Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 128

Bonus Chapter 6 – Accepting Her Last Lycan


I awoke to a bushy tickle on the back of my neck and a thick ruggedly corded arm criss-crossed with black lines cradled under my head, his fingers threading through my hair. His other arm kept me pressed to the huge body at my back, leaving me tightly wrapped as I had dreamed of since he was taken from me. The number of times I had laid in bed with my arms swaddled around my torso for self- comfort, finding none except emptiness and tears, were too numerous to count.

It almost felt too good to be real. The only details grounding me in reality were the strong musky mountainous scent and the heated tingles playing along my skin.

When I had woken up in the night, my panic had nearly spiked. The worry that played across my temples caused a shiver and not just because my bed was empty, cold on the side I thought Konstantin had fallen asleep on. He didn’t exactly fit easily, but it meant that we were snuggled as close as possible, curled up in a shared ball. The fear gripped me that I had vividly dreamt up his return and now I was waking to the frigid reality that it was gone.

And then came the burst of scent, calming my fears. He had been stood by the window, his eyes closed and a deep frown on his face, transforming him into someone dark and foreboding…


The cloud vanished in a heartbeat when his face turned to me, warming to the Konstantin I knew.

“You didn’t leave…” I muttered more to myself, clutching the fabric of my bedspread to my heart.

“I no leave you ever, moy pylkaya piksi (my fiery pixie),” he walked back to me, perching himself on the edge of the bed. “I am fine. You no worry. Sleep.”

“Did you have a bad dream?”

“It is nothing. Sleep,” he pressed a light kiss to my lips and pulled my body to his, lulling me back to a groggy shut-eye…

…It wasn’t ‘nothing’. I could feel it, a pinch of anxiety clinging to the cobwebs. What worried me more was how silent he remained, brushing it away. Did he presume I would think less of him? That was ridiculous, there was nothing he could do that I would belittle him for.

His would be a difficult road to navigate. Not only was Konstantin from an older generation, he was an older generation from another culture; a culture that had never had contact with the outside world.

‘This is gonna take a while to crack,’ Lobelia tapped her tail, pondering through an endless whirl of ideas.

‘Yeah, one giant mountain of a nut to crack,’ I turned in his tight embrace with a bit of a wiggle. ‘What we need is a distraction.’

‘You could show him our boobs?’ She finally settled on. ‘It’s a superficial distraction, but work with what we got, little goose.’

I rolled a set of internal eyes. He needed a bigger distraction than what my chest could afford, but they could play a small part in the idea I had forming. Konstantin had told me about his home, staya Ognennoy Gory (Fire Mountain pack), and the hot springs there. I couldn’t go to the ones in the north of our territory, considering what happened with Evie and Badru in those springs. It felt awkward and weird to go somewhere they had been so intimate, even if it was only partially due to Alpha Badru’s fat mouth.

There was another hot spring pool further away in the southwest. They were shallower, wider and had no rock cover that the northern site afforded, but I had a large lycan male to shelter me with his overreaching frame.

Konstantin was out, the dark circles easing from his lack of sleep, and I didn’t dare wake him or spoil the little peace he had found, but I needed the bathroom, and breakfast to boot. After some gentle wriggling, I freed up his grip and by the time I had finished in my en suite, showering quickly, he hadn’t moved.

It would be a nice gesture to come back with breakfast for him, so he could eat in privacy. Even so, I couldn’t just wake him to let him know where I was going, he needed his rest. I paused as I was about to write a note, remembering he didn’t know written English… would he understand the written word ‘breakfast’? I couldn’t leave him without any idea where I went either; just waking up without him in bed in the early hours had flooded ice in my veins momentarily, and he had been in the room. So I couldn’t do the same to him. He’d done enough living in anxiety in his life.

I wouldn’t be able to string a sentence together in Russian that would make sense to him, but I could write a single word which would hopefully let him know what I was up to.

