Alpha Billionaire Series

A Fake Fiancée for Christmas Chapter 17


Even though leaving before New Year's Day wasn't the original plan, I'm kind of excited to have the next week alone with Jac I can picture a future with this man and that's something I've never experienced with anyone else before. As scary as it is, it also exhilarating.

I know Jace is just as nervous about what's going to come next as I am, but I'm ready to make this official. My feelings for hin have morphed into something special. From having a crush on my client to having a hard time imagining my life without hin Jace said he wants to try dating and I think slow and steady is the way to go. Although who am I kidding? If he asked me to run off and elope with him tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I'd say yes.

At some point my feelings for him became incredibly strong. Over the past few weeks, I've seen the man behind the billionaire.

And he’s pretty damn spectacular.

I love how attentive he is to not only his family, but also to me. He listens and he cares; he makes me feel special. Everything I've ever wanted in a partner, Jace possesses. And let's not forget our flammable chemistry. Sex with Jace is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Off-the-charts, freaking fantastic. All I have to do is look at him and I'm ready to jump him. Everything inside of me knows that he is my person, my soulmate. Things definitely happened fast between us, but that's thy kind of insta-love I've always wanted and craved. It's like we both knew right from the beginning because the attraction was so strong and undeniable.

I have a quote framed in my office that reads, “Never walk away from an instant connection. It's happened for a reason.’

Its attributed to “Anonymous” so I have no idea who originally said it, but I couldn't agree more. The pull of a stranger means something. Could possibly mean everything.

When we get back to the city, Jace takes me straight to my apartment and helps me unload my suitcase. He rolls it up the walkway and I unlock the door then turn and look up into his brilliant indigo eyes. They're stunning and make my stomach somersault every single time.

“Do whatever you need to do, and I'll be back to pick you up this evening he tells me. Then he kisses me so thoroughly that my knees threaten to buckle. “I'll make sure the heat is turned up because I plan on keeping you naked for the rest of the week!"

Oh, God A shiver runs through me, and I take a shaky step back. “Is that a promise?”

“Hell yes, it is."

He gives me a naughty smile then heads back down to his car.

“Nice ass!” I call out.

Jace glances over his shoulder and cracks a hand against his firm derriere. “Right back at you!” he yells back. I laugh then wave as he slips into the driver's seat and pulls away.

The next five days are the most amazing of my life. Jace takes me back to his ridiculously amazing place and everything is perfect. His home is incredible, clearly a place that only a billionaire could afford. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it's near Hudson Yards and it's a modern, converted warehouse that's comprised of several levels.

We spend all of our time getting to know each other better and christening every room in the house. We stay up late into the night, talking, getting to know more about each other on a deeper level. Midnight snacks alternate between Taco Bell and hot dogs smothered in ketchup, mustard and shredded cheese. The s*x is hot and constant. I've never experienced anything like this before and I learn exactly what he likes, what makes him come hard and fast. And the same goes for me. Jace takes his time and explores every hidden curve of mine. It's like he makes it his mission to discover what I enjoy most and then he tortures me endlessly with his mouth, fingers and very impressive cock.

Several times, I can't help but think that things are going too perfectly. But I try to bury my doubts and instead focus on the two of us. I assume we'll spend New Year's Eve in much the same way we've spent all week- fuck, cuddle, order in some fooc talk and fuck some more.

50 Jace surprises me when he announces that we should get out of the house and go to a New Year's Eve party a friend of hi is throwing. A part of me is excited to get dressed up and celebrate the New Year in style with the man I'm falling so damn hard for. Another part of me just wants to stay in and cuddle up against his warm chest.

But we decide to go drink some champagne, dance and welcome the New Year in together with a kiss as confetti and balloons drop all around us at The Plaza. Jace said his friend Matt is also a business associate so it's good that he goes and makes an appearance, anyway. And I've never been to a party at New York's elite Plaza Hotel so I'm excited.

There's one dress that I haven't worn yet because it was a little fancier than the others so I'm glad I saved it for tonight. It's short and a shimmery gold with fringe hanging from the hem. I pair it with some strappy, sparkly heels and festive makeup. curl my hair and wear it loosely around my shoulders and then study my reflection in the mirror.

Something is definitely different about me. It's almost like I have a glow. My eyes are bright, I can't stop smiling and, I swear to God, my body is still pulsing with aftershocks from all the scorching s*x.

Jace looks more handsome than I've ever seen him before and my heart trips as it hits me that this gorgeous man is all mine He kept some stubble on his face, his dark hair curls up just a bit at the edge of his collar and he's giving off this very masculine energy that has my ovaries firing away.

As excited as I am for the party, my thoughts instantly turn naughty, and I start thinking about later tonight when I'll be able to strip him out of that tailored suit and have my way with him.

Jace can be very controlled and good at concealing his emotions. But when we're together, I've discovered all sorts of ways t make him lose that control. And it's a heady feeling to watch this big, strong man fall apart and beg me not to stop whateves ¥'m doing to him.

