Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 102




There is a small spoiler to book 3



“While you might not like him, he will be very useful to you,” Matías nodded towards Adrian, who climbed the steps of the jet and disappeared inside. “He speaks excellent French.”

‘He also speaks out of his rear,’ Aasim snuffed, eyeing the steps and wanting to launch the wolf male from them.

I gave a curt and sharp nod, silencing the small growl I hadn’t realised had been rumbling away from my chest.

“Astennu, Badru, don’t worry about your pack. I will see to its protection myself,” my head spun in the older Alpha’s direction upon hearing his declaration, surprised he would leave his home to defend ours. “Thiago will look after Opal Sun in my stead.”

“Thanks, Alpha Matías,” I remembered to use his title.

He was old school and stuck in his ways. No matter how much he had mellowed in recent times, he was still a stickler for the old traditions and ways.

“It’s no trouble. What your father has done…” he shook his head slowly, a dark shadow passing over his face. “I made mistakes with my daughter and her mate, but never like this.”

“Mistakes?” Catalina interjected herself with a harsh glare at her father. “If you think two months is a long time to be without your mate, papá here kept Beth away from her mate for two years.”

“Mija,” he warned in a low drawl and a stern gaze.

“You did, and I’m still salty about it,” she stuck her nose in the air and stalked off to board the jet.

“Good luck to you if you ever cross her,” Matías patted each of our shoulders in a knowing solidarity and turned to leave in the waiting car.

“Are we saving your mate or what?” Adrian poked his head from the jet’s hatch, clapping his hands as though we were trained dogs. “Chop chop, boys.”

A snarl tore at the back of my throat, my aura flaring with my wolf’s indignation, and the ahbil (asshole) just laughed despite baring his neck automatically.

“Please don’t kill him,” Thiago handed me the last small case of equipment. “He has a mate and she’ll miss him dearly.”

“I don’t think Aste can make that promise,” my brother nudged my shoulder.

“And please, keep Cata safe,” our friend spoke in a hushed voice, looking over us to make sure his sister wasn’t listening. “Don’t let her get in over her head.”

“I think her only danger is Ru shoving her out of the plane.”

“Clones! Come on, dammit!” The said she-wolf yelled with impeccable timing to prove my point.

“There’s parachutes on board, just an FYI.”

“For me or her?” My brother stormed off towards the plane, and I doubted his statement was a rare grasp of sarcasm.

‘We’re gonna be lucky if all four of us make it to France, let alone rescue our mate and return home,’ my wolf huffed.

‘Let’s look at it as the ultimate Alpha test. If we can do this, we can do anything.’

I quickly followed my brother up the steps, moving out of the way of the pilot, who drew up the door and secured it. Grabbing the closest seat, I strapped myself in for the plane’s take-off as it juddered down the runway and climbed its ascent. I gripped the armrest, hating the pop in my ears that rang with the change in altitude. The shift in pressure always sent Aasim a little nutty too, whimpering to escape the brief weight constraining our temples.

When the plane levelled out, we wasted no time gathering around the small table to devise a plan of attack. The finer details may have to come when our feet were firmly on the ground with our eyes on the location, but we had twelve hours ahead of us and I would utilise every minute… for Evie and our son.

“From the information I got, the fight ring hides in plain sight in an affluent area of Toulouse, near a bridge called Pont Neuf along the River Garonne,” I typed the location into the tablet in front of me and placed it in the middle for all four of us to see. “The place has a front that’s dressed as an exclusive night spot to look like some fancy club for the super-rich, called ‘Versailles’.”

The establishment wasn’t shown on the map, but when searched, a single website popped up with only one page; the name, wrapped in gold, and ‘VIP lounge’ printed underneath.

“Named after a pit of decadence and debauchery,” Adrian took the tablet to see if a street-level view of it was available, which it wasn’t. “How fitting.”

“Did the pendejo tell you how to get in?” Catalina muffled as she crammed a sope into her mouth.

“Yeah,” my extreme actions to extract the information began to sink in and weigh on my mind ever so slightly, enough to make me uncomfortable. “It’s only open to members, aka, patrons that can pay through the nose for it. They have a sigil ring to get in. No ring, no entry. Finley didn’t have one because he didn’t need it. He had Marceau’s invitation, which we are certainly not going to have.”

“I say we worry about how to get in when we see it,” Badru stole one of the sopes and completely ignored Catalina’s objections to the theft of her food. “There might be a spot nearby where we can watch for a way in.”