Looking it up on my phone, I scrawled завтрак meaning breakfast on a piece of paper, with a little heart after because I was feeling cheesy, and left it on the nightstand, folded, so it would be the first thing he saw in his line of sight.

And I knew the perfect dish I wanted to cook: a twist on eggs benedict, with vodka tomato sauce instead of hollandaise, and mozzarella. I also had a fruit loaf stashed away that I had made in a fit of stress baking that could be toasted up on the side. It would still be whole and intact in the kitchen after my warning to the staff in said kitchen that if they touched my fruit loaf before I cut into it, people would be getting ping-ponged in the head with a wooden spoon.

The main pack kitchen hung in a mix of busy and quiet, but it was the backwards glances towards the smaller side kitchen that plucked at my attention. With her back facing the room through the double glass doors on a stool, the long dark blonde waves and enviously tall frame could belong to no one other than Evie.

When the door clicked open, her gaze flicked over her shoulder to me, a creamy tang scent wafting from the tub in front of her.

The raspberry yoghurt she was eating wasn’t enough for a pregnant she-wolf, so I offered to share some of the poached eggs that were boiling away, providing they didn’t stir her nausea and minus the vodka part of the tomato sauce.

What I wasn’t expecting was the little black and white picture she slid in front of me, her sonogram!

“Does your dad know you got this? He didn’t say anything,” my thumb traced over the little bean shape.

“No, it was a last-minute thing… before Astennu and Badru left,” she sighed, a frown down turning her lips.

So they had left already… to help the other rogues.

“…There’s a favour I need from you,” Evie peered over my shoulder to make sure there weren’t any eavesdroppers, lowering her voice. “Distract my dad? I need to do something today that he isn’t going to like.”




The sonogram did the trick, brightening Konstaintin’s mood from fuming to affection. His eyes flitted over the little picture, the pallid grey of his irises retreating to the pretty smokey blue tones I adored. Evie was right, he didn’t like what she was up to, vehemently. The two were as stubborn as each other in their face-off. However, all she had to do was flash a set of puppy eyes and her ultrasound and he practically melted.

I already had an idea for a distraction in mind and now I knew it was the perfect time for it. I understood his apprehension and why Evie needed to do what she was embarking on, but I couldn’t foresee a scenario where my mate kept his cool if he joined his daughter on her personal mission.

Kneeling on the bed, I crept up behind him where he rested on the edge, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. “I want to take you out today, just us.”

“This is to keep me from marching after my daughter,” he stated. It wasn’t a question, he knew.

“There’s no getting past you,” I kissed his cheek. “I wanted to do it anyway. Will you let me?”

He nodded, but his serious expression remained.

“I wanted to take you to some hot springs, like the ones you told me about in your home.”

The bare mention worked like a charm, brightening his face.

When he stood, he scanned my figure, flushing me thoroughly in heat with his intensity. He picked up the plain hoodie he had worn yesterday and asked me to wear it, holding it between the short distance between our bodies. I happily accepted, even though it drowned me like a dress, loving the sensation of being bathed in his scent. It was part of his pack’s customs that I wanted to embrace. Lycan males would gift their scent to their mates and in return, their mate would reciprocate.

‘I don’t think we have anything that would fit him,’ Lobelia flashed me the mental image of our mate wearing one of my tees, fitting him like the Hulk in a training bra, and I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself.

“What is funny?” He pulled me to stand up on the bed and, for the first time, I could look down at him.

I balanced on the springs and used his massive shoulders to steady myself. “Oh, nothing, it’s just… I don’t have anything to give you that you can wear for my scent.”

His eyes cut to the wrap that was thrown over the back of my chair. “You have one thing.”

He reached out for it, draping it over his neck. It was the very wrap he brought back to me at the lakeside.

“Perfect,” I tightened it for him and jumped off the bed, coming face to face with that rock-hard chest of his.

‘We might be tiny, but it comes with perks,’ Lobelia wagged.




