A Night With The King

Chapter 35

Lance walked angrily into his chamber, half expecting to see Patrick waiting for him so that he can give instructions to send that crazy woman, Sophie away but when he needed Patrick to be around, the man wasn’t there. He tossed his phone on his bed and stamped around his bedroom in anger, the way she had the mind to talk back at him in such manners and even call him names when all he did was ask her what happened between them the night before. He woke up naked and alone with no memory of what happened the previous night, at first, he didn’t think anything about the fact that h was naked but then when he got out of the bed and noticed that he had come to Sophie, he had to rethink and still couldn’t remember a thing, his first thought had been that he slept with her and that would explain why he had been naked, he waited for her to come back to the room but she didn’t so he went out to look for her and found her in the other room which pissed him off, if they slept together then why did she have to leave him alone and naked and go to a different room? Was she trying to mock him and that’s what he wanted to ask her? Yes, he might have asked her in a harsh tune but he expected her to give him a definite answer of what happened as he had been so sure they slept together but she didn’t give him an or at least the answer that made sense, she went on and on about what he didn’t care about right now and when he had pressed her for the truth, she had to lie that he kissed her? He couldn’t have done that, if anything happened between them, he was sure she was the one that initiated it and not his drunk ass.

“Fucking crazy woman,”

He let out still pacing left and right, he knew he should calm down and try to fix his hangover at least but he was too mad at her. It took everything in him not to call the guards to send her out of the emerald house, she didn’t deserve what he was doing for her.

“What happened? Why do you look so pissed when it is still so early in the morning?”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Lance turned at the sound of Patrick’s voice. He didn’t even know when he walked in.

“It is none of your business,”

He fired at him. He knew better than to tell Patrick what happened. The man would only nag him nonstop and that’s the last thing he needed right now.

“Okay, you have a meeting by eight am and the time is almost seven, you should get ready,”

Patrick told him.

“You are not pushing it? What happened?”

Lance asked. It was unlike Patrick to just back down so easily.

“You look hangover and the last thing I want is to make it worse, go take a bath and I will have the cook bring so soup to help with the hangover,”

Patrick responded.

“Right, today is important,”

He responded and walked to the restroom, his mind wandering back to the woman who was responsible for his current mood. He would deal with her after his meeting, he has been too kind to her and it was time to treat her like the potential thief that she is. He took his bath, a cold bath to help clear his head, and got ready for the meeting which would take place in his throne room. He had breakfast and some medications to help his headache and went in for the meeting that lasted for over five hours.

“I will just stay here,”

He said to himself when Patrick led the guests out of the throne room after the meeting ended. He brought out his phone to check his mail and he somehow ended up in his gallery.

“What the heck?”

he let out when he opened the first recording on his phone and heard Sophie telling his wasted self to look at the camera. He looked like hell and felt some kind of shame.

“Okay, this is a lot,”

Lance said to himself as he continued watching what he had done the previous night, what made that woman even think of recording him and why did he even look the way he did? He looked so pathetic throwing up all over the place and rolling on the ground. To be fair, she had every right to be mad at him this morning if this was what he put her through last night and this morning he confronted her again, he suddenly felt bad for how he had spoken to her earlier today, she didn’t deserve to be the one cleaning his mess, he should have stayed away from her. She was right, and Patrick was right too, he should stay away from her so that she can breathe freely.

“I am not going to go near her again unless it is related to what is going on,”

He told himself as the door to the throne room flew open and a very angry-looking princess Roseline stood at the door, he didn’t expect to see her, didn’t even know she was in Otano, last he remembered, she went back to her kingdom. Lance just stared at her while she walked in glaring at him. Like she had no reason to be mad at him when she was the one that canceled on him the last time.

“I know you are the king and all but how hard is it for you to make time for me when we are supposed to be married soon? You don’t call, you don’t check on me, when I call you don’t take my calls and when I ask for us to meet, you either don’t show up or you just send that fucker assistant of yours, I have seen his face more times than I have seen the face of the man I am supposed to be marrying in a few weeks”

She complained. The woman before him was beyond beautiful and everything of a princess, with diamonds endowing her body and hair, a flowery and expensive smell but Lance couldn’t help comparing her to the other woman he also somehow made angry this morning, both beautiful but one’s beauty calls to him and draws his attention even when she doesn’t wear or own anything expensive. He realized this woman and that other woman had a lot in common, first on the list being that they were both mad at him, second, they were both the same height and even though they might not have met, they kind of had the same mannerism when they are angry talking.

“Why are you just sitting there and staring at me like I am some kind of crazy woman? Are you not going to say anything?”

She let out, Patrick walked in at that moment and the angry woman turned her attention to him.

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