Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 92



My arms wrapped around my abdomen, shielding my unborn pup from the monster’s predatory stare and that of the three wolves behind him, as heavily armed as I had seen before. The curve of my back collided with the wall, abruptly ending my recoil, and my fingers dug into my sides for dear life.

“NO!” My father pounded on his cell, the glass vibrating under the force. “You leave my daughter alone, svoloch’ (bastard).”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to make threats and demands, are you lycan?” Marceau chuckled in amusement, his unnerving reptilian smile framed perfectly under his trimmed blond beard.

“I can’t remember the last time I set foot in these cells,” his green eyes made a cursory sweep of my surroundings before entering and, suddenly, the roomy cell felt decidedly less roomy. “It must be at least six years.”

My lips peeled back in a snarl, my animalistic voice mixing with that of Evva to bare my canines in a futile show of warning. The man stood barely a head taller than me, but his perfectly cut suit accentuated his broad-built physique. It was a rare occasion I found myself intimidated, feeling the fight that usually scorched my blood extinguished. But I foresaw no scenario with this man where he wouldn’t get what he wanted.

How did he know about my pup?

My gaze flew to the guard just over his left shoulder who had caught me hunched with a stomach cramp.

“He had no clue your little offspring was the issue. But he did notify me something was amiss,” Marceau answered my unspoken question. “No, I just had a rather intriguing phone call from one Alpha Isaac.”

He calmly clasped his hands behind his back, tilting his head to study me.

“It seems he’s rather desperate to have his grandpup returned to him. I think he’s regretting part of his transaction,” he leaned in to whisper. “Your mates are quite eager for leur petit (their little one), also. I don’t think they buy the whole ‘Konstantin kidnapping his own daughter’ connerie (bullshit). Finley is firmly within their sights as their number one suspect. Too bad they don’t search closer to home for the true culprit, non (no)?”

Astennu and Badru… they did feel him… our pup.

I peered over the man’s shoulder to my father, who desperately tried to prise the glass with his extended claws to get to me. That was the cover Isaac used to explain my sudden disappearance? I may not have known my father for long, but within the first thirty seconds of meeting him, I knew he would never hurt me. My mates knew it as well. Isaac banked far too heavily that his stance on rogues would sow the seed of doubt in my mates’ minds.

‘I might joke around and call them dumb names, but our guys are far too smart to fall for tricks,’ Evva prowled, wanting to be released.

“Mon chérie?” Marceau offered his arm, as though I was meant to accept it and stroll off on a merry walkabout with him.

“If I take that arm, I’m ripping it off,” I hissed through clenched teeth, feeling my claws extend in self- preservation.

‘And putting the rest in a body bag,’ my wolf finished my sentiment.

He laughed darkly, backing out of the cell behind his men. “It is adorable you think you can say no. We are going to confirm your little predicament, whether you wish to or not. You said you would be a good girl and behave for me, oui (yes)?”

Two men stepped forward, their electrified batons out and crackling with static. If it were just me, I would have fought. The ‘easy way’ was never a default option in my arsenal of responses. But it wasn’t just me. The small life growing within would suffer for it and I would protect my tiny bond with everything. My father would pay, as well, with his blood. If it meant swallowing some pride and conceding a loss to keep him and my growing pup safe, then so be it.

Peeling my back away from the wall, I teetered a step forward, the guards parting to allow me through with one scooping up the given black attire from the floor. My arms remained clamped around my midsection, acting as a shield to protect him from the eyes all around.

“Net! (No!) Evgeniya!” My father’s claws began to bleed from forcing open a door that wouldn’t budge an inch. “Do not touch her! Ya ub’yu tebya, yesli ty eto sdelayesh’! (I’ll kill you if you do!)”

“Why, Konstantin, you are about to be a confirmed grandfather. One would think you’d be delighted?”

My father heaved desperate heavy breaths, his bloodied hands lying flat to glass in defeat. He couldn’t stop this any more than I could.

“I-I’ll be fine… I’ll be back soon,” I said with an assurance I didn’t feel. For all I knew, this could be the last time I saw him.

There was little choice I had in meeting the pair of deep golden eyes tainted in pity. Where Bastiaan silently stood and watched me be led away, Diego made more of a show, snarling as close to the glass as it would allow.

“How many lessons do you need, Spaniard?” Marceau lifted a brow, his smile was congenial but his eyes were narrowed to slits.