A long drive and a bumpy dirt track later, we arrived at the southwest hot springs. It would have been a weighty run had we gone in wolf form and if we stayed late, it would be a hell of a run back while tired… and I planned on being tired after the hot springs. There were plenty of trails around the site; rocky paths and valleys where a wolf could run to their heart’s content.

If I had thought Evie’s wolf dwarfed me, I felt like a lap dog by comparison to Konstantin’s humongous lycan form. We had run the trails together for hours, the early morning sun dappling under the landscape and fading to bright oranges of a winter afternoon that gleamed upon the snow patches.

‘So… you ready for a soak?’ My ginger wolf bounced on our paws at Konstantin and Kirill’s side.

A wolfish smirk tugged on Kirill’s muzzle as he suddenly stopped and, without warning, he picked us up, cradling our wolf form on our back and huffling at our yipping squeak of a growl. Lobelia licked the tip of his nose and he shifted, stepping into the edge of the heated pool. I shifted back to my naked human form in his hold, wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing the damp strands of his long blond hair back from where they clung to the glistening sweat of his neck.

Our lips gravitated towards each other and the world swirled away, the cold of the air no longer registering. His tongue curled with mine so effortlessly and so in sync, it could have been a rehearsed ballad that we had done a thousand times over years.

A hard appendage drifted against my thigh, fading the world back into focus and I blushed, realising what it was, his very erect shaft drifting and floating in the bubbling currents of the water.

Konstantin chuckled, settling me against his chest where he sat back on the underwater rock, his upper half out of the water. His large hand traced the curve of my lower back and down, smoothing over the round of my ass and back up again. Slowly, his strokes stopped, swapping to hold me close, tightly but not painfully. His body would tense and when he did, a lungful of my scent eased his taut muscles.

At the risk of ruining the mood and even angering my mate, I had to ask the question that he brushed aside this morning.

“Will you tell me?” I twirled the tip of my finger around his chest hair. “What woke you up?”

His silence hung an uncomfortable strain in the atmosphere and even though I was pressed against his chest, I couldn’t have been further away. For a terrible brief second, I thought he would hold his tongue or push me away and stride off to leave me alone.

…He didn’t.

“The small space,” his deep voice was clear despite his whisper. “Your room smells of you… but it is small and feels like I am back in cell.”

“Oh,” the small ‘o’ formed on my lips. “We can fix that.”

It was a weak offer, but if it eased a little of the PTSD that he must be experiencing, I’d live outside in the snow for him.

“I could not protect my daughter,” he continued, unable to meet my eye. “That wolf would take her from her cell and I couldn’t stop it. If I no find her, she would have never been taken. My only task as Evgeniya’s father was to protect her… and I have failed.”

“Hey, look at me,” I tugged up his jaw that filled my hands. “None of that is true. Evie loves you more than anyone and I know she feels safe with you. The man that I won’t name, he was here, eyeing Evie well before you showed up. And if she had gone through all of that without you, I don’t know how she would have handled it.”

I could tell he wanted to argue and refute my logic, but didn’t have the right words for his argument. His thoughts right now weren’t based on logic and were stemming from his fears. These were going to take a while, if not years, to heal.

‘You should make a pinky promise with him,’ my wolf suggested, nudging my hand. ‘So he knows he can talk to us about anything. It’ll be cute.’

I wrapped my little finger around his and I was about to explain what it was as he stared down at his own entwined digit in bewilderment.

“It’s a-”

“I know what it is… it is strange,” and it was as though he was lost in a memory.

“Kon… is it Heather?”

I didn’t know what, but something told me it was her or something connected to her.

“Her wolf, Hellebore… Heather said it was from her wolf.”

This wasn’t the first time similarities had been drawn, not in comparison or competition of our qualities, but the likenesses, especially that of our wolves, were numbering beyond coincidence. Was it possible that some part of her wolf lived within mine? That was a spiritual neurosis that could wait for another time.

