My Mommy Is A CEO

Chapter 62 If we are all not we…

Jacob selected a few photos that he was most satisfied with and then said to the reporters:

“Tonight you will go back and write the story, tomorrow morning I want everyone in the city to know that Lucia went out with me privately, and the story will also involve Arthur, the more difficult to say the better, he did not threaten you with false reports before? Now there are photos to prove it, he won’t dare to make things difficult for you.”

“Okay!” The reporters led the way and left, only Jacob’s minder stayed behind.

“President, are you really interested in Lucia?” Samuel is worthy of being a close friend who has been with Jacob for many years, and immediately guessed what he was thinking, and now asked the question, just to confirm it, so that he could act somehow in the future.

“Don’t tell Poppy,” Jacob’s words had amounted to a tacit acknowledgement.

“That’s natural,” Samuel showed a sly smile and said, “President, do you want to put Lucia back on top and replace Mr. Su?”

Jacob pondered for a moment and then replied, “I can’t stand her anymore.”

Samuel nodded in response to the words, complaining: “Usually we are very strict with Su, and often let us report your whereabouts to her, temper and crazy, president, what do we need to do in the future, you can say.”

This is the first time Samuel dared to show in front of Jacob’s dissatisfaction with Poppy, in fact, he and several other Jacob’s cronies have long looked at Poppy displeased, Poppy is not only cranky, and the company’s financial aspects of the extremely strict control, can not allow them to make some private benefits and oil, often drink orders them to do this and that, Samuel has long looked at her Samuel has long been displeased with her.

“Well, we’ll talk about that later. By the way, where’s Poppy now?” Jacob initially thought Poppy would really come running to stir things up, but she was nowhere to be seen from start to finish.

“Su went out with her friends, but the more she doesn’t care, the stranger I feel.” Samuel returned.

“You guys usually take more time to watch her, and report to me if she makes any changes that affect my plans.” Jacob openly let his men know that he had begun to watch out for Poppy, in fact, when he heard Samuel say that Poppy had privately asked her cronies to report her whereabouts Jacob already had a hidden fire in his heart.

It seems that between herself and her, there is no trust to speak of either.

“Yes!” Samuel responded readily, and the two finished talking about things before leaving the cafe.

It was already past ten when Lucia arrived home. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Nia on the couch, bored and swiping her phone, and Theodore had apparently gone to bed in his room.

“Nia, please.” Lucia said apologetically to Nia as soon as she entered the living room, now that what she had asked her to do was beyond her remit, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“Don’t be polite to me,” Nia put away her phone and smiled carelessly, asking Lucia, who was already sitting beside her, “lucy, who did you just go to see?”

Lucia gave Nia a straightforward look

Answer: “Can’t say.”

“Well …” Nia did not feel lost, Lucia has its own way of doing things, she will not pursue, but … she still can not help but curious and concerned, asked about Arthur’s matter:

“What’s going on with you and Mr. Davies these days?”

Nia suddenly mentioned Arthur, Lucia was not expected, the next second brow immediately frowned slightly, a pair of starry eyes flashed the most real pain, Nia and Lucia have been together for a long time, immediately saw that she and Arthur must have some problems between them.

“You and Mr. Davies, did you really break up?” Originally these questions Nia did not want to ask, but she really could not bear to see Lucia like this, even if she is willing to say it, perhaps the mood will be much better.

“You all saw me hiding from him, right?” Lucia asked softly as she raised her hand and rubbed her brow.

“Well, it’s not just me, all the people saw it.” Arthur, who waits downstairs at Jibillion Inc every day, is praised for his affection, but Lucia, by contrast, gets a bad reputation for playing with people’s hearts, which is the last thing Nia wants.

“If only …” Lucia gathered her eyes, her voice like a sigh, and said in a low voice: “If only we were all not us… …”

Nia frowned at this comment.

“Well, it’s very late, it’s not safe for you to go back later, it’s better to go home early and rest.” Without waiting for Nia to wonder more, Lucia looked up and said to her, the pain under her eyes just now, as if it had never appeared, disappeared without a trace.

“lucy…” Nia felt that it was really bad for Lucia to keep her heart all bottled up in her own mind, and she was still trying to make a final struggle, hoping she would tell herself.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can’t say.” Lucia understood what Nia meant, but, really, she couldn’t reveal anything.

Nia sniffed and sighed. Lucia was so persistent, she didn’t have the cheek to keep asking questions, so she had to get up and say goodbye.

Lucia wanted to walk Nia downstairs, but Nia wouldn’t let her, saying that the car was in the underground garage anyway, and it would be bad if Theodore woke up later and couldn’t find anyone.

When Nia left, the room was full of silence, Lucia sat back on the sofa and curled both legs up, hugging her knees as she repeated in a low voice what she had just said to Nia: “If only … we were not us… …”

The words dissipated, Lucia’s shoulders trembled slightly, the empty room, a faint low sob sounded quietly.

The next day, when people in Athegate were still sleeping, the city’s major printing houses were working feverishly, and a gossip magazine was being moved quickly along with the assembly line, and soon after, when people got up and washed up for work, these magazines were dispatched to various newsstands, and even a self-published push message appeared on cell phones.

Under Jacob’s manipulation, Lucia, who was already in the limelight, was saddled with the crime of seducing her ex-husband and attempting to destroy his current family.

Arthur does not pay attention to gossip magazines, until noon, Kyle really can not help but take the news entertainment media reports to him to read, he only learned about this matter.

Arthur looked at the report word by word, a pair of eagle eyes deepening in color, especially when he saw those photos attached to the report.

In the photos, Lucia and Jacob are sitting across from each other, either looking at each other or chatting calmly, and they seem to have a good relationship, even, there is a photo of Jacob holding her hand at the end of the report.

He ignored the reporters’ nonsense about Lucia’s intention to seduce her ex-husband and so on, but the photos were not deceiving, and it really showed that Lucia did go out to meet Jacob alone last night.

Arthur tightened his eyebrows, his heart was confused coiled with a mess, irritable nowhere to vent.

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