Winning My Ex-Crush

Something Matters to Me

Fenella’s POV

I didn’t know what made me so bold. In my mind at the moment, I just wanted to make sure that people got the justice they deserved. Oh, I knew I sounded foolish thinking about justice, but I felt I had to do it now.

“I’ll do it.”

“Wait a minute, Fenella. We should discuss this further.”

Laird looked at me with wide eyes. He seemed caught off guard and couldn’t believe I had said that.

“Ah, finally, someone has some guts,” Mr. Golden exclaimed happily.

“You shut your damn mouth,” Laird warned Mr. Golden, while the man chose to sit back on the sofa.

“Fenella, please don’t do it. Alan is dangerous enough for us. Bringing down Peter is a more dangerous task than we could possibly imagine. That man only wants to hide behind us and make us roll out as sacrifices,” Laird said, pointing at Mr. Golden.

“But, Laird, you were the one who said we needed to imprison them. We want him out of our lives. So we should do it wholeheartedly.”

“But, Fenella, it’s dangerous. We don’t have to get caught up in his do-or-die scenario.” Laird finally sat back down beside me.

“Laird, I know that, but we can’t do it half-assed. I just want to stop all of this once and for all,” I insisted.

“Kids, here’s your spaghetti.” My mother came out of the kitchen with a large serving plate of spaghetti.

“Let me help with the plates.” Jessy got up and went to the kitchen, while Matthew drooled at the delicious smell of my mother’s cooking.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Laird gripped my hand tightly. I squeezed it back and then stared into his eyes. There were still so many things he seemed to want answers for, and I felt we couldn’t discuss them here.

“Let’s talk more upstairs,” I said to Laird.

I then got up from the sofa, pulling Laird to follow me to the room upstairs. As we were leaving, my mother called out to me.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” My mother asked with a frown.

“Just save some for us,” I replied briefly.

I then pulled Laird to go upstairs. Once we were in the room, I immediately locked the door. I then invited Laird to sit on the bed and face him directly.

“Sorry for dragging you up here. I didn’t want this discussion to be overheard by Jessy and the others.”

“It’s okay, Fenella. I think we do need to talk in private,” Laird said softly as he sat cross-legged to face me fully.

“Good. Actually, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your constant support and protection.”

“It’s the right thing to do,” he said.

“Yes. But do you remember when I said that you always run away when facing difficult situations?”

“Oh, no, Fenella. It’s not that I want to run away-”

“Hey, it’s okay, Laird. I think I’ve learned that people have their own instincts. If you’re the type to avoid fire, then I’m the impulsive type who would jump into it to protect something important to me,” I interrupted him.

“I just want to protect you,” Laird whispered desperately as he squeezed both my hands.

“Yes, I know. In the end, you will always protect me and jump into the fire with me. Since elementary school, you’ve always come to help me eventually.” I chuckled softly.

“It’s amazing when I feel like I have a backup army always ready to help me. I can’t thank you enough.” I shook my head in disbelief at what I had with Laird. My hand caressed Laird’s cheek along with a wide smile at him.

“What do you want to protect this time?”


I examined every corner of Laird’s face. His thin beard along his jawline, the lines on his forehead, the prominent tip of his nose, and his thick, brown lips from smoking. I even knew how the corner of his right lip tilted slightly upward from smiling unevenly so often.

“I don’t want to be separated from you. As long as Alan, Amy, and Peter are free, we don’t know what they’ll do to separate us.”

“Yes, Fenella. You’re right.” Laird lifted my hand in his and gently kissed the palm.

“My mother. I don’t want Amy to keep exploiting the state’s social foundation funds, while my mother works hard to collect donations from selling second-hand items and homemade cakes.” I then squeezed Laird’s hand.

“And the children in the hospital who always wait for volunteers like me to cheer them up. Those kids should receive real operational funds, not manipulated funds for personal gain.” I shook my head, biting my lower lip.

“And Jessy, he’s an easy target for Alan. How many times has Alan exploited Jessy’s weaknesses in his work? I don’t want Jessy to be forced to become Alan’s accomplice and support him.”

Laird looked at me intently. Our breaths were calm in my room. We contemplated everything I had said to ensure we were certain of the steps we needed to take.

“Not to mention the people out there who don’t know that Peter has been embezzling their money all along. Everyone has been deceived by Peter.” Laird finally spoke to support my reasons.

“That’s it. You already know it. We need to stop them.” I nodded quickly, and a smile appeared on my lips.

“Alright, Fenella. I understand.” Laird nodded his head and exhaled slowly.

“I know it’s dangerous, but I trust that you will help me, Laird.”

“Yes, Fenella. I will help you. I will always be on guard near you.” Laird squeezed my hand tightly.

It seemed we had reached an agreement. All because I knew only I could enter their circle. I had proven several times that I could disrupt them with my presence. This time would be no different. I was confident we would succeed in getting a confession from them all and arresting them.

“Thank you, Laird.”

I hugged Laird tightly and kissed his cheek affectionately. He then tightened his embrace around me. His arms wrapped around my waist and back as if he would never let me go. His lips brushed my cheek for a moment before he finally inhaled the scent on my neck.

“I love you, Fenella.”

“I love you more, Laird.”

“I need you by my side. I’m too afraid to lose you now.” He whispered into my neck.

“I need you more. I know I wouldn’t be this brave without you by my side.”

“Now I’m even more afraid you’ll do something reckless. Should I leave so you can be more careful in making decisions in your life? Becoming a reckless and irresponsible woman again.” Laird chuckled as he kissed the tip of my nose.

“No, please. You’re my only strength to survive.” I laughed softly as I hugged his neck.

“You know Gene will close and your career will fall after Alan is caught, right?” Laird looked at me again with a hint of doubt.

“I know, but now I feel brave enough to start everything from scratch. Will you be with me, Laird?”

“Of course, you silly. We will build our own legit business empire.” Laird laughed softly and then kissed my lips.

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