“This is from both me and Lobelia,” I tightened my little finger with his. “You promise me, you won’t block me out again. It doesn’t matter what time or where, you wake me up and tell me what’s going through that head of yours,” I stroked his temple, pressing my forehead to his. “Even if you think it doesn’t make sense, please, talk to me.”

“I promise that I will try,” he nuzzled closer, a tingle buzzing between our lips they were so close.

“And I promise I’ll always listen. I might not know what to say or do to make you feel better, but I’ll listen.”

Our lips touched and his fire followed, engulfing me in his sweet flames and fresh scent of crisp mountainous air. The honeyed beginning of our tongues meeting quickly heated, my vision becoming as hazy as the steam rising from the water and our skin.

His rigid shaft brushed beneath me, gliding along my thigh and seeking the warmth of my body. I wanted more, more than we had shared up to this point, I wanted more than his tongue, I wanted to go all the way… however much the prospect of his size intimidated me. I could barely fit him in my mouth. How was I going to fit him elsewhere?

‘We may need a moment of silence for our vagina.’

‘Lobelia!’ And far from feeling worried or shameful, my wolf was busy dreamily making moon eyes at our mate.

“Lucy… do I push you too far,” Konstantin’s thickly lust-glazed voice murmured against my lips. “You worry and you blush.”

“No!” I rushed out, sweeping my leg over his lap to straddle him and unintentionally ground my hips against his, his c**k sliding between my slit. “I want to go further, but I guess I’m a little apprehensive about what it’ll feel like,” my skin burned beneath the surface wherever he touched to the point the water felt cold by contrast. “I know that I want you… all of you,” I lifted my hips and stole the shudder from his body.

“Boginya (goddess),” his head rolled back, his hands clasping onto me tighter, pulling me further against his shaft which brushed my clit.

“Boginya indeed,” I blushed a smirk, reliving the memories of all the times I had made him call out the goddess’s name in his mother tongue.

The water sloshed up our waists and the tattoos on his left side blurred under the murky blue of the mineral water. The tips of my loose hair dangled in the pool, clinging to my soaked back, and the beads of sweat rolling down my skin tickled on their path. Konstantin took firm hold of my hips in one hand, setting the slow pace of his c**k smoothing over the length of my slit, from my entrance to my clit inNôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

strong thrusts. His other huge palm caressed the swell of my breast, his thumb tracing a teasing circle around my areola and denying me the fluttering pleasure I craved.

His heavy breathing shivered against my ear, the bridge of his nose tracing the curve of my cheek and jaw, descending my throat to where it met my shoulder and leaving a trail of scratchy kisses from his beard and lips. He latched onto a small spot, rolling the flesh between his teeth and I was lost, thrusting my hips to his for a friction I had no words for. The tip of his thumb flicked over my n****e, rolling the hardened pebbled bud, and I could’ve cried out.

A slow pace wouldn’t do anymore, I needed his roughness. Moving my hips on their own, I reached in between our bodies to clasp his thickness, to keep his path true and hammer my clit with his head frantically. I knew when he was close, his c**k swelling to an engorged stiffness. His scent drove me wild and permeated the air and the rumbling growling moans of his impending release had my core throbbing like never before.

I stopped abruptly, watching the lustful fog clear from his mature features and his ruggedly cut muscles forged from his years in the wilds came back to earth, though still contained within our bubble where nothing else mattered. With him still in my hand, I notched his tip to my entrance feeling myself part to welcome him.

“Krasivyy… beautiful,” he whispered to my lips.

I knew whichever way I did this there would be pain. I had overheard from women talking about their first time and describing everything from a mild sting to feeling like they were split in half. From the girth that began to fill me, pushing through my untouched walls, I was leaning towards ‘split in half’. I paused partway when the discomfort began to stretch a deep threshold, struggling to catch my breath and fight the eagerness within me to smash down and ride him with abandon.

