Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner

Bab 109

Bab 109

Bab 109 David tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama di pintu masuk South River International Residence sebelum Wayne dan Gavin tiba di G-Wagon. David memberi Wayne lokasi begitu dia masuk ke mobil dan Wayne segera mengatur GPS. Kampung halaman David juga berada di Provinsi South River, hanya saja itu adalah daerah pedesaan yang jaraknya lima hingga enam ratus kilometer. Dia seharusnya bisa tiba di pagi hari jika dia berangkat sekarang. Amelia menghabiskan lebih dari setengah jam di kamar mandi sebelum dia keluar dengan pinggul yang bergoyang. Dia tahu dia akan mengalami momen penting dalam hidupnya. Amelia membungkus dirinya dengan handuk ketika dia berjalan keluar, rambutnya masih basah, yang menonjolkan sosoknya. Dia terlihat sangat menarik, dan pemandangan itu bisa dengan mudah membuat pria muda mimisan. Sayang sekali David sudah pergi dan tidak bisa menikmati pemandangan yang begitu menyenangkan. Amelia tidak melihat David ketika dia berjalan keluar. Berpikir bahwa David telah naik ke atas, dia duduk di sofa untuk menunggunya. David masih belum muncul setelah beberapa saat, dan karena bosan, dia mengeluarkan ponselnya. Baru saat itulah dia melihat dua pesan yang dikirim David padanya. Amelia tercengang saat membaca pesan David. Kemudian dia mendengus pelan. ‘David kabur? ‘Sesuatu terjadi di rumah? ‘Seolah-olah aku akan percaya itu! ‘Bukankah sudah terlambat untuk sesuatu terjadi sekarang? Seperti yang dia pikirkan, David bukanlah pria yang mudah. Bukan karena dia juga wanita yang mudah. Lagipula, dia masih perawan.

Dia hanya berusaha mengejar kebahagiaannya sendiri sekarang setelah dia bertemu seseorang yang dia sukai. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Amelia relaxed now that David had left, and started to walk around aimlessly, admiring the house she was in. She had been too nervous to look around when she first arrived, but now that she had calmed down, she took in the design of the house. She had never seen a house so extravagant, not even on the internet. Amelia stood before the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and admired the night view of the River Leeds. It felt unreal. Amelia admired the view a little longer and took a few pictures with her phone before she went upstairs t o the 28th floor. ‘There’s a private pool?’ The ceiling above the pool was made with glass, meaning that you could see the twinkling stars in the night sky just by looking up. She wondered how it would feel to lie in the pool and look up at the stars. Hence, she went and did it. Amelia grabbed an air mattress by the pool and placed it on the water, then she laid on top of it. The mattress slowly floated into the middle of the pool, and she laid atop it staring at the stars above. It would be perfect if David was here hugging her; Perhaps they could share a bottle of red wine as well. Amelia looked down at the towel she wrapped around herself and took it off. ‘How could David have the heart to leave in face of such an alluring body?’ She wondered to herself,’ What a boring man.’ At the same time, David was currently rushing to Aunt Sally’s house. Aunt Sally’s injury was a big deal. Even though it wasn’t serious, David still felt guilty, especially since she was injured when collecting money for him.

It was already six in the morning by the time David arrived in Shu City. He took a small nap in the early morning, while Wayne and Gavin took turns driving. David took the steering wheel once they arrived at Shu City since Wayne and Gavin were not familiar with the roads and they would arrive much quicker if David drove. After arriving at the lobby of Aunt Sally’s residence, David had Wayne and Gavin wait in the car while he went up himself. Lily was the one who opened the door; David had already informed her of his arrival when he arrived in Shu City “Come in, Dave!” “How is it? Where’s Aunt Sally? Where’s Jacey?” David asked. “Inside. My dad’s keeping watch over Jace, making sure that he doesn’t go and look for Quin.” David immediately saw Uncle Yousef sitting on the sofa watching television once he entered the house. “Uncle Yousef!” David greeted with a shout. “You’re here, Dave! Go check on your Aunt Sally! Seriously, she’s not young anymore, why did she even go and argue with other people? See? Now she’s bedridden!” Yousef said.. Uncle Yousef was a clerk, so he was very reliable and could remain calm even when trouble occurred. He might not have been the best to David, but he had never treated David badly during the two years he spend here. ‘Bedridden? “I thought Lily said she would recover after a few days of rest! Just how severe was she injured to become bedridden?’ David immediately rushed to Aunt Sally’s room, only to find her lying on the bed, asleep.

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