the soft sheets, reveling in the feel of us once again being skin to skin- something that I thought would never happen again. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world and hope to God I don't wake up and find out this is all a dream. Tanner parts my thighs further, settling between them, and my chest heaves with anticipation. His head drops and he begins to lave his tongue from one breast to the other, licking and kissing. When he pulls a nipple into his mouth and sucks, I arch back with a soft cry. It's just too good. No one has ever made me feel even a fraction of what this man does. Hes my other half and I love him.

I always have and I always will.

A part of me wants to blurt out that he's a father and that we have a son together, but I keep my mouth shut- at least when comes to that. In the meantime, I find several other creative uses for my mouth. When the time is right, I'll let him know. But right now, all I can do is writhe beneath him as he delivers exquisite pleasure and t*****e all at once.

After kissing me deeply, he pulls back and opens a drawer beside the bed. I'm so hot it feels like a fever is burning up inside me and I watch with heavy-lidded eyes as he rips the condom open and rolls it on. Then he lowers himself back down on his elbows, positioning his thick, gorgeous c**k at my entrance.

For a moment, he holds his position, on the verge of entering me, and our gazes lock. Something unspoken passes between us. A promise that we'll never, ever spend another day apart. Then he starts to enter me, and my body expands, welcoming him deeper.

Welcoming him home.

“Yesss," I cry. Nothing else feels like Tanner when he's inside me. It's indescribable.

With a grunt, he thrusts all the way to the hilt, and I wrap my legs around him. Our hips begin to rock, moving faster, falling into an easy rhythm that only the two of us know. And, oh, God, it feels so good. He knows exactly where to hit, and my breath catches when his fingers drop between our bodies and start rubbing with exactly the right amount of pressure.

He knows my body too well and he remembers what pushes me over the edge.

It doesn't take long before I feel the orgasm building, fast and hard. A moment later, everything tightens in the most delicious way and, above me, Tanner groans long and hard. I cry out, dragging my nails down his back and over his firm a*s. Pleasure rolls through me as my entire body quakes then fractures.

My whole world tilts and I fall back against the pillows, breathing hard. Tanner drops down beside me and I turn my head, looking over at him. Once again, our gazes lock and I know that I will never be able to live without him again. From this point forward, it's the two of us.

Well, the three of us.

I pullin a deep breath, debating on how to spill my news. But, again, I decide it's not the right time. Soon, though. It's also getting late and, despite Heather's offer to spend the night, I need to go home and be with Owen.

After drowning in Tanner's hazel eyes for another couple of minutes, I sit up and wonder how I'm going to get out of here without raising his suspicions. He slips out of bed to get rid of the protection and while he's gone, I get out of bed and throv my clothes back on. When he returns and sees me up and dressed, he stops short, a surprised look on his face.

“You're leaving?” he asks.

The hurt and disappointment in his voice fill me with guilt. “I don't want to," I quickly say. “But I have to get up early and hel Kayla with something” I hate having to tell him the little white lie, but what else can I do? Blurt out that we have a son? No, it's better to wait before dropping that bomb.

“But you just got here,” he argues and moves closer.

I hate hurting his feelings, but I have to go back to Owen. “Tanner, I promise that we will have more nights together like this. We have so much time to make up for” I lay a hand against his stubbled cheek.

“Addie, please don't go." He covers my hand with his, then drags it forward and kisses my palm.

The seductive kiss nearly convinces me to stay, and I let out a soft whimper. Saying no to Tanner is killing me because all want to do is spend the rest of the night in his bed. “I'm sorry,” I whisper. “But I can come back over tomorrow afternoon.” His eyes flick back and forth, studying me closely. “Okay,” he finally relents and reluctantly releases my hand. With a small sigh, he pulls me up against his hard, muscled, oh-so-naked body and kisses me deeply.

My freaking toes curl and I swear I've soaked through my panties all over again. I pull back with a gasp and stare into his mesmerizing green eyes flecked with gold. Instead of saying I love you like I'm dying to do, I bite my lower lip and hold it in no matter how much it kills me.