“Slowly, pylkaya piksi,” Konstantin struggled to keep the growl out of his voice, his chest rumbling with every gasp of air.

His eyes were screwed shut and I could feel the sharp tips of his claws feather against the delicate skin of my backside, a gentle caress chased by the taste of danger; an interesting mix.

“Does it not feel good?” I uttered in a hoarse pant, unsure if I was doing anything right.

“Good?” He repeated, cracking open an eye that swirled and pulsated an inky black. “It is taking everything I hold not bend you over this rock and take you until you cannot walk.”

‘Ooo, maybe we can try that when we’re a little more advanced,’ Lobelia was practically ready now with her tail wafting high above her head.

And I couldn’t deny her daydreaming’s allure, imagining Konstantin’s strong firm body dominating me how he wanted, teaching me all he had to offer. But first, I had to learn to ride before I could be ridden.

Taking a deep inhale, I let myself fall, holding on tight to my mate’s shoulders as the slicing pain throbbed. He held me close, wrapping his arms around my back, kissing my cheeks, whispering sweet words, anything he could to ease my aching burn.

I jostled my hips a little, rotating to find a comfortable rhythm. The pain dulled, but the burn remained, colliding with a growing pleasure as I rocked against my mate’s lap. My movements were slow, experimenting with how to undulate my body against his. Konstantin kept his arm cradled around my back, gripping my hip to help me ride him, guiding each gentle rocking rise and fall with my soft moans of pleasure as his reward.

He gazed down at me, tracing the pad of his rough thumb over my cheek and capturing me in his deep ocean pool eyes.

‘Ya tebya lyublyu,’ he whispered like a prayer in my mind. ‘I love you.’

The oxygen from my body rippled out of me like a wave before I could reply as he drove up, thrusting deeper than I had managed on my own.

“I love you, too,” I croaked, holding him as close as our bodies would allow and burying my face into the crook of his neck.

The aching burn that had partnered each of our thrusts transformed and bloomed into a scorching ecstasy, shuddering me to my core. An unseen edge called and pulled me towards its brim and I fell, clenching around the member that had delivered me there. A hot spurt erupted as my mate came, his wild and deep guttural growl adding to my climax.

My adrenaline surged and waned, tumbling my body slack on Konstantin’s chest. The tingling in my face receded, leaving behind a dull sting and a satisfied bliss. His signature and wonderful scratchy kisses fell on my temple, peppering my face with affection.

As good as I felt, an element was missing, more than an orgasm. My canines ached and instinct demanded I sink them into flesh, the flesh nestled near my lips. I kissed the spot that called to me, my teeth nipping and pricking the first drops of blood.

‘Do it, mark me,’ his hand cupped the back of my head, pushing his exposed throat to my bite.

I latched down and my heart pounded in my ribs as my teeth sunk into his rich skin. A whole new moan petered out of me, a growl hot on its heels, and the heated fire that filled me billowed away, lighting a torch I could feel I was teetering towards. I swiped my tongue over the mark left behind, mopping up the trickle of sweet blood left behind.

It was as though his entire being hung in a daze, the suspended freefall between consciousness and sleep, reality and a dream. Slowly, the focus came back, his pretty eyes fluttering back to me and

shining a brighter light than I had ever seen.

“Can I return?” He gently traced a patch of skin that ignited my insides again.

“Ye-es,” I hiccuped a tiny sob and my wolf howled, wanting to be his forever.

He leant into the bend of my throat, tracing the hollow with his tongue. His lips sought their blissful target and if I didn’t know any better, I would think he was taking joy in prolonging his teasing.

The pain of his canines piercing my neck evaporated in the blink of an eye, barely registering, eclipsed by an unbridled joy destroying and rebuilding me all in the same second. The overwhelming teether that burned brightly surpassed anything I was prepared for. Yet, with it, came an echo, a familiar embrace that lingered like a memory out of reach.

A sliver of something long since lost crept its way into my heart, a sliver I would welcome and cling onto no matter what.

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