Alpha Asher and Lola

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 168 – By the time backup arrived, and Rowena stabilized the

Vampire whose heart were still beating after having her throat slit, I was utterly exhausted.

The trick I did, somehow managing to control the otherworldly power that was known for being

uncontrollable, left me with little to no energy and a raging case of cotton mouth.

Even worrying about Asher, which I’d been doing since the blood witch said he had problems of his

own to deal with, sapped what little strength I had left.

As I swayed where I stood, staring down at the five lifeless bodies, the shadows watched from their

hidden alcoves within the forest. Tristan stood nearby, his eyes flitting to my face every few seconds as

though he were worried I’d topple over at any moment.

I sure felt like I was, but I’d never admit that.

Instead I frowned at the blood that watered the earth and thought about the words that the blood witch


“Make use of their blood…” I said quietly, lifting my gaze to peer at the darkness that surrounded us.

Cassidy continued to gnaw on her lower lip, which she’d been doing for the last half hour. “What do you

mean by that?”

Tristan grunted, which was indication enough that he knew exactly what I meant.

“As reward for your service, you may feed on the blood that was spilled, only that of the five Vampire’s

who needlessly lost their lives this night.” I said to the shadows, my voice strong despite the lead that

weighed down my bones and claimed my energy. At the last moment, staring down at the men who

had harbored such hatred for someone they knew very little about, I added: “…all I ask is that you

return their bodies to the earth.

I wasn’t sure if the tendrils of darkness could feel my lack of strength, or if they were simply that hungry,

but they swarmed the ground like the fog that often cloaked the entire town in the early morning hours,

when the air was thick with humidity.

Cassidy let out a sound that was halfway between a croak and a wail, taking several steps back though

the shadows still slithered around her feet.

“What in the h**l…” She muttered.

Within seconds the ground was clean, free from the blood and the bodies of the d**d Vampire’s.

“Lola, are you alright?” Tristan said quietly, his voice so low that I had to strain to hear him. “You look

like you need some sleep…”

“I do, and I will, but only after I figure out how the h**l this happened.” I told him; thankful the others

weren’t within hearing range. “Have the Vampire taken to a cell …one of the nicer ones. I don’t want

her harmed, I can’t begin to stress that enough.”

“I’ll stay with her to make sure, but only after you’re safe in bed.” He replied, and as he held my gaze it

wasn’t desire I felt, but the genuine need to protect and serve his Queen.

The handful of wolves on patrol who knew the location of Asher’s personal holding cells escorted the

Vampire, each one under strict orders to only use force should she try and escape–and judging from

how much blood she lost, that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

Cassidy was promptly escorted home by a few of the remaining warriors in the patrol team. She

must’ve not been too shaken up because the reluctant glances she tossed our way told me she didn’t

exactly want to leave.

Rowena, Cordelia, Tristan, and myself all ventured back to the estate, where tensions continued to rise

until I wasn’t sure who was angry with who.

The way Cordelia stared at me as the four of us stood in the kitchen struck me as odd, especially

considering it was her spell that had failed to work properly. For the first time, I was wondering if my gut

feeling about her were incorrect.

Was there a chance she was one of the leaks spilling information to the blood witch?

“Could I speak with you alone, Cordelia?” I asked, shattering the haze of silence that had befallen the

three of us.

Tristan’s reluctance weighed on my shoulders, reinforcing the nagging thought that I might’ve been


As soon as we were alone, her stoic expression fell, deepening the lines that circled her eyes and

mouth. “You’re wondering why my spell didn’t work, and I wish I could tell you, Lola, but I just don’t

know.” She placed her hands flat on the marble countertop and stared down at the flat colors. “There’s

a chance it could’ve been overridden by the blood witch’s magic, but she would’ve needed a significant

amount of blood to fuel such a thing. The only other option is that those Vampire’s were already within

the territory lines when I casted the spell.”

“We’ll have to assume that they were, which means I’ll have to talk to Asher as soon as possible.” I

forced the words through clenched teeth, fighting the urge to start shouting down the mate-bond,

linking his mind with my own and potentially distracting him from what could easily be battle.

Even if I did manage to get through, I’d most likely have seconds before I passed out.

“There’s something I needed to talk to you about, Lola …” Cordelia’s lowered voice and unwavering

gaze put a stop to my disorganized thoughts, bringing my attention back to the present. She leaned

forwards, skewering me with her eyes. “What exactly did you do back there?”

I blinked at her, flashes of memory dancing behind my eyes. Tendrils of darkness wrapping around

limbs, piercing the skin like razor thin needles that held the Vampire’s in place. “I’m not following.”

“The blood witch sent six Vampire’s after you and reanimated a d**d body, yet you and your friends are

alive. Not only that, but the amount of residual power I felt was intense…to say the least.” Cordelia

replied, pursing her lips. “The shadows were watching you, child, and don’t think I didn’t see them clean

every blade of grass free of blood.”

“I’m not sure what you want me to say, Cordelia.” I murmured, following the feeling in my gut that told

me to keep quiet, to give as little information as possible. “I don’t know exactly what I did, but it worked,

and the threat is gone for the time being. Isn’t that what’s important here?”

“It is important, but it’s not the only important thing.” She said ominously, her eyes flickering to the

same doorway both Tristan and Rowena vanished through. It led deeper into the house, past the living

room and curved staircase to the lounge and back door.

“Did something happen between you and Rowena?” I blurted, unable to keep the question at bay for

any longer. It had been over a week now that the two of them had been walking on eggshells around

one another, Cordelia more than Rowena.