“Until tomorrow,” he murmurs. He gets dressed then walks me down to his car and drives me home. When we get to my apartment, he starts to get out, but I grab his arm.

“You don't need to walk me up. It's fine," I say.

“At least let me walk you to your door”

Igive a little nod and my nerves kick in. Owen is right upstairs and I'm dying to tell Tanner. At the same time, I'm absolutely terrified of his reaction. Will he hate me for keeping such a big, life-altering secret from him? God, I hope not. I only did it because I thought he wanted to be with someone else. That he wanted me out of his life.

Tanner lowers his head and kisses me again. It grows urgent and heated fast, and after a moment too long, I pull away, breathing hard. I can't invite him up. Not yet anyway.

“Goodnight, Tanner,’ I say and take a wobbly step back.

“I'l see you tomorrow,” he murmurs, toying with a lock of my hair.

Nodding, I open my door and give him a final smile. “I look forward to it," I reassure him.

“Dream of me,” he murmurs.

“I always do," I say and heat snaps through his hazel eyes. With one final smile, I disappear inside my building, heart pounding so hard it feels like it's going to burst from my chest.

What starts out as one hot night quickly turns into a torrid affair. When I'm not working, I'm with Tanner and we're getting it on anywhere and everywhere. He still stops by the flower shop every day at 2pm, but instead of eating, we go back to his place and have 30 minutes of hot sex. Then on the weekends, I spend the afternoon at his loft, and we get it on like bunnies until we're so exhausted neither of us can see straight.

Its all fine for a couple of weeks, but I know he's getting curious about why I never invite him over to my place. I still haven't worked up the courage to tell him about Owen. Everything has been so crazy perfect between us, and I'm scared to death that I'm going to mess it up somehow.

I'm also feeling guilty because Kayla and Heather have been babysitting extra and I haven't spent as much time with Owen as usual because I'm also splitting my time with Tanner.

I still have to talk to Kayla and ask why she told me Tanner wanted to break things off with me. But I'm not in the mood for a wicked, dramatic fight right now. And we've been getting along really well so I'm reluctant to do anything to hurt our newfound relationship. Besides, if she gets mad then who is going to babysit Owen? I decide to hold off confronting her for little while. At least for now, anyway. But I do want answers.

Right now, I'm focused on trying to figure out how to tell Tanner about Owen. I need to introduce them soon and 'm hoping we can all spend some quality time together. As a family.

just want to make sure I can trust Tanner and that I introduce Owen at the right time. Its a fine line and makes me nervous as hell. The one thing is- we haven't said I love you to each other. I think we're both scared. At least, I know I am. I'm downright terrified. I used to declare my love for him all the time and look what happened.

But I truly believe that our love story is being given a second chance and I want everything to turn out perfectly. Its hard to ignore the fears eating me up inside, though, because they are very real.

One Saturday afternoon I drive to the South Grove house with Owen because I need to get a few things ready before an oper house that the realtor scheduled the next day. Owen is playing on a blanket and 'm deciding where to start when I hear the front door click open. Assuming it's Kayla, I look up, on the verge of saying hello, when my heart thuds to a stop.

It's Randy and I instantly feel nauseous. He looks worse than I remember. More unkempt and rough around the edges. He also has a mean look in his eyes that makes me turn, lean down and scoop Owen up into my arms.

“Well, look who it is. Miss High and mighty back from Jersey."

“What're you doing here?” I ask.

“I live here”

“No, not anymore. Besides, you took off months ago. In case you didn't know, your wife died." I shouldn't be so cruel, but I can't help it. After the way he treated my mom so poorly, I hate the bastard.

“So, I hear.”

He takes a step forward and I force myself to hold my ground. But my arms tighten protectively around Owen.

“You don't come home for two years and the second your mama passes, you're back in a flash and selling my home. You always were a cold one.”

“This isn't your house. It's in my mother's name and now that she’s gone, you're not welcome here anymore.”

His gaze drops to Owen, and he smiles, but it's oily and sinister. My skin crawls.

“I heard you got yourself knocked up. This here must be the bast-"

“Don't you dare call him that," I snap fiercely.

