A Night With The King

Chapter 70

Lance woke up to Sophie sleeping in his arms, he couldn’t help the smile that crippled to his lips. Just watching her sleep made him feel so at peace, Lance knew for a fact that he was in big trouble with the woman sleeping beside him. She didn’t even need to do anything to get his attention, all he could see was her and nothing else, being with her put his mind at ease and it wasn’t just about the sex, it was her, she was good for him and he had every intention of keeping her with him for a long time and he made sure she was aware of that fact. He wasn’t about to let her go when doing that would be like shooting himself.

When spoke to the princess yesterday, he couldn’t count the number of times they had talked about her and then the princess told him that he was whipped for her and pointed out how his smile grew when he mentioned her name, he couldn’t even deny it. She had him in a chokehold and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Stop looking at me like that, Your Majesty,”

She said covering her face when she opened her eyes and saw him looking at her, he smiled and moved the hand she had over her face away from it.

“Why? I like looking at your face, I have to look because I have to go and be a king for the next couple of hours and I won’t see your face in that time.”

He lamented. He didn’t want to get out of bed but he had responsibilities that he had to handle; he didn’t like how he could only spend evenings with her. That’s why when he could get away early yesterday, he came to her early.

“You know, you act like you just met me, I have been working with you for two whole years now, like, you see my face every day, why are you acting like you just realized I am here? I have been around for two years,”

She reminded him. Yeah, the fact that it took him so long to realize what he had with her was beyond what he had thought.

“I know that fact and you should know that our relationship now is different from what we had before,”

He responded.

“If you knew you were going to be all over me like this, why didn’t you do it sooner?”

She asked. She was right, he wished he had seen the light sooner, so many things would have been different if he had. On the bright side, he knows now and they were together.

“I am slow, okay, now I just want to look at you all day,”

He told her and got out of bed even though that was the last thing he wanted to do. He made sure to give her a kiss before he got out.

“I have a couple of meetings today and I might not come around early, but if I can, just know that I will be with you,”

He said and walked away from her naked. He turned around when she didn’t say anything back and saw her watching him.


He asked.

“Nothing, I think you forgot that this is your room,”

She pointed out.

“Oh, I know, you are to stay here until I get back, don’t go anywhere, I will let the maid know that she should serve you food here,”

he told her. She had that frown on her face again that he didn’t like on her.

“Why are you frowning again?”

“I can’t stay here, I will go back to my room, I would prefer no one knows I spent the night with the king in his room,”

She replied. He just stood there confused as fuck, surely, she knew it was the same person that attended to them last night, the same person who was her personal help that was coming to attend to her too, no way she doesn’t know that.

“It is your personal help, Soph, not someone new,”

He told her just in case she thought otherwise, as he was talking, she got out of bed and pulled her robe on.

“I don’t care, I just don’t want anyone to see me in your room so early in the morning, whether it is Riley or not,”

“Sophie, even if these people do not see you, they already know that we have a thing going on, this palace might be huge but it is not that big that people won’t find out about us and you are not my dirty secret why do you want us to be some kind of secret, I get that there has to be some limit and I have made plans for that by only allowing a few people that I have their words work with you, why do you want to be kept as a secret so bad?”

Lance asked. He just couldn’t understand why she wanted to hide away.

“You won’t understand, you are a man and the king, you get a free pass, I don’t get the same privilege,”

She fired back at him.

“What kind of privilege are you talking about right now?”

Lance asked. He was so confused, all he told her was that she could stay in his room and people would come to attend to her there, he was thinking about her well-being, she is always at the emerald house, she must be bored out of her mind and his room was huge and she could use a change of places, if she was acting like this because he asked her to change places for just a day what would she say if he asks her to go out and get some fresh air around the palace?

“You know, what, let’s not have this conversation please because no matter what you say, I can never be comfortable enough to just let anyone see me in the king’s room so early in the morning,”

She said stubbornly.

“Sophie, what, why? You are my girlfriend, no one will bat an eye when they see you here,”

“Oh please, even I didn’t know that detail until last night, and even knowing doesn’t mean I have to show the whole world that I am fucking the king,”

She let out an offended tone, he didn’t know why she was the one feeling offended when she was also the one picking a fight with him.

“Sophie, why do you say it like it is a bad thing?”

He questioned. He really didn’t want to pick a fight with her about something so trivial in the morning when they had such a great time last night and had been okay until a moment ago.

“I never said it was a bad thing, I am just saying what I already said, I am not staying here until you get back, in fact, I am leaving right now,”

“Okay, stop, why are you mad at me?”

He asked, blocking her from leaving. He couldn’t even figure out how they went from having a normal conversation to her threatening to leave.

“Why am I mad at you? Do I look mad? I just said I am not going to let everyone know I fucked the king in his room last night, what’s not clicking?”

She yelled out. Okay, she was acting weird, and no way what he said made her so angry that she was now yelling at him.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t you dare shout on me, woman, I am still the king and deserves some respect, I command it,”

He let out in frustration, he hated the words when they came out and hated how her expression changed, he knew immediately the words were out that he should never have said them.


He called her name but she shook her head.

“I am sorry, I thought you were just my boyfriend right now, sorry, my king,”

She apologized.

“Soph, no, that’s not it,”

He said, reaching for her hand.

“I am sorry, yes, it is me, your boyfriend and you can tell me everything,”

He tried to make amends but she wasn’t having it.

“No, you are not, you are the king and that’s the real thing,”

She replied.

“Come on Sophie, I just want to know why you are so mad at me, I just wanted you where I could easily see you, I don’t know why that pissed you off,”

Lance said in a calm voice.

“You really want to know why? Get out of my way, mister,”

She responded, he did as he was told and she matched away just like that without turning back. He followed behind her, determined to fix whatever it was that was the problem but when he held the door handle to open it, he realized she locked the door from within.

“Come on,”

He said and knocked on the door, he had the keys to the door, and at first, he wanted to open it just to go talk to her and fix things but then he stopped and walked back into his room. She wanted space and a normal boyfriend would give her that. He would, of course, fix things with her once he gets back, no way was he going to let silly things cause a rift between them.

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