“Maybe one more? How about you come in here yourself and teach me, maricón (p***y),” Diego stood toe to toe, unruffled and ready to take on the challenge.

“And risk maiming you before your string of matches tomorrow?” Marceau’s face hardened. “As you have so much energy to disperse, perhaps you can survive the obligations of your fellow inmates’ matches in addition to your own?”

His hand slipped to my lower back, and I stiffened with more rigidity than a two-by-four. He guided me forward and, with a laboured effort, I kept my wolf’s instinct to shred his skin at bay.

I was paraded past the lines of cells, each occupant having heard everything and crowding their glass walls to catch a glimpse. My head swivelled this way and that, taking in the line of faces.

The vampires were fairly obvious, their pale pearly skin giving them away and glowing tinge to their eyes. All of them male and each of their cells teeming with plants. None looked at me with hostility, just curiosity and sympathy, as did some of the other rogues.

A few of the wolf males made no show to hide their leers, their lascivious howls or obscene gestures.

I tried my best to block them out. I could deal with one horny male trying to make a grab, as Finley knew well. But several? I was suddenly relieved for the glass walls that kept the occupants encased.

In all, I counted thirty cells, but there may have been a couple I had missed. Some were empty. Whether they had an occupant or not, I couldn’t be certain.

Marceau kept his proximity far too close for comfort, his shoulder pressed against mine and his hand firmly gripping my waist. The heavily reinforced black metal door that sealed the cells together opened when a guard pressed a card to the pad, revealing a wide corridor. Fresh tracks of snow littered the flat stone floor that led past a closed sliding metal door, and to a similar fortified gate that must have led to the outside. Rows of basic slip-on footwear lined the wall to its left.

Marceau’s hand pulled my waist to the right through another closed doorway and through a rabbit’s warren of identical corridors. Two of the guards peeled away to remain with the cells, leaving one to follow and trail behind. Him I recognised as one of the original guards who ‘greeted’ me when I woke here.

Our three-person procession stopped at a keypad-locked door marked with a red cross, so I was safe in my assumption that I was being taken to a clinic. When the door opened, a soft groan echoed out. Inside, a man, who I assumed was a doctor, was busy suturing a patient. Yet another armed guard stood at his back, watching over each movement made.

The patient’s skin rippled and swirled in muted colours, a vampire, built as broad as any wolf male I had seen. His red head turned to me and his pulsating dark-orange eyes widened in shock. Large and deep semi-healed gashes carved his chest, injuries concurrent with a werewolf attack. Around the light and bright room of stone-built walls, cream paint and high-up diamond-lead windows, the room was lined with six hospital-type beds; beds fixed with heavy restraints for the occupants.

With no words exchanged, the doctor put down his items, leaving the guard hovering over the vampire. I was ushered with force into a small back room containing an examination table and a small toilet and shower in the corner. The man handed Marceau a small-sized cup with a red cap and left. The guard

who had remained, placed down the clothing bundle onto the table and followed the doctor out, his silhouette framed in the frosted glass window of the door.

“This, I believe, this is yours,” Marceau held out the lidded cup with a limp flick of his wrist now that we were alone.

‘What does he want? Us to fill it up in front of him?’ Evva snuffed, imagining several ways to butcher him with what we could find in the room. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I’d sooner piss on him,’ my growl bubbled at the back of my throat.

When I refused to take it, he pried my hand from around my stomach and gripped my wrist in a tight pinch between his forefinger and thumb, delicately setting the jar on my palm. He nodded to the space behind me and backed up to set himself on the tall stool by the examination bed. I turned my head to peer over my shoulder, seeing the toilet bowl as the only possible object he could be indicating.

This skid-stain of a wolf actually wanted me to do this in front of him…

“There isn’t a chance in this lifetime am I peeing in front of you, asshole,” I stupidly released my rage, unable to keep my indignation to myself.

“Asshole? That’s no language for a lady to use,” he crossed his legs, causally draping his ankle across his knee.

‘Lady? Where?’ Evva snorted, but I didn’t have time to deal with both her and the dangerous viper across from me.

“I’m sorry, did it come as a surprise that you’re an asshole? I was under the impression you were aware,” I launched the cup at his head, instantly swearing to myself for not shutting up.

Today was a good day for making poor decisions, it seemed.

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