His eyes narrow and he lifts his hands as though to show me he has no ill intentions. But I know my stepfather far too well. He thrives on hurting others.

“Who's the baby's daddy?” he asks. “Your mom never did tell me"

“None of your business,” I say, far too fast.

Randy cocks his head and a slow, unsettling look crosses his face as though the answer just dawned on him. “It's that Beckett billionaire, isn't it? The one you used to date before you ran off like your a*s was on fire."

“Not” I bark.

But it's clear he doesn't believe me. Randy crosses his arms, and I can see the rickety gears turning in his pea-sized brain. “Does he know?"

My heart begins to thump harder, and I ignore his question. “You need to leave."Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“What was his name?” He scratches the top of his greasy head, pretending to think. “Thomas? Teddy? No, wait. It was Tanner. wasn't it?”

I swallow hard.

“Tanner Beckett. I can picture all those zeros behind his name, too"

I heave out a sigh. It's clear Randy is here for a reason and that can mean only one thing- he wants something. “What do yo want, Randy?” I ask, exasperated and weary of his games.

“Just what I'm due”

“Why are you “due’ anything?”

“My wife just died and I'm in mourning”

That's it! AssholetHis comment has me seeing red and fury boils through my veins. “Really?” I ask sarcastically, doing my absolute best to stay calm. “Is that why you took off? I'm surprised you even know she passed away."

“Of course, I know. It's been hard on me, too, but what do you care? You only ever worried about one person and that was yourself!”

“Get out of here,” I grit out, voice low.

“No can't do, honey pie. I came to get mine and I ain't leavin’ until you agree.”

I knew it. He saw the “For Sale” sign out front on the lawn and now he wants his piece when the house sells. I'd rather die than give him one bloody cent, but maybe if I give him a little, he'll leave me alone. “Let me think about it," I say even thoug it kills me.

“Okay. And, in the meantime, I'll be thinkin’ about how much money you can get me from his daddy.”

My mouth drops open. “What?”

“You heard me. You think I can't put two and two together? That kid is Tanner Beckett's and that means a golden opportunit for me. Or rather, a gold mine.” He cackles then starts hacking. Probably from smoking too much.

Fury like I've never known before seethes through me and I'm shaking so hard that I have to shift Owen and clasp my hand into a fist. “That means nothing for you,” I hiss.

“I beg to disagree.” He shifts and crosses his meaty arms. “See, I owe some guys a bit of money and now you can help me ge! some cash really quick so I can pay them back”

“I am not going to cover your gambling addiction.”

“If you won't put a good word in for me then I guess I'm going straight to Tanner and will ask my future son-in-law for a loan myself”

Fuck My head is spinning, and I just want this manipulative man to disappear. I don't want to give him a penny and certainly don’t want Tanner to either. At the same time, I can't let him run to Tanner and spill the beans about Owen.

Okay, think Randy has no idea where to find Tanner and he's too stupid to figure it out. Besides, even if he did discover where Tanner lives, building security would never let him in. He's far too shady looking and he doesn't have Tanner's phone number. He can't get it either because it's not listed.

Ifeel a little better when I realize there's no way he can realistically get to Tanner. The only other thing he could possibly do is go down to Beckett Technology but, again, there's no way security would let him up.

Breathing out a little sigh, I calm myself down and shift Owen on my hip. “First of all, how dare you threaten me. I never understood why Mom married you, but I'm glad she's finally free of you. You've never been anything but a terrible husband and stepfather. So, if you think I am giving you one dime, you're crazy! If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police. Thi isn't your house, and it never was."

“You're making a big mistake, girlie” he says, voice low and oozing with menace.

“Get outt” I yell. “I don't owe you a damn thing!”

Randy slowly steps back, his grimy head bobbing, gaze spewing hate. “So that's how it's gonna be. Okay, if you don't wanna play nice then we'll play dirty. One way or another, I'm gonna get my money.”

I grab my phone and act like I'm going to call the cops. That scoots Randy right out the front door and I rush over and doubl lock it behind him. I lean against the door, let out a shaky sigh and hug Owen tighter.

Then I call a locksmith. No more surprise visits from unwelcome visitors like Randy.

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