This would be where my brother’s strengths came into play; reacting to the situation on the fly.

“Already on it,” Catalina clicked on her laptop, part of a masa base hanging from her lip. “There is a very expensive hotel with views of Pont Neuf from one of its penthouse suites, which I have just booked under Adrian’s name as he’ll be completely unknown. We’ll have a straight shot view from there to find a way in.”

“Cata, I’m hurt,” Adrian faked a pout. “You saying I’m a nobody?”

“You are until my brother makes you his head warrior, so enjoy it while it lasts because it’s coming in quite nifty.”

“This club,” I tried to get the discussion back on track. “I don’t think the four of us are going to be able to stroll in and walk around together.”

We would also need to keep an eye out for Marceau. If he was there, he would recognise Badru and me in an instant.

“And without knowing the clientele, other than rich, we won’t know if an Alpha aura would raise questions,” Adrian pondered aloud. “Can you two hold your auras, like Catalina can?”

I nodded and Badru answered, “we do mediation for it. We can top out at roughly four hours, so we’ll need to find our way in, and the fight ring within the club, before then.”

“I still think we,” I indicated between me and my twin. “Will need to split up when we’re in there. We’ll draw way too much attention together and we might have better luck in separate search parties.”

“I have an idea and every one of you will hate it, but it’ll work,” Catalina smirked, eyeing me and Adrian specifically.

‘She has that evil smile again!’ Aasim barked.

“The last time you said that, he was dropped on us,” I thumbed the tool opposite.

“A man on his own will look suspicious and no one will believe for a second a woman as fine as me is out by herself…” Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

I rolled my eyes at her high opinion of herself, noticing Badru had mirrored my action.

“…We split into couples. I can pretend to be el tonto (the fool’s) side-piece,” she pointed to Badru, who looked as though he was about to explode, but stopped when her smirk spread and her attention shifted back to Adrian and me, waving both her index fingers between us. “And you two can pretend to be mates.”


“Can you say that again? I think the altitude is affecting my hearing,” Adrian made a show to try and pop his ears like he had misheard.

My brain was still buzzing in a nauseated repetition of having to play-act any form of attraction to Catalina, that I almost missed the last part she said.

‘Astennu and Adrian pretending to be mates?’ Baniti huffled a snigger. ‘This rescue mission just got interesting.’

“Adrian already has a mating mark, so it’ll be believable, providing we hide your neck, Aste. And the two of you really have that whole sizzling s****l tension thing down.”

“s****l tension?!” Astennu choked and even Adrian, for all his quips, was silenced.

“Yeah, I feel like the two of you need this huge intense make-out session to get it out of your system,” she reclined back, crossing her arms and looking pretty proud of herself.

‘Brother’s eye is actually twitching! Ok, I’ll put up with devil spawn simply to see our twin having to pretend to be that guy’s mate,’ my wolf lost himself to a fit of laughter and I barely managed to catch my chuckle and disguise it as a cough.

“I’m gonna have to break my promise to your brother and kill you myself,” Astennu’s face turned a ruddy shade I don’t think I had ever seen before. ‘And you laugh one more time, Ru, you’ll be getting a parachuting lesson with her.’

‘How do you think I feel? I’ll have to pretend to be with Catalina.’

“Can’t we just go straight to Marceau’s base?” I suggested, wanting a way out of the make-believe mates scenario and my brother’s threat to strap a parachute to my back. “You said it’s in some

mountains, right? Aren’t the Pyrenees near the south of France? We can avoid all this,” I circled my finger in the air, indicating all of us.

“They knock out the fighters for transport. Finley was too, so he didn’t know where it was exactly. It could be in the Alps for all we know,” my brother threw his hands up in the air. “What are we gonna do? Scour every mountain range in Europe?”

‘Sounds more tempting than having Catalina on my arm for a night,’ I grumbled, side-glaring the damn she-wolf for suggesting this stupid idea.

“Then I guess we’ll have to go with Catalina’s plan,” Adrian playfully reached across the table to stroke my brother’s hand, which earned him a raging snarl. “Just remember, no tongues, buttercup.”

‘Yeah, our twin has it way worse,’ Baniti bit down on his laughter.

I sent a silent prayer up to our mate, as I watched my brother’s eye continue to twitch with the irritation I could sense flooding my being. And I was sure my own indignation raged right alongside.

‘Wherever you are, Evie, I hope you have a backup plan because your rescue party might require the assist at this rate.’

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