The middle-aged witch that reminded me so much of my grandma that it hurt to suspect her as the

enemy frowned. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with. You’ve got enough on your plate and

we’re both grown witches, we can handle a spat.”

For some reason, I had the strong feeling this was more than just a spat, but I stayed quiet anyway.

Late that night, after spending the last three hours curled up on the couch in a deep sleep, Asher’s

voice began to trickle into my thoughts.

‘Lola, are you awake? I got word from a couple warriors on patrol that there’s a new face in the

dungeons. What happened? Was anyone harmed?’

I sat up from my spot on the couch, stretching my arms far above my head. Delirious with the remnants

of sleep, I groaned as my back popped in three separate places, each one cutting Asher’s voice off for

half a second.

‘Good morning to you too.’ I grumbled, taking a long drink of water from the glass Tristan left on the

table before I slumped over. ‘No one’s hurt. Well, not anyone in the pack.’

Asher didn’t miss the way my voice soured, just like I didn’t miss the frustration that oozed from his.

‘S**t. It’s getting worse, much worse.’ He cursed, his anger vibrating the mate-bond between us. Highly

saturated images of last night flashed in my head, replaying the battle between myself and the

Vampires for Asher to see.

‘Things are finally coming to a head.’ I murmured, shuddering as my stomach dropped and intuition

spiked. Without a doubt, I knew what I was saying was the truth. ‘Whatever their plans are-whatever

their goal is, they’re close. I can feel it.’

‘If the blood witch went through all that trouble to warn you herself, you must have something she

wants. She wants to throw you off your game, get you doubting yourself, so you surrender before the

fight even begins.’ Asher grumbled, both to me and himself.

Even though Asher had no magic of his own, his intuition was just as sharp.

I padded into the kitchen, wincing against the bright light of the refrigerator as I opened the door. A

water bottle full of blood sat on the top shelf, courtesy of Tristan.

‘It’s my magic, it has to be.’ I told him, taking a long drink from the bottle before sighing deeply. ‘After

what I did with the shadows, I’m sure of it.’

The blood in my mouth turned sour from the thought. I twisted the cap back on and placed it in the

fridge, already rejuvenated from the small bit I’d imbibed.

‘Speaking of which, what exactly did you do to control them? You’re sure you didn’t make a deal by


‘I didn’t make any deals. It was similar to when Breyona was hurt…’ I swallowed, hesitating on my trip

back to the living room as the memory of my best friend d***g flashed in my head. ‘I wasn’t asking them

to do anything. I was commanding them, and they had no choice but to listen. I don’t know why or how,

but that’s what happened.’

Asher grew silent for a moment before asking, “Don’t you have that book Giovanni got for you? The

one with your family name on it.’

‘I honestly forgot I had it. It’s been tucked away while everything’s been going on.’ I admitted

sheepishly, thankful he couldn’t see the embarrassment on my face.

‘Perhaps you should go through it, see if it says anything about what you did tonight.’

‘Does it make me a coward that I don’t really want to open it? It was a big enough bombshell learning

I’m part Vampire, and another when I found out about my witch side. I’m not sure I want anymore Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

surprises in my life.’ Releasing a breathless chuckle, I sank back into the couch.

Asher’s response was immediate and provided support I hadn’t realized I needed. ‘It doesn’t make you

a coward. If anything, you could use a bit of caution from time to time.’ I detected a hint of teasing in his

voice and rolled my eyes at the sound. ‘When I get back we can go through it together, yeah?’

‘I’ll hold you to that, Alpha.’ I said softly, my chest light and fluttering from the fondness in his voice.

Already my trepidation was fading, chased away by my fearless mate. ‘…but only if you tell me about

your night. I know I’m not the only one with a story to tell.’

‘You picked up on that, huh?’ He grunted. As seconds of silence ensued between us, he had no choice

but to launch into the details of his own night and the distraction the blood witch claimed to have

provided. ‘Alpha Bran’s men intercepted our group. They attacked on sight without any regard for their

own.’ Along string of curses filled my head, each one more deadly than the next. ‘Came out of

nowhere. We still can’t figure out how they picked up on our scent. Clara did some magical s**t and

covered our trails.’

‘It had to be the blood witch, then.’ I nodded even though he couldn’t see it. A dry laugh escaped my

lips, ” …they’re working with her, they’re just too blinded to realize it.’

I spoke to Asher for well over an hour, relaxing only when he assured me that no one had lost their


Two of the men in his group were injured, but both were taken into Zeke’s pack and given shelter until

they were healthy enough to make the trip back home. Asher had to reassure them numerous times

that they hadn’t failed, and that their lives were more important than completing this mission along side

their Alpha.

Mason and Clara were the main entertainment for the group, it seemed. They’d been at each other’s

throats since the moment they left the pack grounds, only working together when they were ambushed

by Alpha Bran’s men.

I had planned on asking every single nagging question in my head when my cellphone began to ring.

Upon further inspection, I realized I had a few missed calls from Tristan.

“I cannot tell you how much I wish Vampire’s had that mind-link thing you wolves have.” His voice

slithered from the speakers, tight with agitation. “It’s unnatural to be this unreliable in the twenty-first

century. Aren’t your kind supposed to be glued to their cellphones?”

“Good morning to you too, and if you must know, I was fast asleep.” I lied. “Also, no. Human’s are

attached to their cellphones, not werewolves.”

“Nice try. You weren’t asleep, you haven’t been for the last hour.” He pointed out, ignoring my response

about humans and their cellphone addictions. “You need to get to your mate’s dungeons, the faster the

better. The Vampire you saved wants to talk, and whatever it is she has to say, she’ll only say to you.”

I scrambled from the couch and made it halfway to the front door before realizing I needed shoes…and


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