The ballroom where the party is being held is stunning and beautifully decorated to ring in the New Year. Expensive champagne flows, fancy desserts fill a table and, as much as I want to indulge, I don’t. 'm not sure if it's my nerves or what, but my stomach is anxious and instead of sipping bubbly, I opt for some sparkling water with lemon. So much is happening between Jace and I, and if I think too hard about it, the fear and doubts begin to trickle in. For some reason, they're stronger tonight, although I can't figure out why. Maybe because this is the first time, we're out in public together as a couple and actually trying instead of just faking it.

“You're the most beautiful woman here,” he murmurs in my ear as we turn on the dance floor.

Itilt my head back and look up into his indigo eyes. “And you're the most handsome man here. Or should I just say right bac at you?"

He chuckles. “Thinking about my a*s again, are you?"

“I love your a*s.”

He spins me around and dips me. I'm not expecting the sudden move and I clutch his muscled arm, throw my head back an laugh. It's like I'm walking among the clouds and there's a grin plastered on my face for the whole world to see.

It also means the world to me that Jace introduces me to everyone as his girlfriend. Each time he says it, my heart skips a beat. He's embracing the fact that we're going to try this and that means everything.

But you know what they say. Eventually, all good things must come to an end.

Unfortunately for us, that end comes in the form of Selene Cantrell, Jace’s ex-fiancée.

We're laughing in the corner and Jace just fed me a petit four when a low, silky voice says, “Well, hello, Jace."

He instantly stiffens and I can see the dark cloud that instantly shadows his gaze. Jace slowly turns and coolly looks at the slim woman in the dark blue dress which is nearly the same color as Jace's eyes. I recognize her as an up-and-coming model and she's beyond gorgeous and sophisticated.

“Selene,” he grinds out.

on, shit.

Tall, elegant and with emerald-green eyes that look cat-like, Jace’s ex-fiancée is everything that I'm not. The moment he says her name, my stomach sinks. Her long, dark blue gown has a thigh-high slit and when I glance down at myself, I suddenly feel like a little girl who's playing dress up.

I know I shouldn't compare myself to her, but this is the only other woman I know of that Jace seriously dated. And she's a freaking model. The idea that they've been intimate, that they've done the same things we have, makes me sick to my stomach and I feel acidic, burning bile come up the back of my throat.

Jace doesn’t say another word and I shift, so uncomfortable that I want to turn and run.

“I'm Selene,” she says and gives me a smile that doesn't quite reach her bright green eyes. “Jace and I used to..." Her voice trails off. “Well, we almost walked down the aisle, didn’t we?"

Of all the women in the world he could've almost married, it has to be Selene Cantrell. There's no way I can ever compete with someone like her.

My gaze snaps over to him. Why isn't he saying anything? My heart starts thumping harder and sweat rolls down my sides. From the look on Selene's face, she’s thoroughly enjoying my discomfort.


Rolling my shoulders back, I give her a tight smile. “Ym Bailey, I say, introducing myself since Jace hasn't bothered yet. I'm tempted to add “Jace’s girlfriend,” but that sounds pathetic and desperate. He's the one who should be saying that, not me. Instead, he mutters, “What're you doing here?”

I struggle not to roll my eyes and it's like he’s completely forgotten that I'm standing right beside him. This is starting to feel humiliating.

“Matt invited me, silly," she purrs.

Jace's nostrils flare and he looks on the verge of blowing. I reach out and lay a hand on his arm. He instantly covers my hand with his and that makes me feel better. Especially when Selene’s gaze dips and she clearly notices.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“I wasn't aware you were dating anyone; she comments lightly.

“It's none of your business,” he responds. Our hands lower and he's squeezing my hand so hard, I almost squeal. Waves of tension pour off him, but Selene appears cool as a cucumber.

“Calm down, Jace. I didn't come over here to start trouble or rile you up. It's been a while and I just wanted to say hi. I hope you're doing well” Her voice drops. “Honestly, I miss you."

My mouth drops open and I have to force myself to shut it. Who in the hell has this much nerve? I'm flabbergasted. Then she reaches out and runs her long, pointed nails that are painted a vibrant red down his sleeve. My eyes narrow when he doesn’ move away or say anything.

“Sometimes I regret how things ended,” she says. She gives him a slow smile and takes a sip of her champagne. “Don’t be a stranger, Blue Eyes.’

Igrind my jaw together as Selene saunters away.

And still Jace doesn't say a word. I feel like a total idiot and all I want to do is leave. I can feel eyes on us and when I turn to look at him, he’s practically shaking. With anger? With desire? I have no fucking idea what he’s feeling because he's not communicating anything to me. Guess it's up to me to do the talking, but I'm so angry that words evade me.

So instead, I pry my hand from his and march away. I'm not sure where I'm going until I see the bathroom. Ducking inside, tears burn the backs of my eyes as I stomp over to the mirror and stare at my reflection. Normally, I don't have any self- esteem issues, but after my encounter with Selene, I'm feeling like a bootleg version of Jace’s much prettier ex-girlfriend. Excuse me, ex-fiancée.

