Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner

Bab 101

Bab 101

Bab 101 “Amelia, aku dengan tulus ingin memberikan ini padamu. Jangan merasa tertekan.” “Amelia, aku juga!” Keduanya dengan cepat menjawab. “Dengarkan aku, aku mengundangmu ke sini untuk tidak menerima hadiahmu. Saya hanya ingin berterima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Pada saat yang sama, saya ingin memberi tahu Anda bahwa saya sudah memiliki seseorang yang saya sukai. Jadi tolong, jangan kirimi saya hadiah lagi. Kita hanya bisa menjadi teman biasa, oke?” Amelia mengumpulkan keberanian dan berkata. Ini adalah ide yang dia dapatkan setelah berpikir panjang dan keras tentang hal itu. Setelah masalah seputar peringkat, David, Leo, dan Jacob memberinya hadiah senilai lebih dari sepuluh juta. Dia mendapat sekitar 7 juta dari jatahnya. Jadi, dia membawa pulang uang itu dan membeli rumah baru untuk keluarganya. Kemudian, dia membeli mobil untuk orang tuanya dan memberi mereka masing-masing satu juta. Dia memiliki 3 juta yang tersisa sekarang. Keinginan awalnya adalah memberi orang tuanya kehidupan yang lebih baik, tetapi dia tidak menyangka bahwa itu akan menjadi kenyataan begitu cepat.

Sekarang, dia tidak memiliki banyak keinginan untuk uang lagi dan dia tidak ingin terjebak di antara Leo dan Jacob.

If you played with fire, you would eventually get burned. She was scared that they would come to their senses one day and seek revenge against her. After all, she was just a girl from an ordinary family. If they really were to be rough with her, she would not be able to take it So, she used her birthday as an opportunity to make things clear to them. At the same time, she was also showing David that he was the person she liked. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Amelia, you’re joking, right?” Leo asked, a little dazed. “Amelia, don’t make such jokes. My weak heart won’t be able to take such a huge blow,” Jacob said. It was clear that they could not accept this truth. The people around them were stunned. Amelia rejected Jacob and Leo’s gifts that were worth hundreds o f thousands, and she even wanted to establish boundaries with them. Was there something not right with Amelia’s head? So many of the girls on campus were envious of her for having two protectors chasing her. “I’m not joking. I’m serious. Can we just be normal friends?” Amelia asked softly. Leo and Jacob looked at each other. They could see the unconvinced look in each other’s eyes. Since Amelia said this in front of so many people, they were pretty sure she was not joking. Now, they finally understood. They were just fallback options and simps. They had been simping for Amelia for so long, but someone else was one step ahead of them. Jacob did not feel as bad. After all, he was always at the disadvantageous side in this fight with Leo, so h e did not spend too much money on her. On the contrary, Leo was different. He spent millions on her, and right now, that money was going to waste. Leo was fuming and his facial features were even a little contorted now.

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