A Spoonful of Sugar: Don’t Beg for Love

Chapter 559

Chapter 559

Even though they covered Renfrew's head, he could still hear their conversation. Not only that, but he

also had a good sense of direction, so he knew that they were going downstream.

As he followed after them, he hoped that he could find the phone that he had thrown away.

With that thought in mind, Renfrew did not struggle and allowed Carter to carry him. Although Carter

sensed that Renfrew was exceptionally quiet and well-behaved, he felt something was off. However, he

soon shrugged off the feelings since Renfrew did not have anything on him at the moment.

* NôvelDrama.Org content.

After arriving at the factory according to the GPS, Hesper and Renee rushed in but found it in disarray.

Apparently, the kidnapper had just left with Renfrew.

"How did they know we were coming? We were so close!" Hesper exclaimed. However, they were

racing against time.

"This area is sparsely populated, so they can't have gone far. You go upstream to search while I'll go

downstream to meet with Nathaniel. Let's message each other if we find Renfrew," she added.

"Okay, Ma'am."

Hesper sent a message to Nathaniel, telling him that the kidnapper had left and that they might

encounter each other soon. She urged him to be careful, but she did not receive a response.

As darkness crept in and enveloped the sky in a shroud of black, Hesper felt a gnawing sense of worry

clawing at her insides.

Although Nathaniel was a grown man and had brought others with him, they did not know how many

people they were up against. What if something went wrong? She could not let anyone else get hurt

because of her.

With a determined mind, she hastened her steps downstream to meet with Nathaniel, hoping to find

Renfrew or at least ensure everyone's safety. The area was sparsely populated and the broken lights

cast eerie shadows on the river bank. The forest was so silent that it felt like every footstep was

amplified. Hesper and the dozens of people behind her treaded cautiously, their senses on high alert.

Hesper's mind raced as she considered their next move. Had Renfrew's captors gone upstream? It

seemed unlikely, but she could not rule it out. As she was about to voice her thoughts, her eyes caught

a flicker of light in the distance. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the only possible source of the

light could be either 013 or Nathaniel and his team.

Hesper halted the bodyguards trailing behind her from rushing forward and said to them in a low voice,

"Hold on, let's approach cautiously. We can't afford any more mishaps."


"Two adults getting fooled by a kid like some clowns."

As the man took Renfrew from Carter's grasp, he held him like a puppy, almost weightless in his arms.

Just moments ago, 013 had rendered Renfrew unconscious to prevent him from contacting Hesper.

Now he was completely helpless.

Both 013 and Carter hung their heads, ashamed at the situation they found themselves in. They knew

they had been outsmarted by a mere child. But they couldn't blame Renfrew entirely, as he had been

coached by Myriade herself. The man's indulgence of Myriade had led to these embarrassing


Of course, they couldn't voice such thoughts out loud. The man held Renfrew aloft, and in the dim,

flickering light, his gaze fell upon the roiling river beside them.

"If something were to happen to Renfrew here, she wouldn't suspect me, would she?" he mused, his

tone laced with uncertainty.

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