Behind me, the bathroom door opens, and I glance down and open my small purse, pretending to search for something. Someone moves up behind me and I look up into the mirror’s reflection and see that it's Selene.


She has a cold gleam in her green eyes, and I can't help but wonder what happened between them. I'm at such a disadvantage because I have no idea. It makes me angry because every time I tried to ask Jace, he clammed up.

And now here she is, his seemingly perfect ex, and for all I know, he might want her back.

“Bailey, is itz" she asks in a low voice.

Our gazes meet in the mirror. “Yes,” I answer.

“I'm not sure what Jace told you about us, but just so you know, things ended abruptly, and we never got the chance to fully sort our feelings out.”

Igrip the counter hard. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I wonder.

“I guess what I'm saying is don't be surprised if I start showing back up in his life. We have unfinished business and, truth be told, I messed up. I need him to know how sorry I am for what happened.” She frowns. “You do know, don't you?”

Fuck. “I know that you were engaged, and it didn’t work out,” I say evenly.

“That's right. We were on the verge of walking down the aisle and cold feet set in Her green eyes narrow and I instantly think of a serpent. “But fair warning. My feet are anything but cold right now.”

I'suck in a breath. Her threat is crystal clear. She's going to go after Jace and how can I stop her or even compete?

With a smirk, Selene turns on her heel and walks out. I slump against the sink and squeeze my eyes shut. The best night just turned into the worst in less than I5 minutes and all I want to do is get the hell out of here.

I'snap my beaded bag shut, spin around and storm out, nearly colliding with Jace. His arms lift to catch me from toppling over. “l want to leave,” announce.

“Yeah, me, too,” he agrees.

Ronaldo picks us up and the moment we get into the Maybach, I turn on Jace and ask, “When were you going to tell me that your ex-fiancée is a stunning model?”

I don't care that we have an audience. I want and deserve answers. Now.

“Can we do this at home?” Jace asks through gritted teeth.

“No, we can't. Why was she such a secret?” I demand. “Why in the world didn’t you tell me anything about her?”

“Because I don't talk about what happened. That's why," he snarls.

His nasty tone catches me off-guard, and I frown. How dare he attack me? “You should've told me about her, I insist. “Do yoy have any idea how foolish I felt?”

“Yeah, I know perfectly well what it feels like," he hisses.

“What're you talking about? Stop deflecting and tell me what happened.”

“What do you want to know?” he yells. “That we were a minute away from getting married and she took off? That I was left standing there like a complete jackass in front of 500 guests? That my best friend had to break it to me that she left and was cheating on me? Fuck!”

He slides a hand through his hair, and I can only blink at his outburst, not prepared for the words that just came out of his mouth. Oh, my God. “I'm sorry,” I murmur, not sure what else to say. “I had no idea.”

“No, you didn't. So why the hell couldn't you just have supported me and not made this all about you?”

“I-I do support you."

“Doesn't feel like it," he snaps.

I swallow back the lump in my throat, cross my arms and turn to look out the passenger window. “You're being an asshole,” I mutter.

“And you're being a fucking cry baby."

Turning back, I glare daggers at him. “Excuse me for wanting some answers from the man who I'm sleeping with."

“Don't,” Jace says in a low, warning voice.

“Don’t what?” I ask.

“You went into this with your eyes wide open. You crossed the line with me. I didn't force you to do anything. In fact, if I remember correctly, you practically threw yourself at me.”

My mouth drops for the second time tonight and I am thoroughly pissed. “Ronaldo, please take me back to my apartment.” “Yes, Ronaldo, please,” Jace mutters.

Unbelievable.I slam back against the seat and stew angrily for the rest of the ride to my place. The moment Ronaldo pulls uj to the curb, I throw my door open and storm out, slamming the door shut with all my might.

Screw you, Jace, think, and stomp up to my door.

If he thinks he can treat me like this, he has another thing coming. I don't care who Jace Montgomery thinks he is. Until he apologizes, I will not be speaking to him.

Three days later, neither of us has reached out and I feel sick to my stomach. We're both too damn stubborn and if I don't make the first move, I'm scared we'll never talk again. This whole thing is so damn stupid.

Sucking it up, I type up a text: Can we talk?

Ten minutes later I get a response: I'm on a business trip. When I get back.

His curt response aggravates me, and he doesn't sound all that excited to talk and try to work things out. Has he given up or us 50 s00n? Without even bothering to try?

Vm not your ex. Please, don't treat me like her.

I hit send and hold my breath. Yeah, I'm definitely not model-gorgeous and worldly. Far from it. insecurities slither up and fi me with doubts. I can't help but wonder if he’s talked to Selene. Especially since he's made zero effort to reach out to me. Almost an hour later, he still hasn't responded. Curling up into a ball on the couch, I pull the blanket over me and cry myself to sleep.

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